
Christmas in July Toy Drive for Sister Clare (in Rpsarito) a brillant success!

Gypsy Jan - 7-18-2012 at 06:28 PM

By Anne Hines-Mullen

"Thanks to the hard work and dedication of Chuck Drouet, Ann Plantenberg, & a crew of amazing volunteers, this annual event brought in cash donatio.ns in excess of $1,200, and filled the back of Chuck's truck with a variety of toys to be given out to the children at the Sisters of Mercy annual Christmas Posada in December.

A very special thanks goes to Splash2 Restaurant Owner Nicolas Santos and Manager Sammy for offering their premises for the event.

The happy revelers enjoyed a delicious brunch provided free of charge by Spash2 and served by their efficient staff, while enjoying music provided by Ceasar.

If you missed this one, be sure to join us for our annual fall toy drive - watch for the date.

Sister Clare Manhart RSM extends her gratitude to all the participants. Sister Clare's contact info is "

A "stealth" AG

thebajarunner - 7-18-2012 at 08:01 PM

Just what we need,
a discretely appointed Attorney General,
makes it easier to blend into the shadows.

Ah, but we shall see what we shall see....