

Baja Bernie - 7-19-2012 at 08:54 AM

Just want you to know I am thinking of you. I know you love my poems and so I thought I might send this one to you and I am sure that you are having some unruly thoughts at this time.

Unruly Thoughts

Sadly said
And poorly put
Jumbled thoughts

My head

From here
To there

No stopping
Veering off

Bounding back


Into space

Bernie Swaim
June 8, 2012

[Edited on 7-19-2012 by Baja Bernie]

thebajarunner - 7-19-2012 at 03:57 PM

Nice words, my man,

wessongroup - 7-19-2012 at 04:13 PM

Thanks ...

BajaGringo - 7-19-2012 at 05:56 PM

We keep you close old friend in our hearts, thoughts and prayers...

Udo - 7-19-2012 at 05:58 PM

Would it be too much to ask that you get dropped by, DENNIS, at the wine fest next weekend?

We would all love to see you!

Brought this forward

Baja Bernie - 7-22-2012 at 04:33 PM

Hoping that Dennis would see it now that we know he is somewhat back in the saddle.

thebajarunner - 7-22-2012 at 05:06 PM

He posted this morning,
Nice to see some life in the old boy
(you too, in fact)


tiotomasbcs - 7-22-2012 at 05:14 PM

Dennis has lots of good old friends! Let him choose his own time and place to post and appear! Myself, I'l troll Sharkys on my way north! It's all good!. Tio

Marc - 7-22-2012 at 05:32 PM

That's good!!:yes::yes::yes:

molly - 7-22-2012 at 06:38 PM

Dennis has been getting use to being back home again. He is doing
great. So much happier being back in Baja. He is working hard on his therapy trying to gain more strength in his left side. Can walk with a walker but needs someone at his side to be sure he keeps his balance.
Lulu is sooo happy her buddy is home.
Dennis is reading most of the latest posts. I am sure it won't be long
before he starts posting again. Vicente has been such a big help with
Dennis. Dennis' neighbors have been helping him too, building up the front
door so he can get in with a wheelchair etc. Someone is always stopping by to see if he needs anything.
He is in good hands. Just has a lot of work ahead of him. He has a positive
attitude and will do fine.

Lindalou - 7-22-2012 at 06:57 PM

Originally posted by molly
Dennis has been getting use to being back home again. He is doing
great. So much happier being back in Baja. He is working hard on his therapy trying to gain more strength in his left side. Can walk with a walker but needs someone at his side to be sure he keeps his balance.
Lulu is sooo happy her buddy is home.
Dennis is reading most of the latest posts. I am sure it won't be long
before he starts posting again. Vicente has been such a big help with
Dennis. Dennis' neighbors have been helping him too, building up the front
door so he can get in with a wheelchair etc. Someone is always stopping by to see if he needs anything.
He is in good hands. Just has a lot of work ahead of him. He has a positive
attitude and will do fine.
Thank you Pam for taking such good care of him and they said no one else would step up! You are indeed a very good friend to have. I am glad you are mine.

[Edited on 7-23-2012 by Lindalou]

EnsenadaDr - 7-22-2012 at 07:04 PM

Thank God for Pam and Linda...they truly are angels!!! I am happy and relieved that things are going as well as they are. Thank you Pam and Linda!! And thanks to the community for being there and helping.

shari - 7-22-2012 at 07:07 PM

Way to go big guy!!! I'm sure all the cheerleading helped get you home quicker. Thanks Pam & Linda for being there for big D in his time of need. Go get em da MAN!

Lindalou - 7-22-2012 at 07:14 PM

Thanks Shari, Vincente got left out, he too is an angel.....Linda

[Edited on 7-23-2012 by Lindalou]

BajaBlanca - 7-24-2012 at 11:38 AM

great news about his recuperation !

what does his physical therapy involve ? (If you don't mind my asking....)

DENNIS - 7-24-2012 at 02:41 PM

Originally posted by BajaBlanca

what does his physical therapy involve ? (If you don't mind my asking....)

walking with devices...[canes etc.] revivng and training my left side muscles....repetition, over and over......
patience is a key ingredient.
sadly, there's not much offered at Sharky's for the time being.

in spite of what many said, that my driving days may be over, i'm managing to drive and shift my nissan truck [i do that in where i live] well as drive my jeep, with automatic tranny all over town , Punta Banda.

one hand typing isn't all that much fun, but better than nothing.

I'm, all in all, doing well and am pleased with the progress.

more later....including a thread full of gratitude for all of the heartfelt support for which i've been overwhelmed.
it's nice to have friends when all else fails.


[Edited on 7-24-2012 by DENNIS]

sancho - 7-24-2012 at 02:44 PM

Welcome back D, I guess it goes without
saying you are the most Beloved BN


bajaguy - 7-24-2012 at 02:44 PM

Great to hear from you, Dennis!!!!!

All of us are pulling for your speedy recovery. Glad to hear you are able to get around.

I will see you in late September

BajaGringo - 7-24-2012 at 02:50 PM

Great to hear from you old friend. If there is ANYTHING I can do to give you a hand/help/assist, please know that I will be there in a heartbeat. Keep up the hard work and have patience - it will surely pay off big time...

DENNIS - 7-24-2012 at 02:52 PM

Originally posted by sancho
Welcome back D, I guess it goes without
saying you are the most Beloved BN

ahhhh..thanks Sancho. very nice of you say that, as well as give Fulano's minions something to chat about while they're sitting down to a feast of used toilet paper. :lol:

DENNIS - 7-24-2012 at 02:57 PM

Originally posted by BajaGringo
Great to hear from you old friend. If there is ANYTHING I can do to give you a hand/help/assist, please know that I will be there in a heartbeat.

Thanks RON....I know you would, and I appreciate it......more than I can say.

Cypress - 7-24-2012 at 03:00 PM

Glad you're working you way back. A stroke is about like being struck by lightening.:yes:

Heeeee's Backkkkk!

thebajarunner - 7-24-2012 at 03:57 PM

Originally posted by DENNIS
Originally posted by sancho
Welcome back D, I guess it goes without
saying you are the most Beloved BN

ahhhh..thanks Sancho. very nice of you say that, as well as give Fulano's minions something to chat about while they're sitting down to a feast of used toilet paper. :lol:

Definitely the "old Dennis"
We would have it no other way....

and, you still owe me that beer....:yes::yes::yes::yes::yes::yes::yes:


DanO - 7-24-2012 at 04:50 PM

Originally posted by DENNIS
Originally posted by sancho
Welcome back D, I guess it goes without
saying you are the most Beloved BN

ahhhh..thanks Sancho. very nice of you say that, as well as give Fulano's minions something to chat about while they're sitting down to a feast of used toilet paper. :lol:

Washed down with? Nice to see you back, and in fine form.

Osprey - 7-24-2012 at 04:54 PM

Good going. The indominable Dennis. Knew you would come out fighting.

I can't do anything to help you. I'm way down here in the outback. I send you good vibes. When you can use your computer all day everyday I'll know it and send you some Jorge stories.

Bad Times Bring out the Best ?

MrBillM - 7-24-2012 at 06:34 PM

Given the Wealth of Warmth which has Welled forth from this Minor Misfortune, just think of what Elegant and Effusive Eulogies would have been forthcoming had the end result been the END result.

It Almost makes you wish, doesn't it, THAT ............?

Well, maybe not.

Best of Luck.

DENNIS - 7-24-2012 at 07:15 PM

Originally posted by MrBillM
Best of Luck.

why, thank you, Bill.
your comment as to my "minor misfortune" brings to mind an often heard refrain from those who ask me, "hey....waaa happened to youse?"
I'll wipe the Pablum from my chin with my bib and reply, " well, I had a stroke."
Then, they'll look me in the eye and say in an understanding , conspiratorial way, "'s only a bump in the road."
Gawwwdammm.....if I had a beer for every time I've heard that, I could open a bar.
Don't get me wrong here, I love hearing about that notorius bump because it brings back some of my most memorable moments in Baja......driving a dirt road to the horizon atop a small rise and being presented with a scene of matchless beauty, a snowy white beach holding back the opalescent sea, and not a sound to be heard other than the gentle rythm of the waves.
All of this we've seen, time and time again, but never before enduring the ritual of the "bump in the road." Many, in fact.
So, when someone tells me I must endure another bump in the road, I look forward to it. The rewards are many.

OK.....first prize goes to whover can tally up all my misspellings an other errors.


[Edited on 7-25-2012 by DENNIS]

Russ - 7-24-2012 at 07:33 PM

I only saw one. (Of course this is easy for me to correct I've not gone through what you are.) Screw the bumps full throttle ahead.:tumble:
Welcome back!

Bob H - 7-24-2012 at 07:36 PM

Originally posted by DENNIS
Originally posted by MrBillM
Best of Luck.

why, thank you, Bill.
your comment as to my "minor misfortune" brings to mind an often heard refrain from those who ask me, "hey....waaa happened to youse?"
I'll wipe the Pablum from my chin with my bib and reply, " well, I had a stroke."
Then, they'll look me in the eye and say in an understanding , conspiratorial way, "'s only a bump in the road."
Gawwwdammm.....if I had a beer for every time I've heard that, I could open a bar.
Don't get me wrong here, I love hearing about that notorius bump because it brings back some of my most memorable moments in Baja......driving a dirt road to the horizon atop a small rise and being presented with a scene of matchless beauty, a snowy white beach holding back the opalescent sea, and not a sound to be heard other than the gentle rythm of the waves.
All of this we've seen, time and time again, but never before enduring the ritual of the "bump in the road." Many, in fact.
So, when someone tells me I must endure another bump in the road, I look forward to it. The rewards are many.

OK.....first prize goes to whover can tally up all my misspellings an other errors.

[Edited on 7-25-2012 by DENNIS]

WOW, DENNIS.... very well stated. So glad to see you back on the board!!

DENNIS - 7-24-2012 at 07:40 PM

Originally posted by Russ
I only saw one. (Of course this is easy for me to correct I've not gone through what you are.) Screw the bumps full throttle ahead.:tumble:
Welcome back!

You are too kind, Russ.
Hey....sure could use some sunrise shots to start my days [daze].

J.P. - 7-24-2012 at 07:45 PM

REALLY GLAD YOUR BACK. Dammmm those spelling police.
Pablum and all they will NEVER match Your Wisdom or the best Part Your Amasing WITTTTTTTTTTTTTTT

DENNIS - 7-24-2012 at 07:55 PM

Originally posted by J.P.

Thanks, John. It's good to be back.

EnsenadaDr - 7-24-2012 at 07:56 PM

Yes, DENNIS, I am sure your buddy JP is glad you're back!! Not so long ago, in fact less than a month, he was predicting I was gonna be driving your mint condition black Jeep all over Punta Banda. Not only did you prove him wrong, but you were shifting gears before I ever got into the driver's seat!!!

DENNIS - 7-24-2012 at 08:01 PM

Originally posted by Bob H
So glad to see you back on the board!!

Thanks, Bob. I appreciate that.

J.P. - 7-24-2012 at 08:05 PM

Originally posted by EnsenadaDr
Yes, DENNIS, I am sure your buddy JP is glad you're back!! Not so long ago, in fact less than a month, he was predicting I was gonna be driving your mint condition black Jeep all over Punta Banda. Not only did you prove him wrong, but you were shifting gears before I ever got into the driver's seat!!!

My Misson Was and still is to Expose you for the sick, Evil fraud you are. and that hasn't changed nor will it.

DENNIS - 7-24-2012 at 08:07 PM

Originally posted by EnsenadaDr
Yes, DENNIS, I am sure your buddy JP is glad you're back!!

Please....try to be nice....just once. It won't hurt.

OH Really JP

EnsenadaDr - 7-24-2012 at 08:10 PM

If being a sick, evil fraud means I forced Dennis against his will, and against all his friends' wills (because they wanted what Dennis wanted) literally to take an ambulance to the border and go to extensive rehab so he got back here to be able to have some quality of life, so be it. I have been in the health care field too long to worry about what other people think. You see, to survive in Punta Banda, you don't want to upset the American Proverbial apple cart. And to go against the grain means to have people call you all kinds of names, people like you. But I am glad, and I am still glad that I whisked Dennis into that ambulance fighting like a banshee. He's around to walk and talk about it today. You see John, I am here on this earth to do what I think is best for others, and not to fit into the latest and greatest wine party or to care what others think of me, especially someone who did nothing to help him.
Originally posted by J.P.
Originally posted by EnsenadaDr
Yes, DENNIS, I am sure your buddy JP is glad you're back!! Not so long ago, in fact less than a month, he was predicting I was gonna be driving your mint condition black Jeep all over Punta Banda. Not only did you prove him wrong, but you were shifting gears before I ever got into the driver's seat!!!

My Misson Was and still is to Expose you for the sick, Evil fraud you are. and that hasn't changed nor will it.

[Edited on 7-25-2012 by EnsenadaDr]

[Edited on 7-25-2012 by EnsenadaDr]

Ateo - 7-24-2012 at 08:18 PM

Come on. Let's try to get along. Just a blanket statement. Stoked to see DENNIS posting.

I don't know any back stories so lo siento.

[Edited on 7-25-2012 by ateo]

J.P. - 7-24-2012 at 08:28 PM

My apologies to DENNIS and TO members of this board.
I konw its usless to engage in a battle of witt's with a unarmed person.

Another day another topic

yes apologies but who started it??

EnsenadaDr - 7-24-2012 at 08:31 PM

Yes any senior citizen who can't spell wit and spells it with 2 t's instead of one is severely unarmed in this day and age. My apologies as well.
Originally posted by J.P.
My apologies to DENNIS and TO members of this board.
I konw its usless to engage in a battle of witt's with a unarmed person.

Another day another topic

[Edited on 7-25-2012 by EnsenadaDr]

DENNIS - 7-24-2012 at 08:37 PM

Originally posted by EnsenadaDr
But I am glad, and I am still glad that I whisked Dennis into that ambulance fighting like a banshee.

Had I not wanted to go, I wouldn't have. I wasn't exactly in a coma....nor was I being difficult. All I did was lie there with a cooked brain and do what I was told.
It was all for the best and I appreciate your involvement in the decision process.
I'm all of a sudden very tired and off to bed.

EnsenadaDr - 7-24-2012 at 08:41 PM

OK Dennis, thanks for your support. As I remember it, you did tell Dr. Avila you were going home.

DENNIS - 7-24-2012 at 09:10 PM

Originally posted by EnsenadaDr
OK Dennis, thanks for your support. As I remember it, you did tell Dr. Avila you were going home.

My reference to a spiritual journey. :light:

EnsenadaDr - 7-24-2012 at 09:13 PM

Oh come didn't mean that at the time...the drama is coming back!!

RnR - 7-24-2012 at 09:17 PM

Originally posted by DENNIS

OK.....first prize goes to whover can tally up all my misspellings an other errors.

[Edited on 7-25-2012 by DENNIS]

You started a spelling contest and DK's on vacation in La Paz ???

He's not going to be happy! :mad::mad:

Wetcome back. Sure did miss your posts!

DENNIS - 7-24-2012 at 09:24 PM

Originally posted by RnR
You started a spelling contest and DK's on vacation in La Paz ???

He's not going to be happy! :mad::mad:

Wetcome back. Sure did miss your posts!

I only did that because he isn't here to correct me, but he's reading the board and it's only a matter of time before he gives me a rightous scolding. :lol:

Thanks for the 'welcome back."

shari - 7-24-2012 at 10:20 PM

Oh big D....geezo....I'm ever so glad you are back and in fine form as always...but the toilet paper dinner quip brought tears to my eyes instead of spitting my new mix all over the keyboard...sniff sniff....I love you man!

Bajatripper - 7-24-2012 at 10:50 PM

Hey, Dennis, glad to see that you're back. Been off the boards for a bit so it was a real treat to find out that you're again contributing to the discussions.

Missed ya, buddy.

Welcome back ol buddy........

mcfez - 7-25-2012 at 09:52 AM

You are one tough old goat to be back home already......and getting back into the routines of that harsh Baja life that you are stuck with :-)

The BN is back to normal now, with your return. Regards. Deno

bajadock - 7-25-2012 at 10:08 AM

Welcome home DENNIS. Encouragement for your return to health.

If there is anything I can do, deliver, lift or stay the heck out of the way, holler. In TJ, photo at San Antonio del Mar, but, back to the hood tomorrow night.


DENNIS - 7-25-2012 at 11:18 AM

Originally posted by shari
I love you man!

Merci Mon Shari.

DENNIS - 7-25-2012 at 11:20 AM

Originally posted by Bajatripper
Missed ya, buddy. did not :lol::lol:....... but it's nice to hear. Thanks, Steve.

DENNIS - 7-25-2012 at 11:24 AM

Originally posted by mcfez
The BN is back to normal now, with your return. Regards. Deno

Thanks, Deno. Keep up the good fight, my friend.

DENNIS - 7-25-2012 at 11:28 AM

Originally posted by bajadock

Welcome home DENNIS. Encouragement for your return to health.

Good shot, Doc. I can almost see Her Maddness, Maggie hangin' ten or twelve on one of those waves out front of her place.


Cypress - 7-25-2012 at 12:15 PM

DENNIS, Good to see you're back onboard.:yes:

Good to get it from the burro's mouth!

toneart - 7-25-2012 at 01:02 PM


It is so good to see you posting again and to be able to get first hand information from the source (you) as to your progress and well being...and of course...your opinions.

I know you were monitoring this board throughout your ordeal. My normal Skeptial self gave opinions based on informtion available at the time. It was not until your well being was verified by visits from reliable Nomads that I conceded that you were in good hands according to your wishes, and then I butted out. I gave profs where they were due and then elected to not post anymore regarding your well being until you personally jumped back in.

The Golden Rule applies, as I would want the same from Nomads if I were in a crisis.

Welcome back!!!


DENNIS - 7-25-2012 at 02:57 PM

Originally posted by toneart
Welcome back!!!


Thanks, Tony. It is well- appreciated.

desertcpl - 7-25-2012 at 03:13 PM

I will chip in this also

A BIG welcome back Dennis,



DENNIS - 7-25-2012 at 03:21 PM

Originally posted by desertcpl
I will chip in this also

A BIG welcome back Dennis,



Thanks, Ken.

D/26ennis Sunrise Thursday 7

Russ - 7-26-2012 at 06:27 AM

Another Morning !

mulegemichael - 7-26-2012 at 07:29 AM

DENNIS!....good to have ya back on board!

DENNIS - 7-26-2012 at 08:24 AM

Originally posted by Russ
Another Morning !

Thanks, Russ.

DENNIS - 7-26-2012 at 08:26 AM

Originally posted by mulegemichael
DENNIS!....good to have ya back on board!

Thank you, Mike. Great to be here.

Mulegena - 7-26-2012 at 08:42 AM

As per our last conversation, DENNIS, you need to come inspect the fireman's pole get-down-quick exit we put up in the rooftop palapa.

spell check?

durrelllrobert - 7-26-2012 at 09:22 AM

Originally posted by DENNIS
Originally posted by RnR
Wetcome back. Sure did miss your posts!

Thanks for the 'welcome back."

looks like WETcome back to me :lol::lol: