
Reports of dorado and sailfish in BOLA

Santiago - 7-24-2012 at 12:18 PM

Read on BD that dorado were caught yesterday and a sailfish was caught a few days ago. Pictures of the sailfish on Mia's site. Time's a wastin'.......:cool:

Pescador - 7-24-2012 at 12:56 PM

Yeah, but you are up north coolin' your heels. :D

David A. - 7-25-2012 at 05:29 AM

We are headed down to Gecko Sept 1 to see if we can get a few. The Dorado fishing should be good by then.:tumble:

Hook - 7-25-2012 at 06:44 AM

I was noticing just yesterday on Tempbreak this huge body of warm, blue water just south of BOLA. I mentioned to myself, "I'll bet that water has dorado in it".

Maybe tuna, too. If you're trolling for dorado, run some smaller lures, especially near diving boobies and spinner dolphins.

Mateo-Feo - 8-3-2012 at 06:39 AM

I'll be in BoLA on Aug. 29th, hopefully they are there. I saw some of the Dorito's they were getting. Small but a good sign non the less.