
Govenor's visit to Bahia Asuncion

shari - 7-28-2012 at 09:43 PM

Marcos Covarrubias, the Governor of Baja Sur came to Asuncion on Thursday to inaugurate our new baseball stadium...the only one in the area with astro turf and lights. The stadium was crowded and the mood jovial...the Governor was an impressive speaker...very relaxed, humorous and warm.

He talked about the importance of sports and the youth of today needing healthy activities and donated some boxes of balls to the local teams and even tried to hit a pitch.

some of the kids had never seen astro turf and were trying to pick it...

But the crowd applauded the most enthusiastically when he announced that as of today, work would begin to fix the nasty pot holed part of the road that everyone is complaining about.
This means a great deal to our village...and sure enough, the surveyors were out yesterday and machinery will start work on Monday. He also gave us a new garbage truck and talked about the aqueduct and paving project along the coast road.

He spent a long time with people in the stadium hearing their petitions for help and listening to their comments....hey aren't those some nomads up in the center?

he listened patiently to a woman's plea then got on the phone to work out a solution right then and there.

I got to chat with him a bit and thanked him for the road improvement citing how important it is for all of us...his aid then asked for a photo and grabbed my camera and took this picture too...I was kinda nervous and a bit embarrassed but the Guv was very sweet. My first photo with a Governor.....awww shucks

His entourage was pretty impressive and had the town hopping trying to accommodate everyone....glad I had lots of spare mattresses and bedding for the crew. They were supposed to go to Tortugas afterwards but enjoyed being in Asuncion so much, they decided to stay and leave early in the morning. They had a good party at the mayor's house out by our place so I got to have a beer with the Governor...pretty cool...they sure had alot of fun Asuncion style.

Here are a few of the entourage enjoying the abalone omelette and waffles on the patio. It was nice to be able to amiably chat about our area and bring to their attention how central baja has so much to offer in natural attractions but lacks some important infrastructure like good roads and an least the ability to buy av gas in Guerrero Negro would be a great asset. I mentioned the importance of planes being able to fuel in central baja and how accidents have occurred because of the lack of fuel availability....and of course mentioned the importance of the sport fishery and how detrimental a commercial dorado fishery for another cup of coffee sir?

It was a great visit and left the town smiling and hoping for the best.

Oh...and the best thing was that all those political folks actually DROVE here on that awful road so they got to experience it first hand.

[Edited on 7-29-2012 by shari]


captkw - 7-28-2012 at 10:46 PM


Ateo - 7-28-2012 at 10:57 PM

Great photo with the governor...........amongst MANY!! Sweet.

Sunman - 7-28-2012 at 11:10 PM

Huge day for B.A. Hope it pays's a special place.

tiotomasbcs - 7-29-2012 at 05:29 AM

You be Stylin, Lady. How great they drove in over the bad road! No way to miss everyone of those potholes. The townspeoples faces showed hope and civic pride. Hope for the best.:spingrin: Tio

ElCap - 7-29-2012 at 08:04 AM

Very cool. Tell us more about that new turf ballfield - is it at the site of the old stadium, or brand new facility? Did it get built by local workforce, or did an outside crew come to build it?

shari - 7-29-2012 at 09:04 AM

The original stadium was upgraded this year to a super duper fancy dancy one with astro turf and huge lights. It looks amazing and the baseball teams and fans love it. We have hosted many state games here because of the quality field we have which has brought some economic gains to the town...gas, food, beer sales etc.

It was a government funded project built by outside workers brought in for many months.

Many locals were upset with this enormous expenditure because the village could use many other improvements like the health clinic, a center for the old folks, electricity to new barrios etc.

But this is a baseball town and most of the locals attend the games which are a huge sunday event. So the village is very proud of the new stadium.

[Edited on 7-29-2012 by shari]

David K - 7-29-2012 at 09:35 AM

Terrific and great they drove in instead of flying over the pot holes! Bummer we missed meeting him by one day!

I am very happy you got to talk to him Shari, as you have always had the needs of your community at the top of your priorities... well done!