
Any fishing news between Chivato and Loreto?

BajaHawk - 7-30-2012 at 05:53 PM

Some buddies are heading down now - even though I couldn't go.
What is the fishing like?

Try here

tehag - 7-30-2012 at 06:22 PM

BajaHawk - 7-30-2012 at 08:37 PM


Burbs - 7-31-2012 at 05:44 PM

My latest time on the water was a week ago, but we do get some local reports. Something better than nothing!

A week ago in big seas we caught three dorado about 10 pounds and some skippies. Had a nice hit on a new marauder that dhad the character run of a wahoo. Since the lure was new it had the telltale saw marks on the side of a wahoo. This was off the Santa Inez islands. We did lose some larger dorado...just one of those days.

Reports south off of the peninsula are red snappers to 10 pounds and nice big yellowtail on bait and iron. Told in Mulege today that dorado are thick close to the peninsula tip and some were caught real close a couple of miles out of the Mulege area.

Lots of hatching sardines in the bay. Coyote bay has been seen a month of continuous fry hatches! The pelicans might be eating themselves to death as there are many dead on the beach! Anyway lots of bait down the road if they can escape the seiners later at the mouth.