
ATM's The 20/99 Rule

DavidE - 8-3-2012 at 09:20 PM

Yep I started out for Mulege this morning. Drove sane. Arrived in
vizcaino, and got the tires switched on the car. Headed for the one and only bank and the one and only ATM in a 40-mile radius.

Long-long cola. Nine, fourteen, seventeen, twenty and then me.

28 minutes later I got to be second in line. Then a young man came out and said "Está fuera de servicio".

Read the screen. Yep. The machine is out of money. 11:40AM. The young lady ahead of me had remarked she had tried earlier and found over thirty people in line. Maybe forty she said. Went all the way across the portico and out into the parking lot.

My 20/99 rule goes like this: If I get in a line with 20 or more people ahead of me waiting to use the ATM, ninety nine times out of a hundred it will break down just as my turn comes.

No way was I going to try to go 130 miles with 20 pesos jingling in my pocket. And a quarter tank of gas. Yeah then I get -there- and get into some glitch, like 500 miners waiting for whatever ATM's are available in Santa Rosalia. It's Friday, and social insecurity decreed my money shall arrive of the third And then have enough arrogance to continue on to Mulege (thinning fumes by then) to see an ATM screen message that says "Bienvenidos! Stupid! Estoy Bancarrota "

The Vizcaino Bancomer ATM does not like me. four out of eight tries, out of service, two tries out of eight, limited to a thousand pesos. Continue to Guerrero Negro, Bancomer, cajero automatico, NO PROBLEMO.

So i laughed and ended up back in Guerrero Negro. The Similares store just had a delivery an hour before I got there and they dug through the packages to find my medicines. Life in the slow lane.

Ateo - 8-4-2012 at 04:28 AM

Thanks for the laugh. I'm sorry you had to drive back to G. Negro but that was a smart move.

Timo1 - 8-4-2012 at 07:06 AM

Did they take the other ATM in Vizcaino out ???

There used to be a free stander south of the bank

tiotomasbcs - 8-4-2012 at 04:28 PM

I've done that! And chose GN and was awarded for my choice. First of the month! Farm workers paycheck! You could possibly worky out a pymt system wsomeone like Kadeakeman but would cost 10% or gas money to and from GN. Ya gotta love the Central coast cause some things are not easy but can be done! Tio

Lee - 8-4-2012 at 05:42 PM

Originally posted by DavidE
My 20/99 rule goes like this: If I get in a line with 20 or more people ahead of me waiting to use the ATM, ninety nine times out of a hundred it will break down just as my turn comes.

If I were a betting kinda guy, I'd bet you still get in line with 20 or more people.

I'd also bet it took a lot of long lines to come up with this rule.

DavidE - 8-4-2012 at 06:42 PM

Lee, I wish I didn't have the experience. It is frustrating. In Guerrero Negro I walked right up to the machine twice. Nobody around. Coming back I passed the Bancomer in Vizcaino and counted eleven folks waiting in line. I was driving in the paralelo so I could pull over to get the count right.

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PREMIUM 10.45 liter

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