
Cloudy & Batterries a little low (storm photos added)

Russ - 8-5-2012 at 07:04 AM

So this morning I'm running the generator for awhile. I closed up the casita and turned on the AC. It works really well for just the bdrm but is marginal for the casita but with the fan directing cool air my way it feels really good and the humidity is almost half of the outside. I may run the generator a while longer. :yes:
Towards Mulege:

Over the Hotel:

[Edited on 8-5-2012 by Russ]

Marc - 8-5-2012 at 08:04 AM

So you are off the grid? BTW how's the water situation. Is Mr. "Blue Fingers" still around??

Burbs - 8-5-2012 at 08:19 AM

Nice pictures!

BajaBlanca - 8-5-2012 at 08:20 AM

everyone is off the grid in chivato ....

Russ - 8-5-2012 at 08:23 AM

Yes, all of Chivato is off the grid. And doesn't look like Power will come in in the foreseeable future. There is a new water line being but in that will supply water for those Parcels on Shell Beach that have paid the tariff. The Luhans are working on getting our road legalized and then hopefully we'll get some help maintaining it. There are a lot of parcel owners to get the legal papers to cross their parcels and of course then the surveys (always a lot of surveys). It'll take a lot of time and money that so far the Luhans are putting up. Blue Fingers is always a mystery. I know the hotel is open now but I don't know anything about their water. And I like it that way.

[Edited on 8-5-2012 by Russ]

DavidE - 8-5-2012 at 09:38 AM

In 1985 I chatted with a large group of CFE engineers in Santa Rosalia (they were connected with the thermoelectric project being developed north of Ejido Bonfíl).

The subject of Punta Chivato was raised by me. One engineer said CFE had done a study and concluded it would have taken (eight hundred thousand dollars +) to run a distribution line out to the hotel. I told Bill Alvarado this, and a gentleman by the name of (Hilbun?). All the engineers shook their head at that figure. Apparently the cost/benefit to x number of residents figures did not tally high enough. "How does one run a distribution service near an airport?" was another statement. My god. Twenty-seven years ago?!?

Russ - 8-5-2012 at 12:11 PM

They have done many surveys as to where the lines would be run. The last one a few months ago was lower that your 27 year old study and they wanted us to pay a large portion of it and it didn't include the hookup charge or the line along Shell Beach. So the cost may have been even higher at completion. Solar is OK and most of us have over $12,000 in our systems when you figure battery replacement and panel upgrades. Those that didn't spend the $$ on quality paid later. It's normally calm here during the night so wind really isn't an option.

DavidE - 8-5-2012 at 12:34 PM

"The last one a few months ago was lower that your 27 year old study"

I sure don't lay claim to any study. The above is a recollection of what was said at breakfast. IMHO a power line would be synonymous with a paved road, roaring traffic, and legions of new two story houses. Then comes a large boat ramp, more hotels, mini-supers, and blaring boom-box corridos.

mooose29 - 8-6-2012 at 10:59 PM

Thanks for the pictures Russ. We will be leaving to come down on Wed, and are really looking forward to some down time. Should be there for a week if we can take the heat. Kids have a rare few days off from their sports teams so we are taking advantage of the small window to get a trip in before school starts.



jkruk - 8-7-2012 at 06:47 AM

Great pictures Russ,
How about one showing how far Bobby has gotten with the pipe line.Been down to the end of the beach to check on my house worth a loaf of rye bread for each trip jim

Russ - 8-7-2012 at 07:24 AM

Jim taking Beth & mom for a ride that way tomorrow will take a walk around you place in the boonies. Pipe line is going a bit slow. $$ because there are a lot of folks and parcel owners that haven't put money in. I don't think he has plans to go past Harveyville unless he get funding. That could be a misconception on my part though. Love rye bread. Costco has big loafs that are good.