

vseasport - 8-5-2012 at 02:37 PM

August has arrived and East Cape is experiencing the most consistent bite of the season. Schooling yellowfin are being found by fleet boats from Punta Perico to Los Frailes and providing limits for most targeting tuna. Some schools are just breezing while the better grade of tuna are with porpoise. Sailfish have been consistent for a while and now big blue marlin are bending rods.

It is my opinion and observation that our season has finally kicked into gear but it is about a month behind. We are normally knee deep in Yellowfin starting early May but this year they didn't arrive until June. Traditionally blue marling fishing turns on early July but it didn't happen this year until August. Looking ahead it is going to be interesting to see what fall brings.

Blue marlin finally show.

Dana Presley battles her first ever billfish and starts with the bar set high.

Dana's estimated 300 pound blue marlin

Diego releases Dana's fish

Sailfishhave been in the same area as the blue marlin

Reece Presley catches her first sailfsih

Siblings Rylee and Bryce both hooked up to their first tuna

This was the Presley families first visit to the East Cape. Look at the smiles, I have a feeling it won't be their last.

That is the end of my tale for this week

For frequent East Cape updates "like"

Mark Rayor
US cell 310 308 5841

Burbs - 8-5-2012 at 06:16 PM

Superb pics! Thanks for the motivational post!