
why do Mexicans.....

Bajaboy - 8-17-2012 at 04:07 PM

play their music so wife and I are sitting on our front porch enjoying a beverage....maybe 300 yards behind the stage for tonight's band...they are doing a sound check and we can barely hear one modo.....:tumble:

[Edited on 8-17-2012 by Bajaboy]

Skipjack Joe - 8-17-2012 at 04:14 PM

Because ....

A. They're unrefined.

B. They believe in living life fully. Which is directly related to volume.

C. They're young and we're old. What is fatiguing to the old is often energizing to the young.

DavidE - 8-17-2012 at 04:37 PM

(They didint name 'em "ghetto blasters" for nuthin') Not "Barrio Blasters".

Go to any shopping center in the USA. The intense chest thumping impulses you feel are thousand watt amplifiers trying their damndest to pop every spot weld in those automobiles.

"Getouttheroadb-tch, getouttheroadb-tch"

Mexicanos can't hold a candle to that.

DENNIS - 8-17-2012 at 05:23 PM

"why do their music so loud"

Don't really know.Why do White people care?
The answer to your question is the opposite of the answer to mine.

Jes kiddin'. I hate loud music....even if it's good.


[Edited on 8-18-2012 by DENNIS]

Lee - 8-17-2012 at 05:54 PM

Mexicans don't have a sense of spatial correctness. Since most Mexicans like to party, they believe everyone likes to party -- and loud music is shared music. Gringoes don't count.

Just my take on it.

norte - 8-17-2012 at 06:06 PM

Originally posted by Lee
Mexicans don't have a sense of spatial correctness. Since most Mexicans like to party, they believe everyone likes to party -- and loud music is shared music. Gringoes don't count.

Just my take on it.

You never know. Maybe they are least in their own country. Just my take on it.

durrelllrobert - 8-17-2012 at 06:26 PM

because they can, even at the grocery stores, etc.

desertcpl - 8-17-2012 at 07:14 PM


I really understand what you are saying

OMG it can just get over the top, we have been in that situation before.
its just being Mexican,

along those lines , I have never understood , why when you hire a panga the only thing they will do is wide open throttle
and it beats you to death,

willardguy - 8-17-2012 at 07:16 PM

drown out the barking dogs?:light:

jeans - 8-17-2012 at 07:32 PM

My parents went into a new restaurant a while back for lunch.. it was empty but the music was blaring. Since they were the only ones there, they politely requested them to turn down the music. They refused, saying "How will people know we are open?

My parents..their only customers on a gorgeous afternoon...left

mrfatboy - 8-17-2012 at 07:46 PM

It should be "why do musicians play their music so loud?"

Because each musician thinks his music/instrument is the best and wants to be heard! It's hard to hear nice guitar over a blaring horn. It's a game of one upmanship. LoL

[Edited on 8-18-2012 by mrfatboy]

Paulina - 8-17-2012 at 07:48 PM

Cute story, Jeans.

Zac, I feel for you. One time our neighbors pulled into their place at 2am, fresh from driving in from Ensenada. They blasted their music till 9am when they all passed out. I don't think it was so much a cultural thing as it was just plain rude.

They woke up later in the afternoon to find that they had pulled too far into their driveway and partially onto the beach. They were very stuck in the sand and after many failed attempts they finally came over to ask for a tow.

At that point I had the upper hand. They were apologetic and very respectful with the level of their music after that.

When the town has dances we can hear the music from across the bay, 5 k from town.

I just hope it's Nortena if I have to hear it. The new wave thumping techno dub step stuff drives me nuts. (showing my age here)


desertcpl - 8-17-2012 at 07:51 PM


yes I know, its a Mexican thing

and why do they raise the prices on things when their business goes down, I have never understood that one
I know they are doing the math, but they think that they will make up for the short fall by charging more ??????

Bajajorge - 8-18-2012 at 09:21 AM

Some folk in Mexico can't afford to buy a radio, CDs or whatever other music making devices are out there.
The ones that have a music making device play it loudly to share their stuff with those that don't have stuff.
Sort of like redistribution by the 1% to the 99%.:barf::barf:

Loud BANDA music

EnsenadaDr - 8-18-2012 at 09:30 AM

It's all a matter of consideration. My next door neighbor in my apartment complex blasts her banda channel on the radio. Several times I have gone over to ask her if she is deaf, and to no avail. She gets highly insulted when I ask her to turn it down. The landlords have a house that is adjacent to the apartment complex. Without warning, they will have a live band playing banda till 4 in the morning. And its like the drums and the horns are right in my ear.

I do like loud music, especially if it's a rock band I like, but Banda gives me a slightly nauseated feeling and I think we do need to be considerate of our neighbors as well.

Lee - 8-18-2012 at 09:34 AM

Originally posted by norte
Originally posted by Lee
Mexicans don't have a sense of spatial correctness. Since most Mexicans like to party, they believe everyone likes to party -- and loud music is shared music. Gringoes don't count.

Just my take on it.

You never know. Maybe they are least in their own country. Just my take on it.

There are limited choices of words in this situation. ''Correct'' does not imply right or wrong.

On an empty beach, why does a MX family come up to where I'm sitting and make themselves at home? The spatial thing isn't there. Maybe boundary is the word.

When the boom box comes on, I leave. Otherwise, it's party time.

Had friends I'd visit, they had 2 young children who'd play in a small LR area, screaming and fighting where I couldn't carry on a converation with my friend -- I'd have to shout to be heard -- I'd look at the kids, and at him, and think: he doesn't hear the kids. He's use to the shouting and this is normal to him.

If I grew up in MX with music blaring in the house, next door, I'd think this is normal.

Just my take on it.

Lee - 8-18-2012 at 09:39 AM

Originally posted by EnsenadaDr
..... She gets highly insulted when I ask her to turn it down.....

..... I think we do need to be considerate of our neighbors as well.

Maybe we read too much into blaring music. Why would a neighbor playing loud music be ''insulted'' when asked to turn it down? Does she think it's you with the problem. Seems that way.

Is the landlord considering your feelings when his banda music cranks up? Is he purposely insulting you?

Don't think so.

DENNIS - 8-18-2012 at 09:41 AM

Originally posted by Lee
On an empty beach, why does a MX family come up to where I'm sitting and make themselves at home? The spatial thing isn't there. Maybe boundary is the word.

Definitly a cultural difference with this issue.You can see it in the way they drive and moreso in the way they park their cars.
THE Mexican individual is the center of his universe and all else is on the outside and of little to no importance.

Barry A. - 8-18-2012 at 09:53 AM

When we lived in El Centro, I noticed that many Mexicanos that came up north to shop would park their cars right next to the supermarket in the red-curb zone, something gringos would never even think of doing. We just sorta got use to it, and went about our business. Since it was on private property, the police were helpless unless the land owner requested they do something------never happened as far as I know. It was no biggie, but strange to us, and mildly annoying. It did give us a taste of how they may feel about us and our possibly strange gringo habits when down south.

I think that Dennis has hit the nail on the head------it is a "cultural thing".


EnsenadaDr - 8-18-2012 at 09:59 AM

It's a cultural thing for Americans to flash their cash in Mexico and speak condescendingly to the street vendors as well, according to the Mexicans. Is it polite? No, so maybe both sides should take some steps into curbing their rude behavior.

Ateo - 8-18-2012 at 10:04 AM

I once camped at Salsipuedes to the sound of Banda blasting till 8AM. Very hard to sleep. The wife finally screamed in Spanish and they turned it down a bit. How do you party till 8AM unless there's amphetamines involved?

EnsenadaDr - 8-18-2012 at 10:10 AM

Answer: They don't have to work early in the morning!!!

capt. mike - 8-18-2012 at 10:43 AM

where are you Zac? in BA or at your home in CA??

Lee - 8-18-2012 at 03:33 PM

Originally posted by DENNIS
THE Mexican individual is the center of his universe and all else is on the outside and of little to no importance.

You might be on to something here. Like my friend who doesn't hear his kids playing and screaming feet from him, maybe Mexicans don't hear blaring music. It might not even register to them.

Could this be?

So, being the center of one's universe would be considered narsisistic NOB but not SOB?

Never thought of that.

Bajaboy - 8-18-2012 at 03:49 PM

Originally posted by capt. mike
where are you Zac? in BA or at your home in CA??

Mike, we're at our place in BA....we had a good time at the carnival although I think I lost some of my hearing.

Why can't they be ...... well, like me

Skipjack Joe - 8-18-2012 at 04:58 PM

DavidE - 8-18-2012 at 05:14 PM


Back home I have a 600 watt amplifier, A Kilpsch 12" subwoofer, and a pair of Altec Lansing Voice of The Theater midrange horns. I can shove them all by the sliding glass door. At 0900, comes Bob Dylan's Mr. Tambourine Man. followed by Nervous Norvous Ape Call, then a 17 minute audio clip from Miami Vice, Jan Hammer's piece, chanted by Don Johnson, replete with Ricardo Tubb's screaming "Look out Sonny they're behind you!" and machine gun fire.

Yeah, I did it after enduring a whole night of Corridos and endless "Fine Fine Fine Very Good Very Good Very Gooooooood". Oscar, my tone deaf neighbor wobbled up at ten AM bleeding to death from his eye sockets. He started to curse but I thrust a bottle of Venado tequila at him and urged "¡Andele!" He took a slug. Fool. I had laced the almost tequila with lots and lots of aguardiente. If he had been successful lighting his Marlboro, the bottle would have most certainly caught fire.

His muttered curses changed to "amigos (hiccup)" And eleven something his equally near-death brother in law came to fetch him. They both stumbled down the driveway at noon, vapors surrounding them.

Luis the dueño of the village tienda told me a few days later "Oscar and Jaime say you, the gringo have very strange taste in music but you are one good amable host"

Go figure.

BornFisher - 8-18-2012 at 07:25 PM

A friend was being treated of something in a TJ hospital. Neighbors liked to party till 4AM. Friend said "I`m fine with that. That is the sound of life". At the time, this person had about 8 months of life left. Why do they do it? I guess just to burn out early, like a burned out acid queen!!

Ha Ha

EnsenadaDr - 8-18-2012 at 07:28 PM

Yes, they don't like American Music, especially LOUD American music...good writing David and a good visualization of the morning events!!!
Originally posted by DavidE

Back home I have a 600 watt amplifier, A Kilpsch 12" subwoofer, and a pair of Altec Lansing Voice of The Theater midrange horns. I can shove them all by the sliding glass door. At 0900, comes Bob Dylan's Mr. Tambourine Man. followed by Nervous Norvous Ape Call, then a 17 minute audio clip from Miami Vice, Jan Hammer's piece, chanted by Don Johnson, replete with Ricardo Tubb's screaming "Look out Sonny they're behind you!" and machine gun fire.

Yeah, I did it after enduring a whole night of Corridos and endless "Fine Fine Fine Very Good Very Good Very Gooooooood". Oscar, my tone deaf neighbor wobbled up at ten AM bleeding to death from his eye sockets. He started to curse but I thrust a bottle of Venado tequila at him and urged "¡Andele!" He took a slug. Fool. I had laced the almost tequila with lots and lots of aguardiente. If he had been successful lighting his Marlboro, the bottle would have most certainly caught fire.

His muttered curses changed to "amigos (hiccup)" And eleven something his equally near-death brother in law came to fetch him. They both stumbled down the driveway at noon, vapors surrounding them.

Luis the dueño of the village tienda told me a few days later "Oscar and Jaime say you, the gringo have very strange taste in music but you are one good amable host"

Go figure.


captkw - 8-18-2012 at 07:40 PM

HOLA,,, I have found that lot mex's like CCR and ROY !! and my self (audiophile) with my pIoneer SX1250 & SX1050 to some of my JBL"S like it LOUD sometimes..But loud dosnt sound like cr-p like I hear often in SOB.. BUT THATS PART OF THE BALLGAME.....NO ??...ANY SYSTEM TURNED UP TO THE POINT OF "CLIPPING" SOUNDS BAD !! K&T:cool:

surfdoc - 8-18-2012 at 07:43 PM

Funny didn't hear a thing last night at my place....

Sometimes I wonder that the real question is why do alot of you live or travel in Baja ????

Somethings I guess are best left not understood.....


captkw - 8-18-2012 at 07:45 PM


ballzcowboy - 8-19-2012 at 11:12 AM

Bajaboy I would have to wonder why you would try to sit on a front porch located near a stage. What is your part in all this? For me when standing in the rain I expect to get wet. Go figure.

DENNIS - 8-19-2012 at 11:18 AM

Originally posted by ballzcowboy
Bajaboy I would have to wonder why you would try to sit on a front porch located near a stage. What is your part in all this? For me when standing in the rain I expect to get wet. Go figure.

tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick

The end is near....repent, you fraud.

surfdoc - 8-19-2012 at 11:50 AM

Last night was awsome....

Let the pups out at 0345 and the second band was cranking... VERY good, full horn section and good female vocalist.
I stood out there dancing in my boxers for a half hour, Glad my neighbors were asleep or at the dance.......


Be loud and be proud...

EnsenadaDr - 8-19-2012 at 02:10 PM

I love it loud especially if its good old American music...rock, pop or reggaeton...but after 10 at night I realize others need to get their sleep like I do!!
Originally posted by captkw
HOLA,,, I have found that lot mex's like CCR and ROY !! and my self (audiophile) with my pIoneer SX1250 & SX1050 to some of my JBL"S like it LOUD sometimes..But loud dosnt sound like cr-p like I hear often in SOB.. BUT THATS PART OF THE BALLGAME.....NO ??...ANY SYSTEM TURNED UP TO THE POINT OF "CLIPPING" SOUNDS BAD !! K&T:cool:

Living in Baja...

EnsenadaDr - 8-19-2012 at 02:13 PM

There are always things you love and hate about a place you choose to live in...right now the humidity in Hawaii is pretty suffocating..and its only 11 am..but its part of the whole experience!! Trick is get up super early to do your walking and shopping and avoid the noon hour till around 5 does cool down in the evening however with a nice breeze..
Originally posted by surfdoc
Funny didn't hear a thing last night at my place....

Sometimes I wonder that the real question is why do alot of you live or travel in Baja ????

Somethings I guess are best left not understood.....

Pescador - 8-19-2012 at 02:29 PM

Just like the question about the trash. If you grow up and everyone plays loud music and you play it all night, you come to think that is the way to enjoy music. It is loud in the cars, it is loud in the houses, it is, for sure, loud in the band performances.
We, born and raised North of the Border, were raised on a strict diet of "Turn the Music Down", can't you see I am reading, watching TV, talking to my friends, or whatever, but we went through a very different training.

But, never fear, we will Americanize these guys if it kills us. Turn your music down, stop playing at a decent hour, and for sure pick up your trash when you are done.

And I wanted to come here .............................., Why?

Not loud, but...

durrelllrobert - 8-19-2012 at 02:40 PM

I find it interesting that the first thing my gardner does when he comes to my house, or any of the neighbors, is to drag out a 100 foot extension cord and plug in his boom box to entertain his self while he does he chores. Fortunately it's not so loud that it bothers us in the house and he always tunes it to American music (the Walrus) that's broadcast out of Rosarito.