
Trip Photos

Ken Bondy - 10-20-2004 at 05:40 PM

I finally got some photos from the trip ready to show.



Mike Humfreville - 10-20-2004 at 06:17 PM

Thanks for your efforts. As far as I'm concerned you have now seen the heart of Baja California. You broke down (a necessary Baja experience to get in line with the local sensitivities) and visited so many places that are meaningful to a small number of us "desert rats."

Welcome home and I look forward to many "spin off" adventures stemming from this main story. We were in Bahia de Los Angeles the week before you...Maybe next time...

Amigo Miguel

Grover and Miguel

Ken Bondy - 10-20-2004 at 07:07 PM


It's kind of a long story. I tell it in


Gracias. It was too bad we missed by a week. Like you say, maybe next time.


elgatoloco - 10-21-2004 at 10:21 AM

Great photos! Great story!


jide - 10-21-2004 at 11:00 AM

Great pictures!! Thanks for sharing.
How do you spot whale sharks? I have never had a chance to see one before...

Ken, nice report and pics

bajapablo - 10-21-2004 at 12:08 PM

Did Coco still have that kitten chained up? Please give us more on the whale shark experience. Can you touch, them? What is the best time of year to have an encounter and when do the have their young?

BajaGrrls - 10-21-2004 at 12:20 PM

Wow, excellent photos. Thanks for posting. You've sparked an interest in whale sharks in me! They look amazing.

bajalou - 10-21-2004 at 12:35 PM

Great shots Ken - sounds like a great trip. I stayed at that same motel in BOLA a couple years ago - great and great price. Too bad we don't have more time for thest kind of trips.


Thanks for the kind words....

Ken Bondy - 10-21-2004 at 12:46 PM

To bajapablo: Didn't see any chained kittens at Coco's. Glad of that. Whale sharks are in Bahia de Los Angeles from June until December. IMHO, October is the best month. Yes you can touch them but it's frowned upon unless you absolutely can't avoid it, which happens. I have been in the water with them and have been brushed several times by their bodies and their fins as they swim by very close. They are indifferent to your presence as long as you make no aggressive moves. Noone knows where they bear their young. They are in the bay to eat.

To jide: On calm, glassy days (like the one I had last week) they are easy to see on the surface. The dorsal fin often extends above water and you can literally see their wake from a distance. It's more difficult on days with wind chop, then you have to look for a change in the color of the water. Best way to spot them is to hire a good guide, there are several in BOLA.


PS I will describe the whole whale shark experience in Part 5 as soon as I can.

Bob H - 10-21-2004 at 02:09 PM

Ken, Great shots. These are the best whale shark photos I think I've ever seen. Your trip report is a great read too.
The Gonzaga area is one of our favorites.
Thanks, Bob H

Cool Whale Shark!

synch - 10-21-2004 at 02:54 PM

I'm off to Loreto in a week for a SCUBA trip, hope we see some Whale Sharks then.

Ken's Photo of Whale Shark

David K - 10-21-2004 at 05:11 PM

Here is one of the photos if anyone hasn't clicked on the link to Ken's trip photos. They're great!

Lindalou - 10-22-2004 at 05:18 PM

Thank you Ken. really, really enjoyed the pictures! :spingrin::tumble:

thanks Ken!

bajapablo - 10-22-2004 at 07:58 PM

i enjoyed part 5 of your report also. When we stopped by coco's in June, he had this kitten. When we walked into his place the the thing attacked my friend who was wearing baggy shorts. anyway, coco grabbed the cat by the neck and put it on a chain hooked to his camper shell. Just wondered if it was still there attacking dangling "cat toys".


frizkie - 10-22-2004 at 11:43 PM

Great photos Ken....It's been five years since I have been to San Felipe and Gonzaga. Your pics took me right back there. Looks like Coco has a few more souvenirs..So good to see his Sweet Face...Hmmm? I think he's a little greyer though...Ha! What a guy!!
The whale sharks are soooo beautiful!!! Do you think they will still be there in late November? You've inspired me I think I will hafta stop by LA Bay now. Mucho Gracias!!