
The way it's supposed to work when fishing

Osprey - 8-25-2012 at 03:33 PM

Things don't often go as planned but today was supposed to be overcast, flat seas, water temp 87, air temp 92 and that all played out pretty well.

Three of us in a panga motored to the lighthouse very early hoping that the bulls had come in to join the schools of female dorado there. Just as we reached the lighthouse, on blue and silver big hoochies we hooked up a 50 pound bull and another about 35. Got one more about 30 then were attacked for the balance of the morning by big mean barillette which we used for chum.

I had given the captain some burlap bags that he had aboard and I brought a cooler full of frozen bottles of water, pop, lunch and beer. Since (happily) the dorado were too big for coolers we stuck em in the bags, covered them with the ice bottles, poured a little water on the bags.

When the bite was over, motored to the seamount, jigged up 3 mackerela, drifted for a few minutes with those and brought in a stripped marlin just under 200 pounds -- big guy. Back on the beach, the captain fileted the dorado, put the filets in gallon baggies, put the baggies and the bottles back in the coolers while we took a nice swim.

Kinda offsets, for me, a little bit, the many many trips where I just watched the dorado and other fine eating fish frying in the bottom of the panga (poaching is the right word but not in this context) while we spent hours and hours searching for more fresh fish to ruin.

I have several small lures that seem to be effective for dorado this time of the season because the fish are are chasing veladores, flying fish, and the lures mimic the smaller ones and are very enticing. If I had to choose just one lure down here to live on it would be those little 4 or 5 inch flat head plastics with blue and silver and white skirts >> simple and effective like today. We fished in the center of about a dozen resort charter boats and we watched them catch a lot of throw back barillette but we didn't see them boat one dorado.


captkw - 8-25-2012 at 05:10 PM

HOLA, I bring down or sometimes find white burlap stlye plastic bags for fruit and veggies and constantly add water on top..seems to keep the fish cool for me....and yes I'm talking in the winter.. so maybe not the best answer for all..but helps with no self cringe when I see fish in the sun....bad mojo !! K&T:cool:

jbcoug - 8-25-2012 at 07:56 PM


Congratulations on a great day!


woody with a view - 8-25-2012 at 08:13 PM

Sr Osprey,

we will be in the hood in mid Oct and i'd love nothing more than to shatter the illusion (both ways!) and take you and your sweetest out for lunch or dinner. if we could squeeze in some fish lip ripping that would even be better, but that is just me being impatient!

as always, may the dolphin nip at your loins.....:P

BajaRat - 8-25-2012 at 10:03 PM

Wow, now that"s the life! Keep livin the dream.;D

P.S. Fotos Por Favor

[Edited on 8-26-2012 by BajaRat]

Fish photos

Osprey - 8-26-2012 at 07:27 AM

Rat, I didn't have my camera with me for pix. But hey, you can trust me can't ya?

Here's me holding a 45 pound dorado and the one yesterday was his big brother.

dorado 45 Nomad.jpg - 44kB

willardguy - 8-26-2012 at 07:40 AM

nice fish! damn you look good for 75!:yes:

Osprey - 8-26-2012 at 08:06 AM

Thanks Willard, I'm on a strict routine health program the central part of which is a wonder liquid I take several times daily. It's very popular with retirees in these parts. No prescription. Oso Negro. Available everywhere.

Keeps a permanent smile going. The overall effect is "comfortably numb".

[Edited on 8-26-2012 by Osprey]

willardguy - 8-26-2012 at 08:20 AM

If Oso Negro is the key I should look like a thirteen year old!:lol:

Pescador - 8-26-2012 at 08:39 AM

Glad you found the big one. I needed it yesterday as we had the big Dorado tournament in Santa Rosalia. I ended up covering 75 miles on the GPS, worked over every temp break I found on Terrafin, went to the secret (shhhhh) lures, and pulled every trick out of my hat that I have ever learned, and the winning fish was about half that size. We let them take pictures of the boat for the paper, but no way would we pose with the fish. Most of the fishermen got nothing, one boat found six, but they were small enough to use for bait. Tough day on the water. Winning is good, but would have been better with a respectable fish.

bigmike58 - 8-26-2012 at 08:45 AM

Congrats on another great fishing trip!

bacquito - 8-26-2012 at 09:23 AM

Wow, great report. I enjoy eating Dorado as does my wife.

nice bull

captkw - 8-26-2012 at 09:42 AM

good on ya!! K&T:cool:

shari - 8-27-2012 at 09:15 AM

yeah baby...that's what I'm talkin about...baja fishin!!!! it's thick with dorado here these is it smoked? any favorite smoking recipes for it?

BajaBruno - 8-28-2012 at 10:04 AM

"those little 4 or 5 inch flat head plastics with blue and silver and white skirts"? What are those, Osprey? A photo, perhaps?

Chris Bruno

Ken Bondy - 8-28-2012 at 11:13 AM

Way to go Osprey!!! Loved the words and the picture!!!

Osprey - 8-28-2012 at 02:11 PM

Bajabruno, these only in blue/white/silver 4 inches with flat heads:

Cypress - 8-28-2012 at 02:37 PM

Smoking fish!! Two hrs.(170 degrees plus) of smoking will get 'er done. Don't want to over-cook 'em and dry 'em out. Just depends upon how thick the fillets are.:biggrin:

Iflyfish - 8-28-2012 at 03:36 PM

Well done amigo, very well done!
