
Big wave BOO BOO at the Blowhole...Asuncion

shari - 9-2-2012 at 01:34 PM

It all started out as a nice dip in the blowhole "pool" with our guests to cool off before they headed out to Loreto. There has been a monster swell the last 2 days so it's been impossible to swim at the beaches...sooooo....we have been playing at the blowhole in front of our casa.

The waves are a bit smaller today so I was showing Shawn how much fun it is to get sprayed by the waves coming over the rocks. We got washed over by a few wave and were enjoying the E ticket ride....when a monster wave came in and swept me off and tumbling down onto the sharp I was bouncing around, all I could think of was how many stitches I was going to I stood up, I asked Sirena how bad I was bleeding.

I was amazed I was relatively intact and only bled for awhile. Damage assessment was one long cut in my baby finger..bleeding alot....big A$$ scrapes and bruises in my hip...big toe contusions and cuts...surprisingly little blood...cut on my back...bleeding a bit and some very gnarly gashes on my knee and leg...bled the most....till weeping a bit.

So the moral of the story is not to play on the rocks in a monster swell....DUH!

acadist - 9-2-2012 at 01:39 PM

WOW! Glad you to see you survived 'intact'.

Lindalou - 9-2-2012 at 01:56 PM

You poor baby, get out of the water!:no:

shari - 9-2-2012 at 02:01 PM

but it is soooo fun....until it's not! I'm getting pretty sore now though...dang!

willardguy - 9-2-2012 at 02:04 PM

could have been worse, it could have happened to your guests!:wow:

DavidE - 9-2-2012 at 02:07 PM

Jesus! Shari, I'm glad you're OK (cuts and bruises aside). Keep an eye on the wounds for infection. Cold packs wrapped in towels for the strains. Count your blessings and take liberal doses of Tecate USP

DENNIS - 9-2-2012 at 02:18 PM

Don't put that shot on the website. :no:

shari - 9-2-2012 at 02:29 PM

I put ice on the knee and the swelling went back is pretty sore and put arnica on that and am sipping on a beverage to ease the was an excellent lesson and I was lucky indeed and yeah, glad it wasnt our guest who got thrown....hey Sh@t happens eh! the waves seem even bigger now and I just saw some guys with beers sitting up on the rocks too....there was a big wave and they got down pretty quick!

vgabndo - 9-2-2012 at 02:39 PM

Ouch, I've walked those rocks surf casting, and reminded myself what an unhappy camper I'd be if I fell WITH ALL MY CLOTHES ON. Dang. Work related injuries are a problem!:lol:

Have another sip.:saint:

Barry A. - 9-2-2012 at 02:52 PM

"The Ocean" obviously did not know it was YOU, Shari, or it would NOT have done that. What cool pics, tho the bloody one is hard to look at.

Another day at the ocean----sometimes painful---------I have sure had several.

Yes, watch out for infection for at least the next 5 days, and use ample amounts of Hydrogen Peroxide early, followed by some bicitracin ointment, and a copious amount of certain type beverages.

Hoping for a fast recovery.


DianaT - 9-2-2012 at 03:02 PM

Originally posted by shari
my back is pretty sore and put arnica on that

You said you had a cut on your back ---- be very careful with the arnica and keep it away from the cut. Arnica on sore muscles --- good. Arnica in open wounds --- not good.

shari - 9-2-2012 at 04:44 PM

thanks for the warning and your heartfelt concerns ...I put arnica on the bruises and antibiotic ointment on the gashes n slashes. A guy told me that a couple other ladies got tumbled worse than me a couple day ago too....I sure learned a good lesson!!!

bajadock - 9-2-2012 at 05:00 PM

Seconding Barry's beverage, err I mean MEDICATION, advice. OUCH.

BajaBlanca - 9-2-2012 at 05:13 PM

glad you're OK, could have been MUCH worse, but I bet you will be more and more sore over the next couple days. Maybe a permanent picture of you and your various cuts etc. should be put up to warn others !

but even with the big waves on the rocks, is it OK below where sirena and others are standing ?

Ken Bondy - 9-2-2012 at 05:40 PM

Dangerous Sis, glad you're ok. Cuidado!! I lost a friend in a similar situation.

Skipjack Joe - 9-2-2012 at 06:15 PM

Get well quickly, Shari.

"Do svadbi zazhiviot" - a saying that translates to - "Don't worry. It will all heal by the wedding".

[Edited on 9-3-2012 by Skipjack Joe]

shari - 9-2-2012 at 06:46 PM

gracias Igor....and brother Ken....Danger is my Destiny!
Dock....I found a bottle of vodka in the closet so I'm good! jejejeje

Hey it raining in La Bocana is here...there were a couple little rainbows to cheer me up...I hear it poured in Vizcaino...hooray! it's pretty afe down in the pool there but that monster wave made it kinda rough in there too so one could lose one's footing.

BajaGringo - 9-2-2012 at 06:48 PM

Ouch! Our coastal topography out in front is almost identical to where you are Shari and I always wince when I see the local daredevils go out on the rocks, braving the surf. Most seem to be able to escape with at worst a few cuts and scrapes but in our time here we have seen a couple that were taken away by the Cruz Roja.

Powerful surf and razor sharp rocks are not a good mix.

Take care of yourself!

BornFisher - 9-2-2012 at 07:02 PM

Hope you feel better and heal soon. Tough lesson here, glad you posted and were honest about what happened.
On a more positive note---- great pics and description!! More great photo journalism on BN!!!! ;)

desertcpl - 9-2-2012 at 07:12 PM


glad your okay,, I know that can hurt alot

it happened to me as a young boy growing up in Long Beach

I was out on the break water when a big wave came in and washed me over the rocks, I am glad that i was a good swimmer


captkw - 9-2-2012 at 07:31 PM

OUCH !!! been there too many times when I was younger fishing off the rock's...DAMN Those rock's hurt.. small suggestion's..1.never turn your back to a ocean !! 2.and If you gonna take a hit get down and turn your bod sideways to the oncoming water 3.always wash with hydrogen peroxide many,many times all day long!! 4. you found help !! wish you fast recover !! damn cool blow hole !!! K&T:cool:

[Edited on 9-3-2012 by captkw]

[Edited on 9-3-2012 by captkw]

shari - 9-2-2012 at 08:14 PM

i saw the wave coming....but it was too late for an escape and holding on and hunkering down didnt work for that volume of water coming over the's a very common fun game to play here getting splashed by waves but the tide was just a bit too high and the wave was a monster...OK, I'll do the peroxide wash...but doesnt it hurt?


captkw - 9-2-2012 at 08:46 PM

sorry for your pain !! like I said I have been there toooo many times..I learned the hard way !! fish first right?? not if your cut,bruised,sprained..but the H.P. does not hurt and from my perspective its what you really need to do..a lot of nasty wild stuff on them rocks..stop any infection BEFORE it gets a root !! I bet good pesos that you will never let that happen to you again!! for years I have sorta been con****ant to new boat guys and always look um in the eyes and say" A rouge wave arnt really rouge,,,they are out there and you may never see one...but never turn your back to her..she might slap ya,,,HARD!!" K&T

[Edited on 9-3-2012 by captkw]

Ateo - 9-2-2012 at 08:51 PM

Anytime you can come out of that much fun with only cuts and bruises is a win in my book!

Next time have a spotter up at the casa to warn of impending large bombs (waves)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Marc - 9-2-2012 at 10:44 PM


Skipjack Joe - 9-2-2012 at 10:45 PM

Lots of good advice here. Turning your side to an incoming wave really helps a lot.

The most damage is done by barnacles, limpets, and mussels. And if you're way out at the edge you could end up on sea urchins (no bueno). Once it's knocked you off your feet it's best to just let it carry you rather than lash out and try to get a grip of the rocks you are passing.

It's amazing how sharp those rocks can be. Sometimes you snorkle next to them and a surge will bring you in contact. You think it's nothing because the cold temps dull the senses, only to find later you've been sliced as though with a knife.

Also, the older you are the worse the damage. Big people, overweight people get cut up more than the others.

I never took any medications for my falls. Just suck the cut area. LOL.

AlanDow - 9-3-2012 at 07:21 AM


Up here in Oregon we lost a couple of local high school boys last summer that were swept of the rocks by a rouge wave. So I was very glad to read your “first person” account of your experience, and that your injuries (while painful) were not more serious.

I am usually a “lurker” here on BN, but I wanted to take a moment to post and thank You for all the many great posts, stories, and photos you have shared with us on BN - especially for sharing this one as it is a reminder to us all to be a little more careful out there (E ticket rides are ok, it is those “F ticket” rides that nature is capable serving up that we gotta watch out for).

See you in late October - Alan

shari - 9-3-2012 at 07:58 AM

thank those big wave rides will be renamed F ticket...hahaha. The rocks inside the blowhole luckily dont have barnacles etc and are fairly smooth and you dont get washed out to sea...only knocked into the pool. You can see the waves coming so you grab onto a hand hold, but confronted with the situation again, I'll try the sideways's really alot of fun and I dont doubt I will be out there again....but I will not go to that particular spot on a high tide hurricane swell anymore...after all, ya gotta get back on that horse right?:lol:

I bathed the cuts in hydrogen peroxide, put more arnica on the bruised back and downed a Naproxena and feel alot better this morning....I thought I might be worse....whew.

Taco de Baja - 9-3-2012 at 08:24 AM

I feel your pain after being swept by a couple of rouge waves myself. Even when following the rule to never turn your back on the ocean. Not much to do but hunker down and say "Oh ***!" when that big wave appears.

I do want to add in my 2 centavos. The current medical advice is to not use hydrogen peroxide on wounds as it causes tissue damage that may slow healing. The best advice is to clean with soap and water use an antibiotic like polysporin or neosporin and cover with a bandage.

If there is a lot of debris in the wound, hydrogen peroxide can initially (right after the injury) be used to try to bubble the debris out, but then just soap, water, and topical antibiotic ointments.

[Edited on 9-3-2012 by Taco de Baja]

boe4fun - 9-3-2012 at 09:19 AM

Hey Shari, We're glad you're OK and healing up. Today I think that most young folks don't know what an "E ticket" ride is, but I'm sure with todays lingo (ie - "F-bomb") they'll be able to figure out what you meant!

shari - 9-3-2012 at 09:29 AM

I agree Taco de was drying up nicely and the peroxide sort of got it wet and open again on the big gash...i discovered some new scrapes and cuts this morning but I'm likin the naproxena alot! no beach for me today...boooo hooo

DianaT - 9-3-2012 at 09:35 AM

Originally posted by Taco de Baja

I do want to add in my 2 centavos. The current medical advice is to not use hydrogen peroxide on wounds as it causes tissue damage that may slow healing. The best advice is to clean with soap and water use an antibiotic like polysporin or neosporin and cover with a bandage.

If there is a lot of debris in the wound, hydrogen peroxide can initially (right after the injury) be used to try to bubble the debris out, but then just soap, water, and topical antibiotic ointments.

[Edited on 9-3-2012 by Taco de Baja]


If you got any blood on any item of clothing, the peroxide works great to remove the blood.

shari - 9-3-2012 at 09:55 AM

oh that's a good tip...thanks...but I only had a bathing suit on.

Bob H - 9-3-2012 at 10:14 AM

Wow, Shari, thank God you are OK. Audrey and i were in Hawaii and saw an entire family get pounded off of some rocks on the Big Island there. One of the family members broke their leg and had to be carried up this steep, rocky cliff, covered with blood.

You are very fortunate. But, I feel sad for your cuts and bruises. Hope you feel better soon.

Osprey - 9-3-2012 at 10:51 AM

I'll second that. Thank God you're gonna be Okay. I really can't relate because over here there are only soft sandy beaches.

I did take a serious fall at sea once. In the Navy, on a minesweeper far at sea, I was up on the radar mast when we caught a rogue wave and I fell almost 50 feet to the deck. No real problem. I was used to hardships.


captkw - 9-3-2012 at 07:18 PM are the man with words !!:lol::lol:as boat guy thats funny !!! but 50 ft...OUCH !!! K&T:cool: