
Mexico Isn't Going To Run Out Of Oil Anytime Soon

DavidE - 9-2-2012 at 09:55 PM

News like this always gets buried d-e-e-p so the presumption remains that oil is scarce and has to be huckstered to the max in commodities scandal

bacquito - 9-3-2012 at 06:42 AM

Good news for Mexico.

DavidE - 9-3-2012 at 07:05 AM

Between this, the PetroBrasa find in Brazil, and the North America oil shale it is TWICE the anount of oil ever found in the Eastern hemisphere. Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Nigeria, Indonesia, throw them all in, it's DOUBLE that since the dawn of drilling, yet the hucksters demand almost two dollars twenty cents a gallon for crude, and pay the country where they pump it out of about half the commodities price. Same for food grown in the USA. It makes the Teapot Dome Scandal, and Big Railroads scandals pale in comparison. You is getting ripped-off and they want you to focus on Obama care and the fed and stimulus. Like washing your car when its on fire.

john68 - 9-3-2012 at 09:47 AM

This is, indeed, good news. Mexico's crude oil production has dropped 25% over the last eight years with the decline of the Cantarell field.

Did anyone notice that Romney promised energy independence for North America in his speech on Thursday night--not energy independence for the U.S.? I wonder how Mexico and Canada feel about that.


Barry A. - 9-3-2012 at 09:50 AM