

vseasport - 9-7-2012 at 07:37 AM

Some good news is the drought that southern Baja and the East Cape have been experiencing is over. During the past month we have received several inches of rain. The desert is green and looks like a lush tropical jungle.

Bad news is all the rain made fishing uncomfortable for a few days. It is not all bad as the precipitation has not hurt the bite for those willing to brave the conditions.

Good news is live bait has become available. Sardines have reappeared and available for purchase everyday. Cavillitos and boca dulce (spanish mackerel) have been easy to find.

Bad news is several tuna seiners have been working East Cape waters. They drive the porpoise and tuna down and make tuna fishing very difficult for sport boats. The good news is they don't take them all and experience tells me that as soon as they leave the tuna will pop back up.

Good news is dorado and billfish have really filled the gap for the hard to catch tuna.

Posted are a few photos I captured over the Labor Day holiday.

Bomboy lures do catch fish

For the latest East Cape conditions "like"

Mark Rayor
US cell 310 308 5841

acadist - 9-7-2012 at 04:12 PM

NIce Marlin! WHat was the estimated weight?

bajalorena - 9-7-2012 at 08:58 PM

Great pictures. Happy fishermen (and fisherwomen).

vseasport - 9-8-2012 at 12:03 PM

Glad we were able to release her but my best guess is a little south of 500. You should have seen the gut on this baby.

Originally posted by acadist
NIce Marlin! WHat was the estimated weight?