
Bad News for Mail Service

bajalera - 10-22-2004 at 02:17 PM

Direct Express, which has been providing mail service to the U.S. for about a year and a half, has lost its co-owner (the guy with the money) and is apparently going down the tubes. (They're looking for an investor with around 35,000 pesos so they can afford to get the last shipment down to La Paz.)

A bummer for those of us who've been relying on them for magazine subscriptions--not to mention those of us who recently paid for a year in advance.


Dang!...and I thought they had it together!

Tucker - 10-22-2004 at 02:29 PM

Thanks for the info lera, looks like I'll go back to Mexpost, slow but generally reliable.

Bob and Susan - 10-22-2004 at 03:30 PM

That's exactly what we thought....
It would have been PERFECT...
Too bad...:no::no:

tim40 - 10-23-2004 at 10:44 AM

Who knows the financials? Is there more to this story than has reached this board? Pulling out by one, if the business is/was viable does not add up to closure.
Do they have a website? ~3200 to make a shipment?

Bob and Susan - 10-23-2004 at 10:51 AM

Website WAS...

tim40 - 10-23-2004 at 11:14 AM

Thank you. I have just reviewed the Website. It has no closure references that I could locate. I have sent them an email to inquire about what I characterized as the 'rumor' and asked if they would be willing to share the details and if so, basically under what conditions.

Stay tuned...

The website says...

flyfishinPam - 10-23-2004 at 11:45 AM

that there are offices in Loreto. I went to the downtown location and the guy there looked at me like I was from another planet. The fact that I was painted green didn't help matters. Seriously when I asked about the new paqueteria, UPS, FEDEX, DHL, he said "not ready yet" this was one month after I saw the website that listed them as having service. I do understand how difficlut it is to ship in and out of here and it is not cheap. That was their first mistake.

elgatoloco - 10-23-2004 at 01:26 PM

What shade of green? :biggrin:

bajalera - 10-23-2004 at 08:24 PM

Well OF COURSE there's more to the story. But I don't know what it is.

That's why my post reported only what the nice man was telling those of us who came to pick up our mail, with no embellishments. I might add, though, that he didn't sound very hopeful.


tim40 - 10-24-2004 at 03:42 PM

I have made contact and we are having early discussion. Sure you understand that he is not willing/wanting to share more than appropriate other than he is trying to keep it in operation.

bajalera - 10-24-2004 at 10:45 PM

Way to go, tim 40! Hope you can find out
what's going on.


Seems like I met

jrbaja - 10-25-2004 at 07:32 AM

Brian Westerlund at the Club Marlin when I was down last time.
We were talking about expanding his service to North Baja at that time ???
My how things change down here!


Tucker - 11-6-2004 at 01:48 PM

Romour has it that Coast Marine at Marina Palmira might take up the slack.

Bruce R Leech - 11-6-2004 at 02:07 PM

I was their Franchisee in Mulege and they left us high and dry. I would think twice before investing a Penny in a venture that would hold hostage the U.S. Mail . to date they have not refunded a Penny of the money to the people here in Mulege. they came here and took the money but now we don't here a word. they are toast.

[Edited on 11-6-2004 by Bruce R Leech]