
Asking for feedback on a route...

Rides2Little - 9-9-2012 at 07:37 PM

Some friends and I are doing a 4 day dirtbike ride leaving from Tecate in October. I have pieced together a route from some previous rides I have done, this site and some old racecourse info. I have some questions about a few sections in particular if you don't mind. A KMZ file that will open in Google Earth is attached below (Safe download, I promise).

On Day 1 (Red track) I don't have much info on the section south of the higher mountains (from the first time it gets close to Mex3 south of Ojos)for about 20 miles until just north of Valle de Trinidad.

Day 2 (Green track) question is regarding the section south of the wash and observatory road crossing down to Mission Santo Domingo (East of Vicente Guerrero).

Day 4 (Purple track) north of Laguna Hanson back to El Compadre Road.

Almost all of this shows up in my baja almanac atlas, but would like to know of of personal experiences. Has anyone done any of these sections in recent history or know of private land issues that we should be aware of/steer clear of?

There are a max of 6 of us on the ride, so not like some big rowdy group or anything. Most of us have been down riding on peninsula before and will show plenty of respect and courtesy to those we come in contact with, we are not a bunch of hooligans. :)

Thanks in advance for your help for and your time with the noob.


[Edited on 9-10-2012 by Rides2Little]

Attachment: Baja_Oct2012.kmz (25kB)
This file has been downloaded 330 times

dtbushpilot - 9-9-2012 at 07:54 PM

Can I go with you?

Rides2Little - 9-10-2012 at 05:57 AM

Dt, I read your ride report last year from your trip with Ged. Great story telling. It had me laughing out loud severals times, even when I just reread it this week.

We are going to be starting Wed October 3 from Veronicas. 155 miles to Mikes sky ranch the first night, Old Mill/Don Eddies the second, Coyote Cal's the third and crossing back through the border after we get back Saturday evening. We still aren't sure if we will a truck meeting us each night but it doesn't really matter either way for us.

Price of admission is local knowledge! :biggrin:


TMW - 9-10-2012 at 09:32 AM

When I try to open your attachment it says my web browser is blocking it. Same when I try to just download it.

MMc - 9-10-2012 at 12:29 PM

I see a DK map posting in the future.

Rides2Little - 9-10-2012 at 08:09 PM

TW, (Thanks for the recent updates and maps around the west side of Mike's Sky Ranch, already incorporated those!)

Not sure what the issue is there with the file. Just tried it on my work computer in both Firefox and IE and had no problems downloading and then opening it in Google Earth. I tried uploading a GPX but the forum doesn't seem to like that file type. I have a Garmin file I can send/post if you want to try that.

In the meantime let's try some photos!

Overall route

Day one question area

Day two question area

Day four question area

[Edited on 9-11-2012 by Rides2Little]

Taco de Baja - 9-11-2012 at 07:22 AM

Just be sure you have a GPS and a map.
There are spider-web of roads up in the Sierra Juarez, and many lead to locked gates.....You may have to try several routes to get where you want to go, many eventually may go to the same place...but some may not.

See attached with your routes and some routes we tried back in December 2011 and April 2012 (dark blue and dark red). I did not map out all the routes we tried, but there are several other locations with locked well as numerous farm gates tied with rope to keep the livestock in.

David K - 9-11-2012 at 08:44 AM

Consider Kacey Smith's Baja GPS Guide 'All About Your Whereabouts' designed mainly for motorcycle riders:

TMW - 9-11-2012 at 08:55 AM

Day 2 was used in the 2007 Baja 1000 race. There are a number of gates but I don't know if any are locked. You might want to ask Tim Morton at he rides most of these trails on his Baja Trailrides. Send him an email and include this site for him to look at.

[Edited on 9-11-2012 by TW]

Rides2Little - 9-11-2012 at 06:25 PM

@Taco. We will have multiple of both GPS and maps of different flavors. Your tracks are exactly the info I was looking for. Looks like even though we will be on the same path for a bit there are viable options out there.

@D K. I have seen her site before but haven't talked with anyone that has personally used it. Do you have any first hand knowledge of her stuff? I wonder how old some of it is and how recently it was QC'd.

@TW I had thought of sending him an email but seeing a 'lively' discussion on another forum regarding trail use and such has made me a bit gun shy, but maybe I will still.

Thanks guys for the help, really appreciate it. I will make sure to post a travel report when we get back.


David K - 9-11-2012 at 11:51 PM

I have Volume 1, it is a real book... well it is a loose leaf book you put into a binder... That was in 2000. Volume 2 is an e-book, and I do not have it.

I am a four wheeler, so only some of the routes in her guide I have used, and her book is right on... But, she has a web site and update system (or used to)... and she is still active as far as I know... and she was in a recent Baja 1000, too.

I last saw her at Alfonsina's on Thanksgiving, several years ago.

When I met Kacey (and many other Nomads)... at my first Viva Baja party:

Amo Pescar (Mike), Doug Means (Baja Nomad), and Kacey Smith ( Just behind Mike, is Jack Swords.

Carlos Fiesta ( and Kacey Smith (author of 'All About Your Whereabouts', who came from Colorado for VIVA BAJA!

[Edited on 9-12-2012 by David K]

Rides2Little - 9-12-2012 at 07:35 AM


Thanks for added info. Nice to put a cute face with a webstore! I went ahead and bought the V1 guide last night so we will see what comes in it and how current it is 12 years later. I am hoping to take at least 2 trips a year down to Baja so figured it would be a good investment in the long haul.

TMW - 9-12-2012 at 11:51 AM

Many of the trails have locked gates especially north of hwy 3 as the owners don't like the noise of the vehicles coming thru and also because some people don't close the gates after going thru and that lets the cattle out. Just remember if the sign says no trespassing, don't. If a gate is shut make sure you close it after going thru. If you see a rancher or farmer on the trail slow down maybe stop and chat a little, you can always ask how the trail ahead is. Above all else don't leave any trash on the trail. Do a trip report for us and let us know how it went and if you ran into any problems or locked gates.

David K - 9-12-2012 at 12:09 PM

Originally posted by TW
Many of the trails have locked gates especially north of hwy 3 as the owners don't like the noise of the vehicles coming thru and also because some people don't close the gates after going thru and that lets the cattle out. Just remember if the sign says no trespassing, don't. If a gate is shut make sure you close it after going thru. If you see a rancher or farmer on the trail slow down maybe stop and chat a little, you can always ask how the trail ahead is. Above all else don't leave any trash on the trail. Do a trip report for us and let us know how it went and if you ran into any problems or locked gates.


Rides2Little - 9-12-2012 at 12:41 PM

TW, That's the plan for us. That is how we ride at home and will be how we are down there. There are guys that just aren't invited for that very reason. I want to be able to ride there for a long time and not have issues/closures.

Thanks for all the advice and help.


motoged - 9-13-2012 at 12:41 PM

Originally posted by dtbushpilot
Can I go with you?

What if they wear skirts?:lol:

Rides2Little - 10-25-2012 at 01:35 PM

Ride report here

David K - 10-25-2012 at 03:03 PM
