
Never forget! (Sept 11)

dizzyspots - 9-11-2012 at 05:40 AM

May we all take a moment this morning to remember the heroes,, police and ems that ran into this destruction as others were running out...May they all rest in peace.

[Edited on 9-11-2012 by BajaNomad]

24baja - 9-11-2012 at 06:35 AM

I shall never forget.

TMW - 9-11-2012 at 08:36 AM

Neither will I.

David K - 9-11-2012 at 08:41 AM


Bajajorge - 9-11-2012 at 09:04 AM

Double ditto

bajamedic - 9-11-2012 at 11:08 AM

In seeing all of the photos and memorials, I found my emotions to be just as tender today as they were 11 years ago. That day, I was working as a Mobile Intensive Care Paramedic on a ground unit and did not know if I would be called for our attack and no, I will not forget. JH

doradodan - 9-11-2012 at 11:29 AM

Changed my life, getting on a plane today. Sky Marshal now. I will never forget!!!

DavidE - 9-11-2012 at 11:31 AM

The idiots are convinced we will forget. Let them see the Battleship Arizona memorial site lineup of people holding bouquets of flowers.

I wish that special Seal Team 6, member muttered "Let's Roll" as he pulled the trigger.

Lee - 9-11-2012 at 12:28 PM

Never forget what?

That Clinton had a chance to shoot bin laden down NUMEROUS TIMES but didn't take the shot?

Never forget the US government's intelligence community dropped the ball on seeing the attack coming?

Don't forget TSA and their show of ''security'' at airports.

You're safer in Mexico than the US. Keep remembering.

J.P. - 9-11-2012 at 12:40 PM

Iwill never forget the inocent people that lost thier life.

I will never forget they used it as a excuse to start two Wars

I will never forget they used it as a excuse to remove a lot of our civil liberty's.

I will never forgive them for what they did to our Nation.

Never Forget These Women Would Stake You To An Anthill Because Of Your Religion

DavidE - 9-11-2012 at 12:44 PM

DavidE - 9-11-2012 at 12:51 PM

Sorry Soulpatch, I lost two good friends in # 1 WTC. A woman and her 6-year old son. That's all I had to say.

rdrrm8e - 9-11-2012 at 02:10 PM

I won't forget

Lee - 9-11-2012 at 03:10 PM

People grieve in different ways. 9/11 is political if nothing else. How many people died in the Middle East because Bush declared war?

Grieve how you want. I'm PO'd at those responsible for letting it happen. Ignore the facts if you want.

Besides, how is this subject relevant to Baja. Nomads are grieving?

Move to OT or accept the US politics of being blindsided.

Bin laden is dead. Bet his family grieves his death.

LancairDriver - 9-11-2012 at 03:29 PM

Not Forgetting-
Tragic loss of life with the twin towers
Tragic loss of life resulting from the wars that continue to this day
Tragic permanent injuries of our Military personnel that is ongoing.
Tragic loss of personal liberties that will go on forever.
Tragic failure of the CIA, FBI, INS, in preventing the event in the first place.
Tragic financial losses resulting from the event and it's direct results.
Question- Who Really took the biggest hit here?

The Sculpin - 9-11-2012 at 03:48 PM

Being a tax guy, I was driving down the freeway early in the morning armed with coffee and danish to do another 18 hours on behalf of all my wonderful clients who’s tax returns were due on the 17th, 15th was a Saturday. I’m thinking about convoluted tax strategies and with half an ear listening to the radio; and it hits me – a plane hit something – something in New York – and the radio guy, I think it was Bill Handle, was going on and on about smoke and fire and he wasn’t taking a breath between words and I couldn’t piece together what he was saying, but it sounded interesting. It must be a skit! Sort of a War of the Worlds kinda thing, so I listened. After a few minutes the story wasn’t getting any better. In fact, it was pretty lousy – nothing hung together and it was difficult to determine exactly what the story was about. I finally got downtown and as I was parking the car the news came on – and it all came together. There aren’t too many times in my life when the blood just drained out of my head – and this was one of them. I quickly called my wife and told her to turn on the TV; that we were being attacked. Of course she didn’t believe me. Then there was complete silence as I was simultaneously listening to the radio in the car and the TV through the phone. I ran through the parking garage to the elevator and to my office on one of the top floors of a downtown high-rise. When I got there people were already watching the TV in the conference room so I joined them. I was dumbfounded by what I saw. It was then that the 2nd plane hit. Immediately the building security came through and took all our names and told us to stay put. We looked down and saw that our building, no, all buildings were locked down – no one in, no one out. We also were told that there were credible threats against our city. We saw the military choppers. I knew then that our world had irrevocably changed again. I never felt prouder to be an American.

Never Forget

MrBillM - 9-11-2012 at 06:19 PM

That Islamists launched the attack.

That Islamists TODAY in Egypt and elsewhere are celebrating the attack and the deaths and that those Islamists would happily kill us all tomorrow if they could.

Never forget that THEY will never be satisfied.

AND, it's US or THEM.

Better US that prevail.

toneart - 9-11-2012 at 09:26 PM

Of course it's political! War and violence suck! I hold a lot of the same resentments that others have expressed here but will hold my tongue (and fingers).

I believe the most important thing we must do this day is to remember those innocents who lost their lives in the twin towers, their families and the brave heroes who rushed in to save lives but instead, lost their own. It is they whom we must "never forget".

bajadogs - 9-11-2012 at 10:56 PM

Originally posted by MrBillM
That Islamists launched the attack.

That Islamists TODAY in Egypt and elsewhere are celebrating the attack and the deaths and that those Islamists would happily kill us all tomorrow if they could.

Never forget that THEY will never be satisfied.

AND, it's US or THEM.

Better US that prevail.

Thanks for reminding me of the fear that was sold to US MrBill. Bin Laden was the mastermind but we invaded Iraq to go after Saddam. No doubt you were beating war drums and waving flags, right? Your fear that Islamists would happily "KILL US ALL TOMORROW" proves the terrorists achieved their goal.

On Sept 10th, 2001 I was shuffling my feet in the warm Sea of Cortez. The next morning at home, realizing we made it across the border before the lockdown, the images on TV had me frozen. 11 years later I am still more fearful of stingrays than I am of Islamists.

Bob H - 9-11-2012 at 11:44 PM

Originally posted by toneart
Of course it's political! War and violence suck! I hold a lot of the same resentments that others have expressed here but will hold my tongue (and fingers).

I believe the most important thing we must do this day is to remember those innocents who lost their lives in the twin towers, their families and the brave heroes who rushed in to save lives but instead, lost their own. It is they whom we must "never forget".

Tony, you are spot on!.... i will never forget that day!

Fear and Loathing

MrBillM - 9-12-2012 at 11:54 AM

Having been a Stingray victim and suffered (mild to moderate) pain for a couple of hours or less, my Fear Factor is pretty low in that regard. I do shuffle my feet, though.

As to the DANGER of Islamic Fanatics (in other words, the 90 percent of Muslims), a distinction should be made between Personal and Ecumenical danger.

Living in the (more sparsely-populated) desert and very rarely frequenting ANY place where large numbers would gather, I am not personally concerned about being a victim of the Allah-Babblers assuming one of them at the 7/11 doesn't get up off his rug and go Jihad while I'm picking up the newspaper.

However, as demonstrated from myriad FBI (and other) arrests, there are Islamics busy at work looking for the next Jihad opportunity.

As a consequence, we have put up with a degree of INCONVENIENCE at airports and elsewhere in exchange for a higher degree of safety.

So far, I haven't heard a single instance HERE where the so-called destruction of Civil Liberties has resulted in anything other than inconvenience.

Live with it.

Or, Possibly die without it.

These Folks The Owners Of A Muslim Specialty Store in Houston Did Not Forget

DavidE - 9-14-2012 at 09:05 AM

Imam "Ali" Was One Of The Pilots That Flew An Airliner Into A World Trade Center Tower

Yet there are legions of stupid people out there that believe anyone wearing a turban is a fanatical Muslim. Sheiks have no issues with Americans but territorial disputes with Hindu Indians.

I remember to "Be Aware" of racial, cultural or religious hatred. I also remember to personally not tolerate it in any form. September 11, 2001 was not a day that an earthquake, or hurricane struck Manhattan, it is a wakeup call that thousands were sacrificed solely to appease the god of hatred and intolerance. The image above is three years old. My conversation with two Arabs in Santa Rosa in February of this year is not.

[Edited on 9-14-2012 by DavidE]