
Romney: The Mexican-American Candidate

Gypsy Jan - 9-14-2012 at 07:51 PM

By Patrick Osio Jr. Published on LatinoLA: September 12, 2012

Originally published at

"If he reaches the Oval Office without his moral compass, it will gain him and the nation little"

Anyone born in the United Sates is a native-born citizen. Also, US citizens while visiting or living in a foreign country parent a child and register the offspring with the nearest US Consulate or Embassy becomes a "native-born" citizen though not born in US territory. The child thus enjoys dual citizenship as a native-born in both the country of birth and the US.

In the late 1880s, Mitt Romney's great, great grandfather, Miles P. Romney, and a number of family members suffering religious persecution in the U.S. sought refuge in Mexico. Refuge was granted, and thus the Romney's settled in Mexico. Like all immigrants to any country, they suffered poverty and hardship but eventually prospered.

Gaskell Romney, a son of Miles, in 1907 fathered George Romney, Mitt Romney's father. What is known for sure is that Mitt's father and grandfather were born in Mexico. What is difficult to trace is where they were registered so as to be classified native-born US citizens. Be that as it may, Mitt Romney was born in the US, so there is no question about his eligibility as a presidential candidate.

But Governor Romney cannot escape the reality that his father was born in Mexico becoming a Mexican citizen by birthright. In turn this makes Mitt Romney on his father's side, a second-generation US citizen of Mexican descent - commonly referred to as Mexican-American.

Governor Romney accepts his father was born in Mexico, but he does not acknowledge his ethnic background and ignores the several hundred Romney family members who still live in Mexico. But it doesn't change the facts - he, like it or not, ignore it or acknowledge it, is a member of the US Hispanic community.

Romney knows that owing to Mexico's hospitality, his family avoided the constant religious persecution and ensuing incarcerations. Mexico, like the US, forbade polygamy but exercised tolerance and respect.

People of reason would expect that given the chance, the favor would be repaid. Would Romney treat the several million of Mexico's poor who have over the years crossed the border illegally in search of a better life (economic refuge). Would he at minimum champion immigration reform?

To the dismay of many, during Romney's campaign for the nomination he embraced states with mean spirited draconian laws and personalities who promote and participate raids netting any brown skinned person be they US citizen or not, making a mockery of Civil and Constitutional rights.

Now, as the Republican Party' presidential candidate, Romney must adhere to the Platform endorsed by his party. It calls for the harshest treatment of undocumented immigrants so they will self-deport back to a life of poverty, and repeal higher educational opportunities for their foreign born offspring; there will be no immigration reform; no path to citizenship. The Platform allows immigration of the highly educated, but hostile to guest worker programs for agricultural sectors in which there is a critical need.

Governor Romney belongs to The Church of Latter Day Saints (Mormons), a noble and compassionate religion. All Americans agree that the separation of Church and State must be upheld, so must Romney if he is elected, but religious teaching is also about morals and building character. How does one separate from that? How does he justify his stance that is contrary to his religion's morals? How does he justify his ingratitude to the people whose country once saved his family?

There is a great need for the US to elect someone who is a tough businessman, who will stop the wild and irresponsible spending and wasting the nation's wealth and continuing slide into Socialism. Romney is highly qualified and potentially he could turn the state of the union back on course.

But if Mexican-American Romney reaches the Oval Office without his moral compass, it will gain him and the nation little. He will be known for decades to come as the "mal agradecido" - the ungrateful one."

Patrick Osio is the Editor of HispanicVista

Ateo - 9-14-2012 at 08:28 PM

I personally love magic underwear.

deportes - 9-15-2012 at 07:53 AM

I think that it is better to retire too early than too late!:lol:

DavidE - 9-15-2012 at 07:57 AM

James Earl Carter was one of the most honest and moral presidents the USA ever had. I will let you fill in the blank spaces now...

Bajajorge - 9-15-2012 at 08:42 AM

Maybe he should let it be known to the US Mexican population that he has roots in Mexico.
Maybe all the Mexicans in the US that can legally vote will now vote for their home boy.

At least he won't be pandering their votes with the bribery of amnesty.

Bajahowodd - 9-15-2012 at 04:16 PM

A few points.

The overriding reason this clan fled to Mexico was polygamy. It was outlawed in the US. Hence, the journey to Mexico.

The Romneys returned to the US during the Mexican revolution.

I have never understood the presidential candidacy of George Romney, as good of a fellow as he was, simply because the US constitution would not have allowed this Mexican born man to be president.

Mitt Romney, despite any claims he may make about his heritage, does not speak Spanish!

Nemo55 - 9-15-2012 at 04:21 PM

Like the late great George Carlin used to say,,we are given the illusion of choice.
But in the end it's the corporate machine that elects the leaders.
We eat what we are fed.

Everything else is seriously deluding oneself.

Consuming Carter Caca Redux ?

MrBillM - 9-15-2012 at 04:41 PM

It IS true that, being fed Kenyan Cuisine, we ended up eating Sh-t.

And being cursed with the Runs.

Time for a change of diet.


Marc - 9-15-2012 at 05:32 PM

Jan, Very interesting. I have met a few Menonites in Central Mexico. Not Mormon, but also a very moral and hard working people.

[Edited on 9-16-2012 by Marc]

Mormon History in Mexico

Gypsy Jan - 9-15-2012 at 06:07 PM

Hi Marc,

Here is a link to the history DavidK posted about the Mormon mission settlement in Mexico. (This is totally funny that I am posting a historical reference ahead of him - he must be out enjoying the beautiful weather).

[Edited on 9-16-2012 by Gypsy Jan]

DavidE - 9-15-2012 at 07:32 PM

Over here we have a guy selling a gallon of water for 10 cents. He could do fine making 10 cents a gallon. After all he and his forefathers have done it that way for eons.

And over there we have a guy wanting to buy lots of water for 10 cents a gallon. Same thing, he has been doing this since the dawn of time. You sell I buy.


A guy in a pinstriped suit steps up to the seller and says "Hey buddy, I'll give you thirteen cents a gallon even before you sell it"

The water guy is elated so he sells all his water to pinstripe suit for thirteen cents.

The guy in the pinstripe suit walks up to the purchaser and says "Ahem, sorry but your water now costs fifteen cents a gallon". The customer is shocked. His standard of living has just taken a hit.

So the purchaser of the water says to the original seller of the water. "Hey look buddy, sorry but I gotta eat, so now your loaf of bread now costs twenty five cents more, but wait a minute a guy in a pinstripe suit just walked up to me".


This is why the economy isn't working anymore. What's Worse, Ten million persons collecting a hundred dollars a week on the dole, or ten people collecting 10 billion dollars (and absolutely contributing nothing - zero to the economy via productivity)?

When we say the words "Drone and Welfare" let us not forget to include those who do nothing for a living, cannot tie their own shoelaces, and have homes in Aspen and Mallorca.

mtgoat666 - 9-15-2012 at 10:14 PM

Originally posted by Gypsy Jan
Gaskell Romney, a son of Miles, in 1907 fathered George Romney, Mitt Romney's father. What is known for sure is that Mitt's father and grandfather were born in Mexico. What is difficult to trace is where they were registered so as to be classified native-born US citizens. Be that as it may, Mitt Romney was born in the US, so there is no question about his eligibility as a presidential candidate.

Governor Romney accepts his father was born in Mexico, but he does not acknowledge his ethnic background and ignores the several hundred Romney family members who still live in Mexico. But it doesn't change the facts - he, like it or not, ignore it or acknowledge it, is a member of the US Hispanic community.

a shame that "big love" series ended. those polygamist cult sects make for good entertainment.

are there any romneys in krakauer's book?

any religion with giant talking salamanders must be fun!

durrelllrobert - 9-16-2012 at 10:08 AM

Originally posted by Bajajorge
Maybe he should let it be known to the US Mexican population that he has roots in Mexico.
Maybe all the Mexicans in the US that can legally vote will now vote for their home boy.

At least he won't be pandering their votes with the bribery of amnesty.

in his acceptance speech he stated that his father was born in Mexico and that he still has many cousins living there:

Bajajorge - 9-17-2012 at 08:48 AM

San Felipe has a large group of Mormons, this evidenced by a hugh Mormon church on the main drag.
But then all Mormon churches are hugh. That's because most of them are rich and successful. Unlike the "Occupiers" in their dome tents.
According to Obama's beliefs, success and money makes you a bad person.

The Bottom Line

MrBillM - 9-18-2012 at 07:04 AM

Mitt's Papa born in Mexico.

B.O.'s in Kenya. Along with Hussein himself ?

Mitt strapped his Dog to the car roof for a vacation. In a custom-built carrier.

B.O. ATE his Dog.

Mitt's family practiced Polygamy.

B.O.'s practiced Cannibalism.

Choices, Choices.