Ken Cooke - 9-20-2012 at 06:58 PM
(Spanish - New Article)
Este próximo lunes será la apertura del nuevo cruce peatonal desde Estados Unidos hacia Tijuana por la garita de San Ysidro del lado derecho del
puerto, de acuerdo a las autoridades estadounidenses federales.
Este nuevo cruce forma parte de las obras de ampliación del puerto de entrada, del proyecto binacional que tiene un costo estimado de 577 millones de
El inicio de operaciones de este nuevo cruce peatonal con dirección al Sur, será a las 09:00 horas de este 24 de septiembre, el cual se encuentra al
sur de la estación de Trolley y al este del edificio histórico estadounidense de Aduanas (donde se sacan los permisos actualmente).
English (old article)
The new U.S. southbound pedestrian crossing to Tijuana to the east of Interstate 5 at the San Ysidro port of entry will make it easier for Mexico to
send vehicle traffic to its El Chaparral port of entry under construction a few blocks to the west. The General Services Administration says the
pedestrian crossing is scheduled to be completed this summer, and should make life a lot easier for border crossers who get off the trolley, which is
on the east side of I-5. Mexico is planning a three-story building with 11 pedestrian gates on its side of the crossing.
Ken Cooke - 9-20-2012 at 06:59 PM
This coming Monday will be the opening of the new pedestrian crossing from the U.S. to Tijuana by the San Ysidro port on the right side, according to
U.S. federal authorities.
This new crossing is part of the redevelopment of the port of entry, the binational project has an estimated cost of 577 million dollars.
The startup of this new crosswalk heading south, will be at 09:00 hours on 24 September, which is south of the Trolley Station and east of the
historic U.S. Customs building (where currently take permits).
The authorities of the General Services Administration (GSA, for its acronym in English) of the United States who are in charge of this project were
to know the details of this new pedestrian access via a press release.
The bulletin indicates that the current pedestrian crossing is located on the left side of the San Ysidro border crossing, will be permanently closed
from 09:00 pm on September 27.
This closure is due to the reconfiguration of lanes needed to bring the U.S. automobile traffic entering Tijuana for that port, so it can be carried
to the new facility entry into Mexico, which are those of El Chaparral.
And as of September 27, all pedestrians will cross through this port, will have to use the new pedestrian crossing located on the right side.
"The governments of Mexico and the United States have made a priority in this area, the expansion of San Ysidro and Tijuana reconfiguring the relocate
the crosswalk that goes south, provide greater access for pedestrians returning Mexico and will facilitate changes lanes moving south from Interstate
5, "said GSA regional Administrator, Ruth Cox.
The bulletin notes that the authorities of the United States and Mexico have worked together to develop a temporary plan that connects Interstate 5 to
the facilities of El Chaparral, until officials from GSA, receive appropriate funding to build the inspection booths for vehicles heading south and
permanent connection to El Chaparral.
The current plan requires closing the current crosswalk.