
Sashimi Sunday thanks to Big Boy!

shari - 9-23-2012 at 09:09 PM

Larry, Capt. Juan & Cuti sure brought home the bacon today...looks like you Punta Banders are going to have some fish BBQ's soon!

Gracias Larry for feeding the masses with fresh are a fine fisher out on yt and calico. Bajafam, Wide Angel Wandering and his body guards and of course Bigboy and lady Cristine polished off the sashimi lickety split.

redhilltown - 9-23-2012 at 11:20 PM

:bounce: Drool :bounce:

Is that soy sauce and wasabi in the middle or a local fave???

shari - 9-24-2012 at 06:55 AM

that is my secret sashimi dipping sauce, mayonnaise, lime, garlic, wasabi, sesame oil and ginger if you have it all shaken very well....delicioso!

GC - 9-24-2012 at 08:16 AM

Glad to see that Larry had a good day of fishing. Can't wait to hear the full story when they return. The ocean looks beautiful behind him in the pictures--no wind!

shari - 9-24-2012 at 08:42 AM

It was a perfect fishing day although the swell is already starting to build...Larry had a good day for sure and we all got to enjoy his catch Pta.Banders sure are great calico fishermen!

durrelllrobert - 9-25-2012 at 08:44 AM

Good job Larry. My son-in-law and Iwent out yesterday on one of Vonnie's pangas and cought a large cooler full of bottom fish + 2 baraccuda that were around 15 lbs each. Couple of YT hooked but not landed.

fish101 - 9-25-2012 at 12:49 PM

Shari, sorry we didn't make it to your place for the sashimi, but Don still wasn't feeling well and we decided to start packing it up on Sunday night to get an early start back to Loreto on Monday. Thanks for the great time during the ten days that I was there..I decided to go all the way back to Loreto and not take a chance in Abreojos/Campo Rene..Wanted to play it safe!!

shari - 9-25-2012 at 04:48 PM

gracias amigo...well, we'll do a shashimi day another time. It was a pleasure having you in the village...great Brat BBQ...and glad you caught some fish...we're gonna miss this gal in the camp!

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