
marlin marlin marlin

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BajaBlanca - 9-25-2012 at 04:18 PM

the boys say it was rough out in the ocean today - being that hurricane Marian is churning up waters, I have no doubt that it was not smooth BUT, they hung in there and look what the fishing lines brought in !

congrats to Les and Frank and Ernesto

Bajaboy - 9-25-2012 at 04:20 PM

I'm curious the approach the Coop takes regarding catch and release. Seems like they are going through a learning curve based on some of the comments I've seen posted. But, I can say I think they are headed in the right direction.

Bill Collector - 9-25-2012 at 04:25 PM

That is illegal as hell.. the law says one Marlin per boat. To bad fish and game wasn't around. Here on the east cape you can lose your boat for that...
This is wrong. How can you be proud of that???

BajaBlanca - 9-25-2012 at 04:32 PM

one marlin per boat ????? Not what I heard at all ...sigh ..... can someone give me a baja site where this is posted ?

Bill Collector - 9-25-2012 at 04:36 PM

Check the back if your fishing license . You can release all the marlin you want but you can only KILL one per boat

Bill Collector - 9-25-2012 at 04:40 PM

Examples of Daily Limit
• One Marlin and 2 Dorado or
• One Sailfish and One Marlin or
• 2 Dorado and 2 Roosterfish or
• One Shark and One Marlin or
• One Marlin and 5 Amberjack

Bajaboy - 9-25-2012 at 04:40 PM

Originally posted by Bill Collector
Check the back if your fishing license . You can release all the marlin you want but you can only KILL one per boat

Fishing license:?:

Bill Collector - 9-25-2012 at 04:40 PM

Examples of Daily Limit
• One Marlin and 2 Dorado or
• One Sailfish and One Marlin or
• 2 Dorado and 2 Roosterfish or
• One Shark and One Marlin or
• One Marlin and 5 Amberjack

bajajudy - 9-25-2012 at 04:47 PM

Thanks Bill
There is no pride in catching 3 marlin on one boat.
Shame shame

aguachico - 9-25-2012 at 04:52 PM

Les Fran and Ernesto three anglers. Three marlin. Nuf said.

Blanca no worries por nada and congrats on the excellent fishing.
Sometimes you just to look past the hate.

I hope to either catch one or at least get a chunk of smoked.



In ocean waters and estuaries the limit is a total of ten fish per person per day, with no more than 5 catches of a single specie, except of the species of Marlin, Sailfish, Swordfish and Shark, of which only one specimen from this group is allowed per day, and which counts a five toward the overall 10 fish limit, or Dorado, Roosterfish, Shad, or Tarpon, of which only two samples from this group are allowed, and which count as five toward the overall 10 fish limit.

Limit on inland bodies of water (rivers, lakes, dams, etc.) is five fish per day, whether of a single specie or in combination.

Underwater fishing is limited to five fish per day, using rubber band or spring type harpoons, and only while skindiving.

There is no limit to the practice of "catch and release", as long as the fish that exceed the bag limit be returned to their environment in good survival condition.

Where sportfishing is conducted from boats out at sea for longer than three days, the bag limit will be the equivalent of three times the amounts mentioned above

bajajudy - 9-25-2012 at 04:55 PM

Actually I love marlin

mike odell - 9-25-2012 at 04:56 PM

This post made me mad enough to delete what I wrote, I will try
in this one to not be quite as profane. Not only are these buttheads
not FISHERMEN, But LAWBREAKERS. fish pigs is what comes to mind.
Nobody I know would do this kind of crap, A really sorry post,
You should be ASHAMED,

jbcoug - 9-25-2012 at 04:59 PM

I'm not big on their catch, but I don't know how the Information on the license supports the concept of one marlin per boat. I'm hoping all the fishermen had licenses. Wouldn't three licenses allow three marlin? Is there more info available?


aguachico - 9-25-2012 at 05:01 PM


In ocean waters and estuaries the limit is a total of ten fish per person per day, with no more than 5 catches of a single specie, except of the species of Marlin, Sailfish, Swordfish and Shark, of which only one specimen from this group is allowed per day, and which counts a five toward the overall 10 fish limit, or Dorado, Roosterfish, Shad, or Tarpon, of which only two samples from this group are allowed, and which count as five toward the overall 10 fish limit.

Limit on inland bodies of water (rivers, lakes, dams, etc.) is five fish per day, whether of a single specie or in combination.

Underwater fishing is limited to five fish per day, using rubber band or spring type harpoons, and only while skindiving.

There is no limit to the practice of "catch and release", as long as the fish that exceed the bag limit be returned to their environment in good survival condition.

Where sportfishing is conducted from boats out at sea for longer than three days, the bag limit will be the equivalent of three times the amounts mentioned above

Bill Collector - 9-25-2012 at 05:04 PM

It doesn't matter how many guys are on a boat.its ONE marlin per boat per day. That is when you Kill it. Thanks Mike we agree with your statement but then again we follow the rules. Since we have lived and fished here for 16 yrs that has been the law..these guys don't count as fishermen. Rules apply to everyone.
Guess those who fish East Cape just know the law and follow it.

BajaBlanca - 9-25-2012 at 05:07 PM

BajaBlanca - 9-25-2012 at 05:11 PM

SAGARPA guests just showed up at our B&B and they are going to confirm the limits for me. I told them about the controversy - they will get back to me later.

Above is the pamplet with rules which the cooperative is handing out and abiding by. If it is wrong, I will advise them, as will SAGARPA.

whew ....

Ateo - 9-25-2012 at 05:13 PM

Interesting.............I know nothing on the subject. Looks like Blanca only wants to do the right thing.

Burbs - 9-25-2012 at 05:19 PM

Nice catch and BB thanks for the picture. I'm sure the fish will be enjoyed and not wasted.

maspacifico - 9-25-2012 at 05:19 PM

The rules are being followed. Common sense isn't. Three marlin hung up for pictures is disgusting.

Rumrunner - 9-25-2012 at 05:22 PM

No laws were broken. Would it be better if the three anglers were on three different boats and each caught one marlin?
Personally I would release the Carp. Much tastier pescados around.

BajaBlanca - 9-25-2012 at 05:25 PM

exactly Ateo. thanks so much for saying that.

now: billcollector: WHERE DOES IT SAY PER BOAT on the fishing license ??? I didn't see that anywhere.

of course all the guys had licenses. duh.

of course since we have never had marlin here before this is new to us. duh.

@ Mike Odell ....hate? pigs ??? what a waste of your time and breath and typing ...... show me the right way and we will follow the letter of the law. one would have to be a right idiot (not my case as far as I know) to post a photo of one's husband and friends blatantly breaking the law.

give me a break guys. cut me some slack. be kind. it is a much better way to handle life. I have said this so many time, I am boring myself. I DO NOT FISH. I DO NOT FISH. I AM SIMPLY LEARNING THE ROPES SO THAT I CAN POST PICS FOR THOSE WHO LOVE FISHING. END OF STORY.

and as you can see from the pamplet - the rules were clearly stated, and the fish were checked upon arrival for the limits posted on the pamplet.

BajaBlanca - 9-25-2012 at 05:32 PM

you know, the boys actually commented at lunch yesterday that they love these fish as much as anyone ... they want to take some home to the family to taste. It was Frank's FIRST marlin caught. EVER. Les and Ernesto's SECOND.

KILLERS ???? PIGS ??? I don't theeeeeeeeeeeeeeeennk so.

Bill Collector - 9-25-2012 at 05:41 PM

Since we are the ones that love fishing and do fish we want them left in the water .
Stupid picture

maspacifico - 9-25-2012 at 05:43 PM

Ok...some slack for a non fisherperson. Most fisherman wouldn't kill the Marlin unless they were hooked so bad that they couldn't be released....and that happens. They aren't so tasty that one would kill a hundred pound animal for taco's, let alone three of them plus the one you posted yesterday. You are following the law. I don't think you should post pictures strung up dead marlin unless you want to hear about it.

LosCabosbound - 9-25-2012 at 05:45 PM

Originally posted by maspacifico
The rules are being followed. Common sense isn't. Three marlin hung up for pictures is disgusting.

Agreed... they should be embarrassed to be standing next to that. 1 is bad enough, but 3 :fire::fire:

BajaBlanca - 9-25-2012 at 05:52 PM

why ???? what is the difference between catching a dorado or a marlin ? I kid you not, I do not understand this gut reaction you all are having ???????

what am I missing????? assuming that they were legal (and according to our cooperative pamplet, they are) , what is the big deal with catching one marlin per person, and then being photographed next to your hard won catch ?

Bajaboy - 9-25-2012 at 05:57 PM

Originally posted by BajaBlanca
why ???? what is the difference between catching a dorado or a marlin ? I kid you not, I do not understand this gut reaction you all are having ???????

what am I missing????? assuming that they were legal (and according to our cooperative pamplet, they are) , what is the big deal with catching one marlin per person, and then being photographed next to your hard won catch ?

Here is a good starting point:

BajaBlanca - 9-25-2012 at 06:14 PM

thanks Bajaboy ... education is everything.

Bill Collector - 9-25-2012 at 06:31 PM

When you fish in Mexican waters follow the rules. I know Mike Odell has won some of the big marlin tournament as we have. You have to know all the rules not make them up. Only fisherman should really comment on this, not the week end fisherman who doesn't have a clue.

LancairDriver - 9-25-2012 at 07:05 PM

Very sad to see this picture. If the goal is to attract serious fishermen to the area it sends the wrong message.

acadist - 9-25-2012 at 07:23 PM

Originally posted by Bill Collector
It doesn't matter how many guys are on a boat.its ONE marlin per boat per day. That is when you Kill it. Thanks Mike we agree with your statement but then again we follow the rules. Since we have lived and fished here for 16 yrs that has been the law..these guys don't count as fishermen. Rules apply to everyone.
Guess those who fish East Cape just know the law and follow it.

Relax and admit you have your own version. have never heard of 'per boat' limits. I believe in c&r of billfish but as long as the law is followed, to each his own.

Bill Collector - 9-25-2012 at 07:30 PM

Don't think you fish. It's not our version it's the law. Learn it.
Guess you've never fished any Marlin tournaments.

acadist - 9-25-2012 at 07:43 PM

tournament rules are not laws, lol

luv2fish - 9-25-2012 at 07:52 PM

Originally posted by BajaBlanca
KILLERS ???? PIGS ??? I don't theeeeeeeeeeeeeeeennk so.

WOW, I didn't think this picture would cause such an uproar. We all catch and release and more often than we would like to admit, the fish we released goes belly up. We have longliners out there laying hundreds of miles of baited hooks, killing non targeted and protected species i.e. turtles, dolphin etc. I'm sure that if we all thought the same, why the world would be painted blue with red polka dots. Blanca nice pics. I personally would have released these beautiful creatures but to each their own.

Bajaboy - 9-25-2012 at 07:54 PM

Originally posted by acadist
tournament rules are not laws, lol

How many fish can I keep?

By law, each boat is allowed to keep one billfish. However, RedRum strongly encourages clients to catch and release all billfish due to conservation efforts. If the fish is healthy the Captain will ask if you would like to bring it on board and take a quick picture. The fish’s health is our primary concern, so please don’t give the guys a hard time if they decide against it. For other species, no more than 3 can be kept per angler. We also encourage the release of juvenile species to keep our fishing grounds rich and bountiful!

Though you are allowed to keep one marlin or sailfish per boat, anglers are strongly encouraged to release these fish, which are considered second-rate eating fish at best.

Education is power....

Bill Collector - 9-25-2012 at 08:02 PM

100% correct. As you said One per boat. Tournament rules are law, sorry. They are the rules for fishing in Mexican waters, they don't make up different rules . Guess you don't care nor read the rules. We do.

aguachico - 9-25-2012 at 08:02 PM

Blanca, tranquila.

You have done nothing wrong and those marlin are perfectly legal. The limit is one marlin per angler and striped marlin are taken all the time. Blues and blacks are frowned upon as they are big and more valuable alive than dead.

Why these board members are beating you up is an agenda that has no logic.

You don't even fish. OK so any fishing board would have this reaction to that foto - -as bill fish are generally not kept, but released... if possible. The same idiotic crew of bill fish lovers will ride around baja stuffing their pie holes with fish tacos without a care where the meat came from... another rant for another day.

Keep on posting the catch results for LB, just remember there's always someone that has a problem with something.

Bill Collector - 9-25-2012 at 08:03 PM

Your so wrong, they are not legal. Learn the law !!!

monoloco - 9-25-2012 at 08:05 PM

Sports fishing is not the problem, the majority of marlin are killed by longlines and commercial fishing, I have seen pangeros from Todos Santos with them stacked like cordwood.

Killing Marlin

baja09 - 9-25-2012 at 08:40 PM

Sad very sad..........please dont kill them

ElCap - 9-25-2012 at 09:19 PM

To Bill Collector: get off your high horse! Maybe you practice catch and release, but how many of those didn't survive your 'sport'? How many did you gaff and keep before you were enlightened? Based on you login name here, either you are an avid bill fisherman, or else a guy who hassles people for late payments. Or maybe both. Neither an admirable profession in most peoples opinion. Quit on all the negativity, it's obvious it comes from within.

luv2fish - 9-25-2012 at 11:32 PM


aguachico - 9-26-2012 at 04:16 AM

Originally posted by Bill Collector
Your so wrong, they are not legal. Learn the law !!!

Hey man. I'm just reading what it says. There's no provision on a 'per boat' basis. Cortez resorts kill a lot of billfish, get over it. Put the bong down and go for a walk.

Just to confirm what I believe is true I will drop a line to the Conapesca today and let you know, ok? Then the loser should apologize, because you are just being rude to Blanca and she doesn't deserve it.

Cardon Man - 9-26-2012 at 06:05 AM

I'm very curious to hear what the resolution is to this "one billfish per boat limit". As has been pointed out there is no provision in the law for a 'per boat' limit.

Tournament rules are not law. Otherwise it would be against the law to fish leaders under a certain length or have a hook dangling beyond the lure's skirt etc.

I support catch and release of billfish. But the uproar caused by the dead fish in this thread is misdirected.

One has to wonder if the angry posters in this thread have the same reaction to the Cabo boats that go out to set catch and release records on marlin. They hook up to 190 marlin in one day. And every fish swims away happier and healthier than before it was hooked I'm sure.

luv2fish - 9-26-2012 at 07:54 AM

Originally posted by aguachico
Originally posted by Bill Collector

get over it. Put the bong down and go for a walk.

I see nothing about boat limits.

[Edited on 9-26-2012 by luv2fish]

BajaBlanca - 9-26-2012 at 08:14 AM

so far this has been a real education for me. I don't take the rants personally at all, I simply had no idea there was this overwhelming love for marlin. They are gorgeous but so are dorado.

My goal in life is to make people around me HAPPY. so I post pics of fish since hubby is not remotely interested in posting on BajaNomad. and education is my life. so I have now learned about billfish.

that being said - bill collector - please post a link to somewhere - anywhere - where it says the law was broken. and I can't believe you named yourself BILL collector. that is so funny and I didn't pick up on it til the previous post ! duhhhhh.

now, I find it ironic and a bit hypocritical us that the very ones who think these marlin should be protected, participate in tournaments. I wouldn't, were I a fisherman, after reading how they are endangered.

Now, time to get over to the hotel to see what the SAGARPA folks can tell me after consulting with their CONAPESCA peers.

55steve - 9-26-2012 at 08:39 AM

Blanca, Bill Collector is wrong on this issue - nowhere in the regulations is a boat limit imposed.

Perhaps with his love for these fish, he would like to see a boat limit but the fact is that at this time it isn't so.

I impose my own limit on certain species (calico bass) on my boats so I understand where Bill Collector is coming from.

Say Hi to Les for me....

luv2fish - 9-26-2012 at 08:54 AM

Originally posted by BajaBlanca
so far this has been a real education for me. I don't take the rants personally at all, I simply had no idea there was this overwhelming love for marlin. They are gorgeous but so are dorado.

My goal in life is to make people around me HAPPY. so I post pics of fish since hubby is not remotely interested in posting on BajaNomad. and education is my life. so I have now learned about billfish.

that being said - bill collector - please post a link to somewhere - anywhere - where it says the law was broken. and I can't believe you named yourself BILL collector. that is so funny and I didn't pick up on it til the previous post ! duhhhhh.

now, I find it ironic and a bit hypocritical us that the very ones who think these marlin should be protected, participate in tournaments. I wouldn't, were I a fisherman, after reading how they are endangered.

Now, time to get over to the hotel to see what the SAGARPA folks can tell me after consulting with their CONAPESCA peers.

I think this is kind of like the guy who builds a house on a hillside, but when others try to build around him, he uses the excuse that it isn't safe for building or it will cause overcrowding, this way he gets the whole hillside to himself. Don't take the Marlin they are all MINE MINE MINE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Skipjack Joe - 9-26-2012 at 09:08 AM

The bottom line is that in order to stop being criticized for killing marlin the people of bocana have to brush up on and respect fishing ethics. Last year it was the images of dead and hanging 200 lb black seabass and grouper and this year it's marlin.

Mexican sport regulations are ineffective in fishery management. The limit for baja grouper is 5 per day. The only people who are limited by this are spearfishermen. Most rod and reel guys won't encounter 5 in their lifetime.

The difference between marlin and dorado? Well, one important difference is that marlin fishing is what put baja on the map. Even before the baja dirt racing started anglers were flying to baja specifically for marlin.

I also don't see what relationship there is between having had a good time at bajablanca's B&B and fundamental fishing ethics. We all know that bajablanca is a wonderful person but that has no bearing on these fishing practices at bocana.

Every fisherman should practice conservation regardless of what a piece of paper says.

Fish shouldn't be kept just because it's 'his first one' (or second).

willardguy - 9-26-2012 at 09:55 AM

okay so where do we stand? bill collector and baja boy are adamant that its one marlin per boat. from my understanding reading the mexican regs its one marlin per person, if you got five guys on one boat you can keep 5 marlin.
so billcollector and bajaboy please show us otherwise. and acadist is spot on, tournament rules are just that,we're only interested in what the mexican LAW says.

Bajaboy - 9-26-2012 at 10:07 AM

Originally posted by willardguy
okay so where do we stand? bill collector and baja boy are adamant that its one marlin per boat. from my understanding reading the mexican regs its one marlin per person, if you got five guys on one boat you can keep 5 marlin.
so billcollector and bajaboy please show us otherwise. and acadist is spot on, tournament rules are just that,we're only interested in what the mexican LAW says.

Whoa....I just posted what I found online. I did ask about the perspective of the Coop, though. To me, it seems like sport fishing in the region is still in the infancy stages compared to other areas such as the East Cape/Cabo area. I think with time, the sport fishing industry will adopt a similar catch and release policy as other areas. I find it odd that they will slay marlin and other species but protect abalone and lobster. I have never been one to pack up the ice chest with fish...pretty much catch what I can eat.


Skipjack Joe - 9-26-2012 at 10:12 AM

Originally posted by Bajaboy

... I have never been one to pack up the ice chest with fish...pretty much catch what I can eat.


Perfect. It's that simple.

Osprey - 9-26-2012 at 11:02 AM

I have the "Little Green Book", PESCA, the laws, 15th edition, 2000 which hasn't changed much, if at all, since it was adopted in 1972. All the point schedule stuff is not new law from congress but Pesca's way of explaining how many and what kind.

In Baja Sur the resorts and charter people decided (at times) to help the fishery by setting their own BOAT limits on billfish. First it was ONE per boat. Then they said "NO BILLFISH EXCEPT THOSE THAT DIED IN THE FIGHT AND THOSE THAT WOULD NOT SURVIVE THE RELEASE AFTER THE FIGHT. Hereabouts, because money is tight, charter guys often bent that rule and caught hell from their charter resort bosses. So they would radio a small boat to meet them, offload the $150 dollar meat price fish and go in empty.


willardguy - 9-26-2012 at 11:30 AM

Originally posted by Bajaboy
Originally posted by willard guy
okay so where do we stand? bill collector and baja boy are adamant that its one marlin per boat. from my understanding reading the mexican regs its one marlin per person, if you got five guys on one boat you can keep 5 marlin.
so bill collector and bajaboy please show us otherwise. and acadist is spot on, tournament rules are just that,we're only interested in what the mexican LAW says.

Whoa....I just posted what I found online. I did ask about the perspective of the Coop, though. To me, it seems like sport fishing in the region is still in the infancy stages compared to other areas such as the East Cape/Cabo area. I think with time, the sport fishing industry will adopt a similar catch and release policy as other areas. I find it odd that they will slay marlin and other species but protect abalone and lobster. I have never been one to pack up the ice chest with fish...pretty much catch what I can eat.

hey lets just get to the bottom of the legal part of this and leave the moral issue aside for now.
baja boy stated "by law,each boat is allowed to keep one billfish" now you say whoa, that's just what I read on the internet. by who,bill collector?
and we're not interested in the interpretation or policies of resorts or charter operators.
it looks to me like the mexican fishing laws are simple, to the fact and fair. it sounds to me like some in the billfishing community are stretching these laws to fit they're agenda. yes/no?

Bajaboy - 9-26-2012 at 11:34 AM

Originally posted by willardguy
Originally posted by Bajaboy
Originally posted by willard guy
okay so where do we stand? bill collector and baja boy are adamant that its one marlin per boat. from my understanding reading the mexican regs its one marlin per person, if you got five guys on one boat you can keep 5 marlin.
so bill collector and bajaboy please show us otherwise. and acadist is spot on, tournament rules are just that,we're only interested in what the mexican LAW says.

Whoa....I just posted what I found online. I did ask about the perspective of the Coop, though. To me, it seems like sport fishing in the region is still in the infancy stages compared to other areas such as the East Cape/Cabo area. I think with time, the sport fishing industry will adopt a similar catch and release policy as other areas. I find it odd that they will slay marlin and other species but protect abalone and lobster. I have never been one to pack up the ice chest with fish...pretty much catch what I can eat.

hey lets just get to the bottom of the legal part of this and leave the moral issue aside for now.
baja boy stated "by law,each boat is allowed to keep one billfish" now you say whoa, that's just what I read on the internet. by who,bill collector?
and we're not interested in the interpretation or policies of resorts or charter operators.
it looks to me like the mexican fishing laws are simple, to the fact and fair. it sounds to me like some in the billfishing community are stretching these laws to fit they're agenda. yes/no?

No, I quoted a site off the Internet and included the web address. In other words, I sited my source. If you want to keep the moral judgements out of the conversation then feel free to not respond.

chippy - 9-26-2012 at 11:43 AM

I talked to the Pesca rep this morning while cleaning my boat. He said one billfish per license per day. I personally never keep more than one a year for the smoker plus I´m part of a tag and release program.

So maybe this one per boat is a Baja thing but I doubt it as we are all in the Republic of Mexico.

desertcpl - 9-26-2012 at 11:53 AM

personally I dont see a thing wrong with keeping one, I am sure it will go to good use, I have smoked Marlin before and its great,
as what I under stand that Marlin are not even close to being fished out
I am a believer in catch and release,
I only keep what I intend to eat, I dont waste any thing that I can help
the last time I went fishing in Cabo, we caught Marlin and nothing at all was said about 1 marlin per boat, yes they did say 1 marlin per person or license

baitcast - 9-26-2012 at 12:46 PM

Interesting reading,its good to get the boys all worked up helps to get the circulation moving once again,if you want a real explosion just bring up turtles and than get the hell out of the way:lol:

bajaumpaw - 9-26-2012 at 01:06 PM

In order to find out for myself and others on this board. I just called Conapesca Comision De Acuacultura in San Diego at 619-233-4324 to ask about bag and possesion limits in Baja. I spoke with Tony. He first tolde me that the rules for Baja were thae same as for all of Mexico. He refered me to their internet sit under the sme name as above. He said that the bag and possesion limits were per angler and not per boat. I told him that 3 licensed fishermen fishing on the same boat in La Bocanna each caught and brought to shore 3 Marlin. He said that "that is totally legal under their laws. He again refered me to their website and said it was per person - not per boat. Hopoefully this will clear this up. If in doubt, give Tony a call at the3 above telephone number. Nice legal catch guys.

bajaumpaw - 9-26-2012 at 01:16 PM

My computer is missing letters. I'm sorry. So as to be clear on the above post. It should be that 3 licensed anglers each took one marlin and brought the three fish to shore. Sorry for not being cleared on that statement.

docvandijk - 9-26-2012 at 01:21 PM

It's a marlin - not a Unicorn.

We're catching more marlin than 30 years ago specifically due to catch and release. Smart operators encourage catch and release, particularly in an ecologically driven tourist market, but there will always be that "customer" who only came to the Baja to fill his cooler, just like the old days when all they wanted was a picture of a hung fish. Part of the job of the operator is to educate their customers. I'm sure when these guys proudly posted their pics they did not know they were flying into the fracas by violating local custom and practice. Blame whomever you want over not educating them.

Allegedly a 2nd class table fish, striped marlin remains on the menu at a number of fine restaurants. Personally I prefer Blues.

Grow up and face some facts: If you're going to catch these fish you will have a mortality rate of at least 10%.

Nevertheless, killing three intentionally is just dumb.

Cardon Man - 9-26-2012 at 01:40 PM

Originally posted by docvandijk

Grow up and face some facts: If you're going to catch these fish you will have a mortality rate of at least 10%.

10% mortality? Even with circle hooks?

If that's the case, those boats that go for catch and release records are killing a lot of fish in the process. If they catch and release up to 190 in one day...well, that's a heap of dead marlin.

Feathers - 9-26-2012 at 01:53 PM

Originally posted by aguachico
Originally posted by Bill Collector
Your so wrong, they are not legal. Learn the law !!!

Hey man. I'm just reading what it says. There's no provision on a 'per boat' basis. Cortez resorts kill a lot of billfish, get over it. Put the bong down and go for a walk.

Just to confirm what I believe is true I will drop a line to the Conapesca today and let you know, ok? Then the loser should apologize, because you are just being rude to Blanca and she doesn't deserve it.

lol... now I'm curious if these fellas are big enough to admit they're wrong.

bajaumpaw - 9-26-2012 at 01:56 PM

I should have added one more thing. Please don't take my word for it. Call the San Diego office that I reference above and get the straight skinny. If I am right, some people owe Blanca and others an apology for misquoting the law. Also remember - a fish wouldn' get caught if he didn't open his mouth.

BajaBlanca - 9-26-2012 at 01:56 PM


Feathers - 9-26-2012 at 02:00 PM

Originally posted by BajaBlanca

x3 :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin: One grin for each delicious Marlin. :P

[Edited on 9-26-2012 by Feathers]

bajaumpaw - 9-26-2012 at 02:00 PM

I have already called them - save your stamp and buy a cerveza. See above posts and you are right (according to their San Diego office.

BajaBlanca - 9-26-2012 at 02:20 PM

Really, all I ask is that we treat each other with respect, even when you think or know the other person is WRONG .... I am learning as we go ... I did learn about black sea bass last time (The Hard Way with lots of internet yelling) and now I have learned about marlin. Boy, never in my wildest dreams did I think the pic would reap so much havoc.

Our people from sagarpa who are at the B&B are not working today - due to the earthquake in La Paz, all offices are closed. So, they could not contact their amigos to ask the question. Since bajaumpaw did a great service and called the San Diego offices, I can rest easy. We are not into breaking the law, no sir. no mam.

Interesting enough though, the marine biologist from CONAPESCA at the hotel (her specialty is abalone) said not all mero are in danger and she is going to let me know if the specific one found around here is in fact on the endangered list or not. She will stop by Joaquin's to look at the photo there.

Now that the bruhaha is over, I need to correct something I wrote: Les in fact let his marlin go - the other marlin was in fact from another fisherman in another boat. It was hanging there with Frank and Ernesto's, so Les took the photo. Since I made the posting from the photo while Les was taking a siesta, and when he corrected me the poopoo was already hitting the fan - I did not want to retract my mistake and be slammed even more .... but that's all for now folks.


[Edited on 9-26-2012 by BajaBlanca]

bajaandy - 9-26-2012 at 02:47 PM

You rock Blanca.
Way to weather the storm with grace and dignity.

willardguy - 9-26-2012 at 04:11 PM

Originally posted by Feathers
Originally posted by aguachico
Originally posted by Bill Collector
Your so wrong, they are not legal. Learn the law !!!

Hey man. I'm just reading what it says. There's no provision on a 'per boat' basis. Cortez resorts kill a lot of billfish, get over it. Put the bong down and go for a walk.

Just to confirm what I believe is true I will drop a line to the Conapesca today and let you know, ok? Then the loser should apologize, because you are just being rude to Blanca and she doesn't deserve it.

lol... now I'm curious if these fellas are big enough to admit they're wrong.
remember the fonz!:lol:

baitcast - 9-26-2012 at 04:46 PM

Blanca the Rooster fish is not endangered but has a huge following including myself,they are just a special fish that needs to be C/R as often as possible,they should not be a problem up your way,you handled this very well!


captkw - 9-26-2012 at 05:03 PM

HOLA, that what I thought was the facts !! till recently spent a hell of a LOT of time taking folks fishing from cabo to pulmo and dont target stripers (marlin) hard on my gear,not the best eating and the resorce in b.c.s. has taken a beating !! the last one to come over my gunnel was around 20 years ago on 40lb line with NO leader...what hurts a marlin the most is long dragged out figh and little ox...more or less drowning..for C/R quik to leader and you dont have to hold them up ether when I lived on alcapuco bay it was black & blues and running boats in CR was SAILS..thanks for pic blanca... and lets all do the ocean's and river's RIGHT !! damn japan!! thats who you shouldbe taking your grief out on !! and you might think twice before dumping!! K&T:cool: wsb tomorrow..yee ha !!!

[Edited on 9-27-2012 by captkw]


captkw - 9-26-2012 at 05:16 PM

- a fish wouldn' get caught if he didn't open his mouth.
THATS A NFUNNY !! lol:lol:

Paladin - 9-26-2012 at 07:46 PM


We haven't met yet but we will.

Your place will hopefully do me the honor of catching and keeping my first marlin.

Someone needs to read the rules on limits and it ain't you.

Son of a California Fish & Game Warden

docvandijk - 9-26-2012 at 08:08 PM

Originally posted by Cardon Man
Originally posted by docvandijk

Grow up and face some facts: If you're going to catch these fish you will have a mortality rate of at least 10%.

10% mortality? Even with circle hooks?

If that's the case, those boats that go for catch and release records are killing a lot of fish in the process. If they catch and release up to 190 in one day...well, that's a heap of dead marlin.

The pro boats catching 190 are slamming fish in no time and are using breakaway leaders. They leave a lot of hooks and leaders on fish. The hooks are designed to dissolve. I witnessed a "catch and release" completed in under 17 seconds. The catch is when the deck hand touches the leader. Using IGFA standard double line and leader length they get the fish in a hurry.

10% is, from my readings, a pretty standard motality estimate. I'm pretty sure the length of the fight is the major factor.

I think Captks is right about the fight. The average Joe from Cocamo is going to take some time. As we all know, some fish just fight harder than others.

I'm all for catch and release, but I already got my one marlin picture in 1983. There are two parts to catch and release. I'm all for the catching part too.

willardguy - 9-26-2012 at 09:46 PM

Originally posted by Bill Collector
When you fish in Mexican waters follow the rules. I know Mike Odell has won some of the big marlin tournament as we have. You have to know all the rules not make them up. Only fisherman should really comment on this, not the week end fisherman who doesn't have a clue.
any other clueless weekend fishermen waiting for a response?:?:

dorado50 - 9-26-2012 at 10:12 PM

Legal or not...All I see are three yo-yos with three awesome fish that sre more spectacular in the water than out of the water.

Feathers - 9-27-2012 at 07:19 AM

Originally posted by dorado50
Legal or not...All I see are three yo-yos with three awesome fish that sre more spectacular in the water than out of the water.

That's weird. All I see is two happy fishermen and three unicorns.

I think my s#it is a lot better than yours. :dudette:


captkw - 9-27-2012 at 07:29 AM


Cardon Man - 9-27-2012 at 07:35 AM

Originally posted by docvandijk

The pro boats catching 190 are slamming fish in no time and are using breakaway leaders. They leave a lot of hooks and leaders on fish. The hooks are designed to dissolve. I witnessed a "catch and release" completed in under 17 seconds. The catch is when the deck hand touches the leader. Using IGFA standard double line and leader length they get the fish in a hurry.

I'm all for catching. And quite frequently, I'm all for harvesting too.
But catching and releasing triple digit numbers of marlin should be every but as questionable ( ethically ) as a hero shot with 3 dead marlin.
It seems to me that most hardcore fishermen get past the "how many can I catch" stage rather early in their lives and move on to such things as challenging species, light tackle, big fish etc.


captkw - 9-27-2012 at 07:54 AM


Cardon Man - 9-27-2012 at 08:58 AM

The leaders must be bimini twisted to a light main line like 20lb. Grab the doubled line and simply break off the entire leader. Leaving the hook and leader in the fish.

luv2fish - 9-27-2012 at 09:18 AM

Ok then it's settled, we need for Bill Collector, bajajudy, mike odell, LosCabosbound and any other extremist that has slandered Blanca to apologize........ and in the future lets get our facts straight prior to running our mouths / keyboard. :lol::lol::lol::lol: Blanca you go girl.....

castaway$ - 9-27-2012 at 09:36 AM

Originally posted by Bill Collector
Don't think you fish. It's not our version it's the law. Learn it.
Guess you've never fished any Marlin tournaments.

The Bill Fish Foundation supports tournaments and turns a blind eye to the number of fish killed after release, those fish were killed for pleasure only! not food! People that typically support tournaments ride around in high priced boats and look down on others because they want it all to be about sport for the elites! YES the ELITES. They shun those that take some for food. You can't kill only certain species of fish if you do you will have nothing but predators left and the system crashes, biology 101.

aguachico - 9-27-2012 at 11:14 AM

Originally posted by dorado50
Legal or not...All I see are three yo-yos with three awesome fish that sre more spectacular in the water than out of the water.

nice weighin on the situation D50. You should come down to LB coop and voice those same opinions. How do you say yoyo in Spanish?

sd - 9-27-2012 at 11:28 AM

I received my "education" regarding catch and release about 10 years ago from a panga captain who has fished the East Cape for the last 40 years.
He is still my favorite captain. He takes receational anglers out during tourist season, and fishes commercial during other months.
I respect his knowledge, and have learned from him.
I have never kept a billfish, never will. I will not eat any billfish.

My normal trip is 3 days fishing, and I will keep one fish per day that my hotel will prepare for my dinner, and sometimes my captain will keep one fish for his family dinner. It makes for fun fishing. I do sometimes have the smoke house package some fish to take home, and all is consumed.

Blanca, I didn't know much when I first started, but the East Cape resorts practice strong catch and release standards, based upon what they see as fishermen. It is very frowned upon to keep any billfish. No photo will be taken of a dead billfish to post on the website of the hotel where I stay, so that fishermen are encouraged to release these fish.

It would be great if the fishermen in your area practice catch and release, regardless of what may be allowed. I have read so many nice things about you, and understand you do great things for your community. You are a leader that can help make a difference!


Bajaboy - 9-27-2012 at 11:54 AM

Originally posted by sd
I received my "education" regarding catch and release about 10 years ago from a panga captain who has fished the East Cape for the last 40 years.
He is still my favorite captain. He takes receational anglers out during tourist season, and fishes commercial during other months.
I respect his knowledge, and have learned from him.
I have never kept a billfish, never will. I will not eat any billfish.

My normal trip is 3 days fishing, and I will keep one fish per day that my hotel will prepare for my dinner, and sometimes my captain will keep one fish for his family dinner. It makes for fun fishing. I do sometimes have the smoke house package some fish to take home, and all is consumed.

Blanca, I didn't know much when I first started, but the East Cape resorts practice strong catch and release standards, based upon what they see as fishermen. It is very frowned upon to keep any billfish. No photo will be taken of a dead billfish to post on the website of the hotel where I stay, so that fishermen are encouraged to release these fish.

It would be great if the fishermen in your area practice catch and release, regardless of what may be allowed. I have read so many nice things about you, and understand you do great things for your community. You are a leader that can help make a difference!


Nicely said

Osprey - 9-27-2012 at 12:00 PM

Glad to see so many diverse opinions on the board without a fistfight. I reported about fishing here to Western Outdoor News for a few years but had to quit that when I thought my East Cape fishermen neighbors were bringing fish to my house for the picture/story for the press THAT THEY OTHERWISE MIGHT HAVE RELEASED.

To be fair, the key word EDUCATION could also be attached to PROMOTION. Can't promote sportfishing without pictures of fish and when that add/mag/blog runs it's hard to find the Education section that says "You don't have to keep these fish in the pictures to have fun." Said another way = try to promote your sportfishing business without the hype, the pix.

In the very bottom of all this is a thing called character: I don't know how I'm helping or hurting the fishery. I have no control over Mexico's mismanagement of the resource. Character is doing the right thing when nobody is watching. Fishing character is doing the right thing when you head home with your 5 sierra while you watch your neighbor Nacho sing his celebration Boo Haaah cause he has 70 in his boat just to sell to local restaurants (he's not a commercial fisherman, not a co-op guy (and no license).

Finally, about them thar disappearing hooks. My uncle was a marlin and died in my arms telling me the real story about how long it takes a steel hook to disintegrate in salt water.

[Edited on 9-27-2012 by Osprey]

bill erhardt - 9-27-2012 at 12:42 PM

Originally posted by Bajaboy
Originally posted by sd
I received my "education" regarding catch and release about 10 years ago from a panga captain who has fished the East Cape for the last 40 years.
He is still my favorite captain. He takes receational anglers out during tourist season, and fishes commercial during other months.
I respect his knowledge, and have learned from him.
I have never kept a billfish, never will. I will not eat any billfish.

My normal trip is 3 days fishing, and I will keep one fish per day that my hotel will prepare for my dinner, and sometimes my captain will keep one fish for his family dinner. It makes for fun fishing. I do sometimes have the smoke house package some fish to take home, and all is consumed.

Blanca, I didn't know much when I first started, but the East Cape resorts practice strong catch and release standards, based upon what they see as fishermen. It is very frowned upon to keep any billfish. No photo will be taken of a dead billfish to post on the website of the hotel where I stay, so that fishermen are encouraged to release these fish.

It would be great if the fishermen in your area practice catch and release, regardless of what may be allowed. I have read so many nice things about you, and understand you do great things for your community. You are a leader that can help make a difference!


Nicely said

Yes, indeed.

docvandijk - 9-27-2012 at 01:03 PM

Originally posted by captkw

Hi Skipper,

I had never heard of a breakaway leader until Oct. 2006. I got to fill in for a few days off Mag Bay with a team practicing for the Bisbee. They were using tournament hooks on breakaway leaders. Instead of billing the fish and extracting the hook tbese leaders were designed to break a few inches above the hook under a sharp pull or snap. They held under a regular strain but broke away under a sharp force. As explained to me, they were of the mind that a hook designed to dissolve was better left in than to bill the fish and extract tbe hook. These guys were fishing nothing but Trinidad 20s and 30s with 20# test. They were not breaking the line, just snapping off the leaders next to the fish. I don't fish in that level of tournaments but every one of the 4 boats up there practicing were using them. I had a suspicion the gear was more designed for speed than out of concern for the
fish, but that was their story.

Osprey - 9-27-2012 at 01:54 PM

Might be time for this little story.

Alka-Selzer Hooks

I knew the guy, Chad Atkins. He was sitting, standing, lurching near the bar at Rancho Leonero as he let us know how he felt about the hooks to be used in the fishing tournament which would begin just 39 hours from now. “Screw MC. Screw MC users and all the sponsors who are pushing this crap.”

He was jawjackin’ about the Multi-Coated Hooks which had been declared mandatory by the tournament board. At first I thought he was just exercised about which company got the OK to provide the hooks, or the cost, about $12 per hook.

He went on. “I’m not takin’ my whole crimping kit out there, have my sleeves dancin’ all over the deck, fumblin’ around makin’ leaders and rigs on board, while we’re supposed to be fishin’.”

I’d heard it all before. Another hard-head who didn’t get the message. Tournament fishing has come a long way from keep all the fish to tag and brag, water measure and all release, circle hooks and now the MC hooks. The new hooks were catching on. Here and at other fishing resorts the managers tell the bartenders to cook a hook or two in a c-cktail glass every shift. That way, everybody gets to watch, touch, feel, be a part of something. In sea water you can almost see the things dissolving in the glass.

Gamakatsu beat Owner by just 20 days when the hooks in the little bags full of gel hit the market. They won the big prize, got a jump on Mustad, Owner, the other big hook sellers. As tournament directors around the world learned about the strength tests, the 48 hour dissolving time, the cost, they began to get in line. The hookmakers were still taking flack about the fact that the gel packets looked like condoms, that all bets were off about hook life after the packets were opened. Members of Billfish Groups, now dedicated to the use of the hooks, could finally feel they were doing all they could do for the fishery wherever their tournaments were held, whatever game fish was the object of their contest.

I suppose every salt water fishermen, especially those who fish for billfish, wondered just how long it took his hooks, in the mouth, gill or gut of a fish he released, to rust out. Bar room chatter would always include some conjecture about days or weeks for ordinary hooks but in their hearts and minds they knew better. All of them had found, at one time or another, a rusty hook in their tackle cupboard that was still sharp and strong; a rusty relic that had never been used, was shiny and bright 10 or 15 years ago when it was purchased. Not enough to say “well this thing’s been here in the drawer all this time, not in salt water”. Serious sportsmen are willing to buy, rig and use disposable hooks; same-day hooks make for short-time rigging but the fishermen can now check the rig, the leader, just before use, be assured everything looks good.
When ole Chad sobers up tomorrow he’ll buy some MC hooks, take his kit aboard, crimp and grumble. Later he’ll brag about using the hooks to whoever will listen to him back home.

dorado50 - 9-27-2012 at 04:58 PM

Originally posted by aguachico
Originally posted by dorado50
Legal or not...All I see are three yo-yos with three awesome fish that sre more spectacular in the water than out of the water.

nice weighin on the situation D50. You should come down to LB coop and voice those same opinions. How do you say yoyo in Spanish?

Thanks, a picture says a thousand words,I just added a few more! I just passed by LB by boat earlier this month. Can't make it down there again till late winter. Can you wait till then?. Cool on the spanish quiz....I'll say payaso:biggrin:

Mateo-Feo - 9-27-2012 at 05:09 PM

The pangueros just say Yoyo

to sd

captkw - 9-27-2012 at 05:57 PM


[Edited on 9-28-2012 by captkw]

[Edited on 9-28-2012 by captkw]

[Edited on 9-28-2012 by captkw]

[Edited on 9-28-2012 by captkw]

LosCabosbound - 9-27-2012 at 06:15 PM

Originally posted by luv2fish
Ok then it's settled, we need for Bill Collector, bajajudy, mike odell, LosCabosbound and any other extremist that has slandered Blanca to apologize........ and in the future lets get our facts straight prior to running our mouths / keyboard. :lol::lol::lol::lol: Blanca you go girl.....

No apology coming from my for my comment... I never mentioned anything about legalities, only that 3 marlin should not be strung up. The one that she posted the day before was justifiable as the fishes stomach came out, but the three the next day is dead wrong.

willardguy - 9-27-2012 at 06:16 PM

Originally posted by willardguy
Originally posted by Bill Collector
When you fish in Mexican waters follow the rules. I know Mike Odell has won some of the big marlin tournament as we have. You have to know all the rules not make them up. Only fisherman should really comment on this, not the week end fisherman who doesn't have a clue.
any other clueless weekend fishermen waiting for a response?:?:
tournament bill must still be on the water huh?:?:

BajaBlanca - 9-27-2012 at 06:28 PM

hello, time to say hi again...the skippers here do now practice catch and release and it has actually been many an American/Canadian fisherman who has explained this to them. This is their first year. We need to cut them some slack too. Mistakes will be made.

I am indeed involved in the community and love everything Baja and I will be one of the biggest advocates for not killing billfish now that I know...just like I defend black sea bass now as well. I learned here on baja nomad, way back when, that they are endangered and special and deserve to be left right where they are. They are not included in the la bocana tournaments any more (I think if they are to be protected then it doesnt make sense to kill them one day for a tournament. Just my opinion. And if marlin decide to permanently hang out here in la bocana - I will do my best to see that they are protected. see what education does ?!

But, for the record, I think that my husband's friends, who work 80 hour weeks and fish on their vacation, had the time of their life catching their marlin ... I do not fish at all, ever,... but by the smiles on their faces, these guys had a magnificent day...and I guess that is what fishing is about ? catching and releasing almost all but keeping the one or two that are unique and a feather in one's cap ?

Have a great day all and thanks for being you. I do hope bill collector comes to visit us one day ! and that we take a picture LOL !!

Bajafun777 - 9-27-2012 at 06:42 PM

Unfortunately BajaBlanca you will find or already know that the extreme ones on this board never say sorry nor that they were in fact misinformed. You have made the change in the best interest of billfishing by now requesting catch & release in the future. Keep on smiling and keep the faith as the world doesn't really revolve around strong negative people. There is a way to express your displeasure with something without being overboard causing feelings to be harmed. Take Care & Travel Safe----"No Hurry, No Worry, Just FUN" bajafun777

willardguy - 9-27-2012 at 06:52 PM

yup, don't expect an apology or even an okay I was wrong, but a few weeks ago when someone was looking for help for a friend........
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