
video of the Abreojos Torneo de Pesca this year

BajaBlanca - 9-30-2012 at 07:28 PM

that was so fun to watch ! we were really busy here so we could not go... the video gives a real taste of how the tournament played out.

Not only that - the 3 girls who were vying for queen were my students last year ! The one with the long flowing dress was the winner.

thanks for posting it Ralph !

torch - 10-1-2012 at 06:02 AM

I had a great time and had no idea about the celebrationthat was taking place. The firework show had (and did) have the potential to go not as planed. surf was fun and I'm planing to make it a yearly event. :)

Pescador - 10-1-2012 at 07:53 AM

The "Catch and Release" crowd should have a ball with that video.

Feathers - 10-1-2012 at 08:15 AM

Super enjoyable... thanks for sharing!

surfdoc - 10-1-2012 at 09:51 AM

Watched 2 min's of the vid.....couldn't stomach anymore...I left Socal to get away from that scene...

I'll take our small town approach anyday...

rts551 - 10-1-2012 at 10:19 AM

Originally posted by surfdoc
Watched 2 min's of the vid.....couldn't stomach anymore...I left Socal to get away from that scene...

I'll take our small town approach anyday...

now thats funny. Punta Abreojos is at least half the size Of Bahia Asuncion and a lot less hustle and bustle. Its only 60 miles south, you should check it out some day. Not even close to SoCal

surfdoc - 10-1-2012 at 03:26 PM

Bottom line, I'm in a postion to add very real sponsers to the tournament here in Asuncion.
BUT after watching your half in the bag announcer spew his load for the Bisbee (Major $$$ oh hell yea!) I'm rethinking it.
All I saw was abunch of gringos in a very very nice puebla. I'm sure the locals had fun also.
But this was my take from 2 min's of Mike and Ricks Awsome adventures!
I picked Asuncion for it's people. It's mellow, honest, real.
I know it will change. But after watching Cabo meets Abre. I'm not sure I would feel good about myself helping it along.

And yes I have been to Punta Abreojos....and Loved it. Maybe not out at the point, but the main town......heck yea.
Glad it was sucessful really ........

[Edited on 10-1-2012 by surfdoc]

DianaT - 10-1-2012 at 04:36 PM

Good video --- I also enjoyed part one that showed all the green and that guy's first trip going north and he sure liked what he found.

My favorite promotion on Abreojos, however, is the one done by the primary school students! That was great.

[Edited on 10-2-2012 by DianaT]

rts551 - 10-1-2012 at 04:53 PM

Originally posted by surfdoc
Bottom line, I'm in a postion to add very real sponsers to the tournament here in Asuncion.
BUT after watching your half in the bag announcer spew his load for the Bisbee (Major $$$ oh hell yea!) I'm rethinking it.
All I saw was abunch of gringos in a very very nice puebla. I'm sure the locals had fun also.
But this was my take from 2 min's of Mike and Ricks Awsome adventures!
I picked Asuncion for it's people. It's mellow, honest, real.
I know it will change. But after watching Cabo meets Abre. I'm not sure I would feel good about myself helping it along.

And yes I have been to Punta Abreojos....and Loved it. Maybe not out at the point, but the main town......heck yea.
Glad it was sucessful really ........

[Edited on 10-1-2012 by surfdoc]

Since your an expert in promotion, go for it. we don't need your kind in Abreojos. This guy made a video. He was not a sponsor. The Coop was our sponsor. Most fisherpeople were Mexican/locals. and on second thought...don't bother coming south and I will make sure I bypass your promotions while I am North.

rts551 - 10-1-2012 at 05:21 PM

The guy that made the video visits all the Tournaments, including the one Asuncion. He just likes making movies and I applaud him for that. But for __________, I will make sure that he knows who you are for his next visit to Asuncion.

[Edited on 10-2-2012 by rts551]

msteve1014 - 10-1-2012 at 05:27 PM

Really Ralph, "Stanibuns"? You sound like one of the cool kids now.

Thanks for the video, I liked it.

rts551 - 10-1-2012 at 05:29 PM

Originally posted by msteve1014
Really Ralph, "Stanibuns"? You sound like one of the cool kids now.

Thanks for the video, I liked it.

too much cool aid I guess. see you soon

msteve1014 - 10-1-2012 at 05:30 PM

I'm on my way,...soon. Wheres the tuna?

rts551 - 10-1-2012 at 05:48 PM

lejos. posible 20 miles

dorado50 - 10-1-2012 at 08:06 PM

Loved the video and what a great way for such a small town to celebrate!:yes:

Bajaboy - 10-1-2012 at 08:22 PM

Where is Richard's video:barf:

rts551 - 10-1-2012 at 08:36 PM

Originally posted by Bajaboy
Where is Richard's video:barf:

took it off after remembering this forum is about barfing (your smiley, not mine) and not sharing

BajaBlanca - 10-2-2012 at 09:02 AM

I am sorry the video was removed - Clicerio is one of guys mentioned, he is a one of a kind, fantastic person. He tries to go to all the tournaments - so what if he does the brisbee too !! He promotes fishing and that is what the tournaments are all about. Gringoes and Mexicans enjoying the good things in Life.

Ralph ... send the video maker our way at the end of this month ! We would love one of la bocana !

bajajurel - 10-3-2012 at 02:40 PM

Originally posted by BajaBlanca
I am sorry the video was removed - Clicerio is one of guys mentioned, he is a one of a kind, fantastic person. He tries to go to all the tournaments - so what if he does the brisbee too !! He promotes fishing and that is what the tournaments are all about. Gringoes and Mexicans enjoying the good things in Life.

Ralph ... send the video maker our way at the end of this month ! We would love one of la bocana !

What happened to the video?

What happened to the tournament in La Bocana?

comitan - 10-3-2012 at 02:50 PM

I thought there was way tooo much advertising.:bounce::bounce:

Udo - 10-3-2012 at 03:00 PM

I missed the video.

Where was it posted, Blanca?

Feathers - 10-3-2012 at 04:22 PM

Originally posted by comitan
I thought there was way tooo much advertising.:bounce::bounce:

I agree, comitan. I thought the advertisements were a little much, also.

I wonder why the video was removed. hmmmmmm.

Feathers - 10-3-2012 at 04:33 PM

Originally posted by Udo
I missed the video.

Where was it posted, Blanca?

Not Blanca, but I believe the video was posted on YouTube. However, I just did a search and it's not there not.

Pescador - 10-4-2012 at 09:17 AM

The tournament was Part II and was posted as well as Part I on You Tube.

The feelings about the video are running pretty high, but after watching, it was great because it reminded me what I do not like about tournaments. I like Abreojos and La Bocana, but truly prefer them in there more natural settings. Others like the promotion and fanfare and that is OK as it just depends on what you want. So both Rts551 and Surfdoc can be right and probably are.

After spending a week in La Bocana, a friend and I were commenting on how "Old Style Baja" the whole experience was and how much fun we had. As we were crossing the flats north of town, we looked up and saw what looked like a Caravan of more vehicles than you can believe. We both started cussing and swearing and figured we had a good depression coming on after the anger. Well, as it turns out, it was the carnival and all the people coming in to set up for Fiesta La Bocana, so we had a good laugh and decided that it would not be a great idea to come back the following weekend with all the festivities going on.

rts551 - 10-4-2012 at 10:03 AM

Originally posted by Pescador
The tournament was Part II and was posted as well as Part I on You Tube.

The feelings about the video are running pretty high, but after watching, it was great because it reminded me what I do not like about tournaments. I like Abreojos and La Bocana, but truly prefer them in there more natural settings. Others like the promotion and fanfare and that is OK as it just depends on what you want. So both Rts551 and Surfdoc can be right and probably are.

After spending a week in La Bocana, a friend and I were commenting on how "Old Style Baja" the whole experience was and how much fun we had. As we were crossing the flats north of town, we looked up and saw what looked like a Caravan of more vehicles than you can believe. We both started cussing and swearing and figured we had a good depression coming on after the anger. Well, as it turns out, it was the carnival and all the people coming in to set up for Fiesta La Bocana, so we had a good laugh and decided that it would not be a great idea to come back the following weekend with all the festivities going on.

The tournament was part of the overall 3 day town and independence day festival. Still old style unless you believe that towns should not have festivals. The quenn was shown in the video. lets criticize her. Should we all take shots at the horse races....or how about the band and dance...thats probably ripe for a few shots. How about the games for the kids on the beach? It seems to me that it is pretty easy for people to criticize something they know nothing about. The residents that saw the comments on this forum (there are a few lurkers) were insulted which is why I took the video off.

Pescador - 10-4-2012 at 11:14 AM

Originally posted by rts551

The tournament was part of the overall 3 day town and independence day festival. Still old style unless you believe that towns should not have festivals. The quenn was shown in the video. lets criticize her. Should we all take shots at the horse races....or how about the band and dance...thats probably ripe for a few shots. How about the games for the kids on the beach? It seems to me that it is pretty easy for people to criticize something they know nothing about. The residents that saw the comments on this forum (there are a few lurkers) were insulted which is why I took the video off.

I am not disagreeing with you. I think it is great that Abreojos had a tournament and have attended several of them. The flavor that was communicated by the video was different than my perception of what went on at the weekend of the tournament but then I am just not the party type of fisherman.

I know fisherman who would travel two or three days to be a part of that kind of atmoshpere and that is wonderful and I truly hope that everyone has a great time. I , on the other hand, prefer a more tranquil time on the water , not overrun by hyperactive fishermen who forget etiquette and manners in the name of catching a fish for their moment of fame. I am one of the co-sponsors and directors of a tournament held in Santa Rosalia but I very seldom or ever actually fish in any of those tournaments as it is just not my style.

I can not speak for Surfdoc as I do not know him well, but I got the feeling he was responding to the "party atmoshpere" as in comparison to "usual tranquility" and I think there is room for both and neither side needs to get defensive about the others feelings or opinions.

I have attended all of the Governor's Cup tournaments that were held in our area, and I did notice, as a general rule, that the Mexicans, Clicerio included, are a little less loud, flamboyant, and more serene than Mike, The Gritz, Ritz. But it is probably a little difficult to come into an area and get a "quick understanding" of the culture.

[Edited on 10-4-2012 by Pescador]

DianaT - 10-5-2012 at 03:06 PM

Originally posted by rts551

The tournament was part of the overall 3 day town and independence day festival. Still old style unless you believe that towns should not have festivals. The quenn was shown in the video. lets criticize her. Should we all take shots at the horse races....or how about the band and dance...thats probably ripe for a few shots. How about the games for the kids on the beach? It seems to me that it is pretty easy for people to criticize something they know nothing about. The residents that saw the comments on this forum (there are a few lurkers) were insulted which is why I took the video off.

These small towns are all very different during fiesta time --- and when it is not fiesta time, they are all fairly quiet and laid back --- not sure why anyone would think they are much different, except Abreojos is much smaller. Ni modo.

I would like to take a very friendly shot at the outfits worn by the queen contestents --- they were original, sent some great messages, and were GREAT. I LOVED them. I am taking a wild guess, but I would guess Chelo and her women's group were behind it?

Speaking of Chelo, I am also guessing that the IB/San Diego lifeguards are headed your way. After a few years in the planning, they finally made it to BA this week for a three day training -- 22 of them. We are not there, but local friends are sending us photos and reports. It is a very good thing.

And yes, people are often surprised as to how many people are lurkers --- some read and speak English well, they just don't like to write in English.

You have been to the BA festival, and I hope one of these days we attend your festival.

[Edited on 10-5-2012 by DianaT]

comitan - 10-5-2012 at 04:21 PM

Have you sobered up yet!!!:lol::lol::lol::lol:

rts551 - 10-5-2012 at 04:33 PM

The folks in Abreojos are always so friendly and make an extra effort to integrate everyone into their festivities. The 50th was a great one.

rts551 - 10-5-2012 at 06:17 PM

Great. see them then.

BajaBlanca - 10-7-2012 at 07:44 AM

One of the things I most like is that Clicerio speaks both English and Spanish, which makes it perfect for those who cometo participate in the tournment but who are not fluent in Spanish. Mexicans here always seem to endeavor to welcome all gringoesat the tournements .... I can't imagine anyone being rude in a competition. It just isn't their nature.Everyone I know goes to have fun.

UDO: Ralph removed the link to the video- originally, it was in the very first post.

woody with a view - 10-7-2012 at 07:51 AM

we had a blast at the Bocana Fiesta last year! fishing was slow but that's how it goes....

sorry i missed the video, i think!

boe4fun - 10-20-2012 at 03:28 PM

Stan (Surfdoc), check your U2U!