
Dirt Bike Registration/Green Sticker in Baja

Sublimity - 10-3-2012 at 05:54 PM

This may be a dumb question, but is it necessary to have a current green sticker on a dirt bike (which will be towed) in Baja? I have the title and will bring a copy with me. Does anyone foresee any potential issues?


vgabndo - 10-3-2012 at 10:33 PM

I'm tempted to ask how may ATVs, and dirt bikes you've seen pulled over by the Policia for having no license plate. I'd say it's not real likely. A ten year old with no muffler or helmet, running hot laps around the block for hours on an ATV doesn't seem to stir much attention any place I've been. :fire:

I've run dualsport with plates , and naked mx with no green sticker. I never found anyone to be curious.

Have a nice putt.

Edit to add: There may be new issues in the Biosphere Preserves requiring a Mexican permit by law.

And, welcome aboard.

[Edited on 10-4-2012 by vgabndo]

RnR - 10-3-2012 at 10:57 PM

What's a "green sticker"?

I assume that it is some type of state DMV issued sticker for off road vehicles.

Seeing as our state, (and probably many others), doesn't issue anything like that, it follows that I could never have a valid one.

I doubt that the Mexican policia know which US states issue stickers and which states do not. So, if your sticker is not valid, just peel it off and claim that your state doesn't issue "stickers".

[Edited on 10-4-2012 by RnR]

ATV License

akshadow - 10-4-2012 at 09:22 AM

The only thing that is issued in my state is an off road sticker "snow machine" I got one anyway as further "proof" of ownership on the ATV in Mexico. I really think the only time we would be asked for anything would be if we put it on a trailer and had to stop at a check point.

BajaRun - 10-4-2012 at 09:36 AM

Sublimity...You may be required to show registration at the border as you enter MX. I always have copies of the registration not the Title with me. It has not happened to me but I know of others that have been denied entry into MX. with just the title, and no copy of the registration.

Which border are you crossing at? I cross at Tecate frequently and they know my buggy, they don't even pull me over for inspection anymore, just wave to me as I go by......:cool:

motoged - 10-4-2012 at 09:43 AM

Three years ago my buddy was fined $50 (US$) just east of San Jose del Cabo on the paved road leading out of La Playita....for no plate....we had plates and were not fined (Nomads....please spare us the mordida hijack.... thanks :cool: )

That is the only ticket/fine story I have heard from mucho rider pals.

In La Paz I was riding without my helmet in the evening and one of several cops on the corner tapped his head, indicating I should wear my helmet (ya, ATGATT).

Enjoy the ride, no racing in the pits, and use Tube Type Slime :biggrin:

ILikeMex - 10-4-2012 at 09:46 AM

You don't need green/red sticker, but make sure you have your registration papers and they match the VIN on the bike. The only time I've known to need bike papers is at the boarder crossing going into Mex.

DanO - 10-4-2012 at 10:15 AM

Originally posted by ILikeMex
You don't need green/red sticker, but make sure you have your registration papers and they match the VIN on the bike. The only time I've known to need bike papers is at the boarder crossing going into Mex.

Absolutely. A bike in the back means secondary regardless of what color light you get, in my experience anyway.

willyAirstream - 10-4-2012 at 10:29 AM

2 years ago, at Tecate, they checked registration on my dirt bike. I had a Colorado OHV , offroad, sticker and that was fine. Available here for non Colorado residents

motoged - 10-4-2012 at 11:09 AM

Originally posted by DanOAbsolutely. A bike in the back means secondary regardless of what color light you get, in my experience anyway.

I have crossed with bike in back about a dozen times and never pulled into secondary....Tecate and Mexicali crossings.

Just lucky, I guess....

Proof of ownership always in hand if asked for....never asked to produce them, though....whether bike was plated or not.

Good thing, as sometimes I have returned north with friend's bikes without their papers....and the US guys gave me the "green light"..

TMW - 10-4-2012 at 12:19 PM

You don't need a green or red sticker to take the bikes into Baja but you will need either a registration, which comes with the sticker, or the title or a notarized paper with the VIN number and authorization from the owner. The latter is what the factory riders brought with them when crossing with a factory bike. For the most part very few cops will bother you on a dirt bike or ATV especially if you are wearing a helmet. Many cities such as San Felipe require it. I have been stopped at the border and at military check points and had to show proof of ownership. At the military ck pts I was riding my bike.

Sublimity - 10-4-2012 at 07:19 PM

Appears to be somewhat split. I think I still have time to obtain a green sticker before the B1K.

Thanks everyone!