
Anti americanism

jrbaja - 10-26-2004 at 09:47 AM

I'm getting a little tired of being called anti-american. Especially since I am not!
What I am is anti idiot, anti disrespectful people, no matter where they are from. I happen to see Baja and most all of it all the time. I have probably been to more places down here than most anyone and have spent two years doing it. On purpose!
I state facts on what I see regularly as a resident here. And I have been coming here for blah blah blah prior to living here. Full time.
There are some on here that prefer to call me anti american because of my comments made from years of observation and living here.
These people rather than at least listening to my observations call me anti american and deny that what I am saying is true.
And they call themselves "experts" or "aficionadas" or some bs despite the fact that they are lucky to spend two or three vacations a year here.
What I say is to open eyes and maybe teach a little humanity to those that seem to be lacking it. And there are plenty. And the majority of them are gringos.
I watched this same "patriotism" rear it's ugly head when Mexicans and Germans make these observations and they have actually been chased off this board because of it.
I understand this and even felt a little of the same animosity myself towards "outsiders" making these comments.
I was born in america. I am a gringo.
But, I have traveled around some and have a very open mind. Especially when it comes to other cultures and respecting humanity.
What I say doesn't mean I am anti american. It means that I care about most everyone and wish that many who feel they are "all that" would realize they aren't any better than anyone else on the planet. Money has nothing to do with it!
It's about caring about the planet, not just your own friggen back yard. This is a philosophy that seems to be disappearing in the u.s.. And according to the news there, it probably isn't a good thing.
Just look at your stress level, poor health by the time you are able to retire, and your faces on the freeways:lol:
And this is what you think the rest of the world wants to be like? Paleeeze!!!:lol:
There's a whole world out there people. And as long as some of the population continues with their "me me me, I I I" attitudes, it just ain't gonna work!:light:
And calling me anti american when I am pointing out facts is a pretty weak argument.
I don't have "WMD's" either!

tim40 - 10-26-2004 at 10:04 AM

At the risk of getting into the middle of something unintended, or having my words misunderstood. Here is what I read a bit too frequent for my personal pleasure. Attacks on alternate points of view, lack of tolerance to alternate points of view, stereotyping (if there is only one difference in the general classification, using the 'all' is incorrect and can be read as offensive), getting caught up in the micro detail as opposed to the essence of what others are trying to ask/convey. I respect EVERY individual until that individual proves me wrong. I have spent years (in aggregate) of my life throughout baja, but I, like most, am willing to ask the most basic of questions...reality is, very few even "know" their immediate family....forget about knowing all of Baja or the people that visit it.....the best we can hope for is to be life long students earning a passing grade.....

surfer jim - 10-27-2004 at 09:10 AM

Enough of making nice-nice.....let's get back to name calling......:spingrin:

jrbaja - 10-27-2004 at 01:02 PM


Capt. George - 10-27-2004 at 03:22 PM

thanks JR, haven't seen Dad in a long time.

Gypsy Jan - 10-27-2004 at 05:27 PM

Laugh out loud funny! :lol: :lol: :lol:

My dogs just ran out of the room, to tell Dad that Mom was acting weird again.

jr (je***, I just typed RJ, thank goodness I caught that one), you are not anti-American and this is obvious to anyone who actually reads what you post.

Unfortunately, people with short attention who have been raised on thirty second sound bites and ego reinforcement feel free to pile on when you are trying to make a significant and reasoned point about a**holes, sometimes in both cultures.

"Just saying "Can't we all get along?" doesn't cut it. It takes work and, OMG, thinking to arrive at solutions and/or compromises that work in a society.

I like to think that this forum is a kind of return to the Greek democratic ideal.

Everyone with an interest in this forum and Internet access can voice their opinions, but, then the community common sense weeds out and ignores the demagogues.

Cyndarouh - 10-27-2004 at 05:38 PM

I so agree with Gyspy Jan. Keep up the good work JR hope to see you soon. Hugs


capn.sharky - 10-27-2004 at 06:00 PM

That can't be your Dad. He is too good looking.

And I don't recall having

jrbaja - 10-27-2004 at 08:14 PM

a brother named George, but it was a big house!
Here it is today.:lol:


Capt. George - 10-27-2004 at 08:21 PM


Baja Bernie - 10-27-2004 at 08:57 PM

Just sitting here chuckling and listening to the rain come down. JR picture of the house was perfect.

Gyspy Jan--you knocked that one out of the park.

Hose A did you turn the lamp on?

Well Thanks you guys

jrbaja - 10-27-2004 at 09:14 PM

but I think I'm going dyslexic:lol:
Despite my whining, complaining, name calling (which I am working on) and alleged "anti americanism" I know for a fact that some people have rethunk some of their ideas about humanity and respect. We are "ALL" that as opposed to individually being "all that".
The ones that don't realize that, well, Skeet has this wood shed!:O
And just in case he's lurching out there in his religious purity, I bet this will put a rise in his Levis!:lol:

Gypsy Jan - 10-27-2004 at 09:21 PM

Well, this does bring to mind a certain saying about an certain kind of person...

"Give her a broom and you will lose her." :yes:

And long as she's not

jrbaja - 10-27-2004 at 11:21 PM

putting on her makeup and talking on the cell phone while she's riding that thing, the skies will be safe!:lol: