
sincerest respect and gratitude.....

M - 10-8-2012 at 02:52 PM

Dearest Amigos and Nomads, I could never begin to express the level of gratitude and joy I have been experiencing since my return to the folds of my 'Baja Family'; since the first day, when about a dozen of us 'Amigo's' first met on the San Clemente pier for the very first gathering, years and years ago, I believe we all walked away that day knowing that we somehow made a family: A pact, that we would always have a home, no mater our address or situation. Never before I think, has an example of that been better played out, than the current ugly situation I am going through at this time. Nomads brought me home. It is such an enormous comfort to know that no mater WHAT happens, Amigo's and Nomads will have your back, as they can expect the very same, when their own time of need comes. So rare, so precious, no insurance policy could be purchased that could equal the care and comfort that this group extends.
It's a very icky time for me now; Physically, emotionally, awash with lonlines and fear, yet so much better now knowing that I have a whole village that holds me in their hands and heart, as I hold each one of them. No mater that I may not know names or who they are, it takes only a moment to establish, if you are a Nomad, you are family. Period.
One day, my trials will be over with. I will be able to shed off the anger and sadness I feel towards a man I loved and respected for 14 yr's. Maybe, one day I will know WHY out of the blue he did this, and maybe ONE DAY, I will be able to forgive him and wish him well. I have little love notes from EVERY day of those 14 years, dried blooms from the flowers he gave me every Sunday from the farmers market down the street, right up to the day I left to care for his Mother for 4 days, and then came home to words of divorce.????????. He is not brave enough to tell me why, but it does not mater really, obviously, he needed something else. I hope he and I find what we both need. I am far luckier I believe in that, I have Nomads, he has a family that took my unconditional love and support, then accepted this violation towards me with very little dust up, each one shaking their heads in confusion, and regret, but none willing to object to David's decission. So be it. Life moves on and so shall I.
One day, I will be healed. Emotionally, physically and with a Baja address, looking forward to that time when I can 'Pay it forward' to another Nomad or Amigo. With just the words from you all, these last couple weeks, you have given me the hope I needed to face each day now with a genuine new life and adventure on my books to look forward to.
God Bless....

DENNIS - 10-8-2012 at 03:01 PM

You need time, Michelle.....and friends to lean on. You have both. Use them well and quit blaming yourself.
It will all be clear to you when you want it to be so don't rush for answers. They will come.
Keep your mind occupied with positivity and don't dwell on the negatives.

shari - 10-8-2012 at 03:32 PM

Michelle, thank you for sharing your pain... respect and gratitude on this day of Thanksgiving (for canucks anyway). The pain shall pass and you will surpass this tope...with the love of your friends and fellow nomads....onwards and upwards!!! I hope to meet you here in baja one day.

I shall piggy back on M's gratitude and extend mine to all my nomad amigos out there...thanks a billion kids for your friendship and to a turkey spread at Nan & ZD's!

Neal Johns - 10-8-2012 at 04:09 PM

You are a winner, kid, don't ever forget it. Your joy for life made quite an impression on me. Those were good days - and I wish you many more!

volcano - 10-8-2012 at 04:16 PM

Don't know you...but love your character...maybe one day we'll meet....I'm a newbie building for a few years out eastcape. best wishes for you. H

Skipjack Joe - 10-8-2012 at 05:15 PM

Just wanted to share with you that I know what you're going through, M (M is for Michelle).

At first there is shock (about 2 months), then comes the anger which can go for quite a long time, and finally understanding. If you go back to the very beginnings you will see clues all along of why things went wrong. It's all there. We just choose to ignore them or tell ourselves they are insignificant because we don't want to believe them.

But at first it seems so incredible. I guess it takes time and distance to understand. That's how it was for me.

I think it's important to figure it out but not to dwell on it or obsess over it. Having company and/or creative projects really helps making this period easier. Talking to close friends takes a lot of pressure off. There is a great deal of self justification taking place that's part of the healing process right now. I remember thinking "I don't care if I'm right or wrong. Just listen and agree with me for now". You gotta get it all out.

BTW, this is a great time to find out who your real friends are. The ones who see both sides of the issue aren't real friends. They will eventually drop by the wayside. Those that feel your pain are the ones to hold on to. You'll see .....

Paulina - 10-8-2012 at 05:15 PM

Hey M,

You can do this. You are one of the original tough "Baja broads".

I know it hurts. u2u me anytime. It helps to have a vent.

Love ya,

gnukid - 10-8-2012 at 05:17 PM

Sometimes when things seems to be going badly, in time you end up in a much better place and happier than you could ever imagine.

DENNIS - 10-8-2012 at 05:26 PM

Originally posted by Skipjack Joe
The ones who see both sides of the issue aren't real friends.

There's really only one side. :light:

rts551 - 10-8-2012 at 06:06 PM

Just remember, while we can learn from the past, we can not change it. We can only move forward.

DENNIS - 10-8-2012 at 06:17 PM

Originally posted by rts551
Just remember, while we can learn from the past, we can not change it. We can only move forward.

David K - 10-8-2012 at 09:06 PM

Originally posted by whistler
BHL's loss,Neal Johns gain along with a bunch guys hopeing they have a chance.Wit,humor good looking,your the whole package.

I think it is pretty cool so many from that San Clemente Pier meeting are here and we are sad some are either moved on or have passed on (Mike Humfreville and Carlos Fiesta and Jens). Besides me and M, also there is whistler, elgatoloco, graham, ... fdt (Ferna), Mary Ann and Baja Barb, too. Wild Bill and David E. arrived for the dinner we had later. Others like Dick Van Bree, my webhost was also there.

It all started as a meeting between Tim Walker ( and myself that would begin the Viva Baja events then M's BBBB parties then Keri's Book Signing parties...

Feb. 2000... over 12 1/2 years ago!!

David K - 10-8-2012 at 10:08 PM

Giesla Van Bree, Mike Humfreville, Mary Ann Humfreville, Graham Mackintosh.

Graham Mackintosh, Michelle (M).

Lorenzo de Baja (LdB) arrives.

El Gato Loco (egl/ Matt) and Baja Barb and Norm of

Ferna de Tijuana (FdT)

Jens (Yens) of and his guest.

Whistler (Glenn)

Also there was Timothy Walker (, Carlos Fiesta ( and Dick Van Bree ( sadly, I didn't get their photos on my little camera.

Mexitron - 10-9-2012 at 06:24 AM

Sorry to hear M. I feel your pain.

Sheesh, too bad I wasn't an amigo in 2000---I lived a block up from the SC pier back then!

thebajarunner - 10-9-2012 at 08:09 AM

David- what took you so long to bring back some of your photos of the lovely "Miss M"??
But thanks.

And again, I am reminding Doug, if Michelle is back we need her to jump back on here Moderator Stool.

Nothing will make her forget the bad stuff like sorting through this "stuff"

Welcome back, lovely lady (I think that is about the third time I have said this)

DENNIS - 10-9-2012 at 08:36 AM

Originally posted by thebajarunner
And again, I am reminding Doug, if Michelle is back we need her to jump back on here Moderator Stool.

Nothing will make her forget the bad stuff like sorting through this "stuff"

I'll have to dig out some of my old scripts.
Eff'n--aaa........ this is gonna be eff'n fun. :lol:

wsdunc - 10-9-2012 at 08:48 AM

Its not always easy to understand why things happen the way they do, but I for one take comfort in a belief that things work out exactly the way they are supposed to.

bacquito - 10-9-2012 at 08:58 AM

Originally posted by DENNIS
You need time, Michelle.....and friends to lean on. You have both. Use them well and quit blaming yourself.
It will all be clear to you when you want it to be so don't rush for answers. They will come.
Keep your mind occupied with positivity and don't dwell on the negatives.

Yes, do not blame yourself, remember a marriage is between two people-two different people. Try as you may that "other half" will never be you and the "other half" will do some of the damndest things. Look forward and don't spend alot of time trying to figure out what happened. I don't know you but the best of luck to you.

[Edited on 10-9-2012 by bacquito]

Thank you

M - 10-11-2012 at 11:09 AM

No woman going through this, has EVER been so blessed. You all, with your words, put vallue in my life again. Bless you, M

Originally posted by shari
Michelle, thank you for sharing your pain... respect and gratitude on this day of Thanksgiving (for canucks anyway). The pain shall pass and you will surpass this tope...with the love of your friends and fellow nomads....onwards and upwards!!! I hope to meet you here in baja one day.

I shall piggy back on M's gratitude and extend mine to all my nomad amigos out there...thanks a billion kids for your friendship and to a turkey spread at Nan & ZD's!

Neal, my REAL MAN<

M - 10-11-2012 at 11:17 AM

Originally posted by Neal Johns
You are a winner, kid, don't ever forget it. Your joy for life made quite an impression on me. Those were good days - and I wish you many more!

How I regret my unfaithfulness to you. I should have listened.
I am assured though, despite the obviously bent lamentings of the FOLLOWING, W.I.W.'s, YOU ARE THE ONE! Old man, you, only you, can make my mind wiggle. YOU, ME and DURACELL, will rule forever!
My heart to you always! To your other, M, I DO respect your place my dear, but it is ONLY A MATER OF TIME'.
I CAN be gracious, just DON'T use him up, OK? It;s been a LONG time for me.....,

VOLCANO, I hope you live up to

M - 10-11-2012 at 11:21 AM

Originally posted by volcano
Don't know you...but love your character...maybe one day we'll meet....I'm a newbie building for a few years out eastcape. best wishes for you. H

that fabulolus handle. I am glad to hear from you, and look forward to meeting you, as we shall. Someday, we all shall....I will see to that!
SO HUGE hugs to you,

You are so true and wise....

M - 10-11-2012 at 11:29 AM

Originally posted by Skipjack Joe
Just wanted to share with you that I know what you're going through, M (M is for Michelle).

At first there is shock (about 2 months), then comes the anger which can go for quite a long time, and finally understanding. If you go back to the very beginnings you will see clues all along of why things went wrong. It's all there. We just choose to ignore them or tell ourselves they are insignificant because we don't want to believe them.

But at first it seems so incredible. I guess it takes time and distance to understand. That's how it was for me.

I think it's important to figure it out but not to dwell on it or obsess over it. Having company and/or creative projects really helps making this period easier. Talking to close friends takes a lot of pressure off. There is a great deal of self justification taking place that's part of the healing process right now. I remember thinking "I don't care if I'm right or wrong. Just listen and agree with me for now". You gotta get it all out.

BTW, this is a great time to find out who your real friends are. The ones who see both sides of the issue aren't real friends. They will eventually drop by the wayside. Those that feel your pain are the ones to hold on to. You'll see .....

I have done and felt, ALL of this. It is a good thing when Nomads can empty their guts to another, and rather than be judged as 'weak' or, 'a loser', they can be seen here, as human. I wish always to all on this board to feel safe as I feel now. In the past, there have been sad people, venting trheir hurts in the form of contempt and anger. I regret some outbursts I have said to some, but I am older, I hope wiser, I making a complegte ass of myself? who knows who will object to my honesty, but those that do? add some years, wait till your ripe, then come back. I think w2e will still be here.

Thank you, BIG HUGS,