
My father the poacher.

baitcast - 10-19-2012 at 08:58 AM

I mentioned the other day that we need more fishing stories or fishing related stories atleast water or wet stories,did this a year or more ago about my Dad,you would have loved to fish with this guy!
My Father the poacher

May have been the most sucessful poacher in the northwest,but keep in mind this was in the early to the late 40,s when it was root-hog or die,metal drives and victory gardens.

The following are two fishing tails that I was lucky enough to be with him,a friend once said that his Dad was 5' 7" and was the tallest man he ever knew and I have always felt that way about Dad

They we were in a fish hatchery Mom,Dad My uncle and his wife these were my Dad,s favorite places to be all those big brood rainbows swiming around in circles in big ponds and it was raining what else would you except in Seattle,we had been walking for a bit when we came on this pond with the biggest trout and my Dads eyes started to glaze over and he started to mumble something

The ponds had concert sides and its there Dad sat down and being taking out a snelled fishing hook with mavbe 5" of leader out of his pocket,we all were wearing rain gear,he put something on the hook its then I heard my Mom OMG Bill what are you doing! knowing full well what was about to happen

Everybody took off not wanting any part of this but me,it was then that my Dads arm started bounching around and out comes this big trout,he grabs it by the head and stuffs it in his raincoat keep in mind there are people walking near by,I can,t even see my Mom by now!

His rain gear has this slit up the back and I see this tail sticking out and waving in the wind and Dad says lets get the hell out of here and we made it for front door with that tail sticking out

No fish was safe with him around,and this is enough for now,if we do this again it will be about limits or lack of.

Anyone can catch fish in a boat but only "El Pescador Grande" can get them from the beach.

I hope when my time comes the old man will let me bring my rod and the water will be warm and clear

watizname - 10-19-2012 at 09:12 AM

Good story. Sometimes you do what you gotta do. And given the times, well-----
I'm sure everyone who fishes has at least one "skeleton" or fish carcas {sp} in their closet. :cool:

jbcoug - 10-19-2012 at 09:38 AM


My dad did nearly the same thing in that same time period and we only lived about 25 miles from Seattle. Maybe we are related.


Cypress - 10-19-2012 at 10:34 AM

Baitcast, Bet that trout was well-received on the dinner table.:biggrin:

baitcast - 10-19-2012 at 10:35 AM

I doubt related but in the same state thats close:lol:we lived in Spokane at the time then moved to Okanogan for a while then Omak then Sandpointe Ida. then Boise we moved a bunch:lol:
Coug Humm a Coug fan perhaps? Go Cougs!