
The mex/guatemala fence !!

captkw - 10-23-2012 at 09:34 AM

Cant seem to find much info on how much has been built..yep bet ya didnt know mex is buildind a fence on its southern border !!! started in late 2010 !! and not a word in the usa press !! but we did give them 1.4 godzillion to help fund the project !! if you go to your page click thing and change from usa to mexico or lets say cuba ,,its amazing the news you will find !!!!(most) my fellow americans have their head in the Sand !!! but anyway mex is hypercritacal of us tighting are border and its doing the same thing on its own border.. any comments,thoughts??......."Just the fact's,,,Mam"

no more info ??

captkw - 10-23-2012 at 07:54 PM

mariposajim - 10-24-2012 at 06:19 AM

Just the facts, mam......ok.

I remember the violent incident that caused Mexico to plan on a fence along the Guatemalan border. If memory services correct, a hundred or two hundred mexicans and guatemalans were slaughtered along the border by zetas. Can anyone recall illegal immigrants causing the deaths of hundreds of americans? Regardless, I don't think it has been built, but perhaps we should consider the mexican perspective as opposed to the american perspective.

Our insatiable desire for illegal drugs causes some areas of mexico to live in a virtual state of war. The gun shops along the border supply almost all of the weapons used in this war. Goldman Sachs and other large banks launder the money paid by americans to the mexican cartels for the drugs. Fines associated with money laundering are simply laughed off as the cost of doing business. I don't blame the mexicans for complaining that our drug addiction is causing violence in Mexico. We are the addicts, and need a 12 step program.

Most illegal immigration into the us is economic. Business loves illegal immigrants because wages are kept very low. In fact, recent illegal immigration into california has been central americans. Why? Mexican illegal immigrants were too expensive so california agribusiness interests encouraged immigrants from other, less demanding countries. How do these immigrants arrive into the us? via mexico. Georgia was the only state to adopt strict penalties on employers who hire illegal immigrants, but that has been put on hold. Why? Georgia peanut farmers want the low cost labor.

Speaking of hypocrisy, we demand that immigrants to our country speak our language and adopt our culture. When americans live in other countries full or part time, we tend to take our language and culture with us. When traveling overseas, I have heard many americans complain, "why can't they speak english?"

This forum needs some diversity, as it has become the fox news of baja forums.

CortezBlue - 10-24-2012 at 07:50 AM

Here is an article and video about it.

Your post sounds more like CNN

thebajarunner - 10-24-2012 at 08:14 AM

Originally posted by mariposajim
Just the facts, mam......ok.

I remember the violent incident that caused Mexico to plan on a fence along the Guatemalan border. If memory services correct, a hundred or two hundred mexicans and guatemalans were slaughtered along the border by zetas. Can anyone recall illegal immigrants causing the deaths of hundreds of americans? Regardless, I don't think it has been built, but perhaps we should consider the mexican perspective as opposed to the american perspective.

Our insatiable desire for illegal drugs causes some areas of mexico to live in a virtual state of war. The gun shops along the border supply almost all of the weapons used in this war. Goldman Sachs and other large banks launder the money paid by americans to the mexican cartels for the drugs. Fines associated with money laundering are simply laughed off as the cost of doing business. I don't blame the mexicans for complaining that our drug addiction is causing violence in Mexico. We are the addicts, and need a 12 step program.

Most illegal immigration into the us is economic. Business loves illegal immigrants because wages are kept very low. In fact, recent illegal immigration into california has been central americans. Why? Mexican illegal immigrants were too expensive so california agribusiness interests encouraged immigrants from other, less demanding countries. How do these immigrants arrive into the us? via mexico. Georgia was the only state to adopt strict penalties on employers who hire illegal immigrants, but that has been put on hold. Why? Georgia peanut farmers want the low cost labor.

Speaking of hypocrisy, we demand that immigrants to our country speak our language and adopt our culture. When americans live in other countries full or part time, we tend to take our language and culture with us. When traveling overseas, I have heard many americans complain, "why can't they speak english?"

This forum needs some diversity, as it has become the fox news of baja forums.

Where they write the poll results prior to the event occurring.
But, I digress- you wander in and out of reality, my friend.
Your last paragraph, especially,
I know of no where in the US where English is "demanded"
au contraire- we encourage other languages in our schools, even when we cannot afford those secondary teachers.
Mexico makes so many demands on immigrants,
if we made the same we would be accused of bigotry, discrimination and all sorts of recriminations.
Just a couple of thoughts on your rant

luv2fish - 10-24-2012 at 08:56 AM

Originally posted by
This forum needs some diversity, as it has become the fox news of baja forums.

Easy there cowboy, you don't want to get "BANNED"

[Edited on 10-24-2012 by luv2fish]

BajaBruno - 10-24-2012 at 09:44 AM

I've been to the Guatemala–Mexico border and I can't imagine a viable fence being built along it. The border is 500+ miles of wet, irrepressible jungle that would require thousands of (non-corrupt) border officers to secure, even with a fence. Mexico has cleared a path along some parts of the border, but there is no patrol road along the border, and many towns that straddle the border have numerous unmanned roads that cross and re-cross the imaginary line.

The idea of sealing that border is as ludicrous as sealing our own border with Mexico.

DENNIS - 10-24-2012 at 11:27 AM

Originally posted by mariposajim
Speaking of hypocrisy, we demand that immigrants to our country speak our language and adopt our culture.

Who's we? Seems to me that everything in the U.S. is offered in multiple languages for the benefit of the foreigner, legal or not.
It certainly isn't the same in Mexico, and in fact Mexico goes out of her way to avoid offering that convenience as if their historic arch-enemy is undeservingof consideration.

Echoing the echo

thebajarunner - 10-24-2012 at 03:59 PM

Originally posted by DENNIS
Originally posted by mariposajim
Speaking of hypocrisy, we demand that immigrants to our country speak our language and adopt our culture.

Who's we? Seems to me that everything in the U.S. is offered in multiple languages for the benefit of the foreigner, legal or not.
It certainly isn't the same in Mexico, and in fact Mexico goes out of her way to avoid offering that convenience as if their historic arch-enemy is undeservingof consideration.

I tried to say the same thing in my earlier post,
problem was, whilst I was making great word thoughts, the little Sra. was ordering my presence elsewhere.

You (and I) are on the same page- hard to imagine just how out of synch the prior poster was....

As posted by thebajarunner ...

durrelllrobert - 10-24-2012 at 04:58 PM

This forum needs some diversity, as it has become the fox news of baja forums.

Apparently you don't go to the OT section.

thebajarunner - 10-24-2012 at 05:57 PM

No Bob, I did not give that quote,
It came from the newbie/dude that I was quoting

and yes Bob, I do not go to OT
We pumped our septic tank just a few months ago,
that is as close as I need to get to OT

willardguy - 10-24-2012 at 06:45 PM

Originally posted by thebajarunner
No Bob, I did not give that quote,
It came from the newbie/dude that I was quoting

and yes Bob, I do not go to OT
We pumped our septic tank just a few months ago,
that is as close as I need to get to OT
you might want to check the OT (or your septic tank) because someone has been posting and replying using your username!:?:

I do not even have a password for down there

thebajarunner - 10-24-2012 at 06:50 PM

Originally posted by willardguy
Originally posted by thebajarunner
No Bob, I did not give that quote,
It came from the newbie/dude that I was quoting

and yes Bob, I do not go to OT
We pumped our septic tank just a few months ago,
that is as close as I need to get to OT
you might want to check the OT (or your septic tank) because someone has been posting and replying using your username!:?:

What is up with this??
Not a chance I would/will/have posted or visited there!!!

willardguy - 10-24-2012 at 06:55 PM

probably stuff non related that just got moved there? hopefully:O

Thanks Willl

thebajarunner - 10-24-2012 at 07:01 PM

Originally posted by willardguy
probably stuff non related that just got moved there? hopefully:O

Maybe that news will calm me down a bit.
Steam is still coming out of my ears....

But, sitting here watching my Giants has a calming affect as well.

Will await a response from Doug

(In Doug we Trust)


captkw - 10-24-2012 at 07:07 PM

Hopefully the guy that owns BN will bust this guy !! talking for someone else needs to slapped HARD !! IMO!! K&T:cool: can anyone tell me the name of the"Jefe" that owns this place..............Iam a slooow learner !! K&T:cool: sounds like its a doug !! nrn (no reply needed):lol:

[Edited on 10-25-2012 by captkw]

[Edited on 10-25-2012 by captkw]

willardguy - 10-24-2012 at 07:17 PM

uh oh.... I better leave for a month or two. sorry bajarunner, I did a bad,bad thing:( I got you confused with bajatripper who is a OT regular. how embarrassing, no excuse,my apologies to you, doug and all nomads.

Will,,mistakes are ok,,just dont do the sameone twice!!

captkw - 10-24-2012 at 07:21 PM

So,,,back to the Fence !!

captkw - 10-24-2012 at 07:34 PM

Hola, does anyone have updated clue (unlikey) to the status of this ??? as stated in this thread,,building a fence in that area would more than a b-tch !! (its A jungle) and its on the "outside" of mex sorta to say the least!! any one know of the current status ?? K&T:cool:

OK back to the fence indeed

thebajarunner - 10-25-2012 at 08:15 AM

To echo other comments,
I have not been south to that border, but I have been to Guate a number of times and often have gone up to Xela which is on their northern border (same one we are discussing from the north)

That is a lot of rugged country, jungle, you name it.

I would think that a fence, given the Mexican economy, would be as likely as - well, not likely at all.

More likely, these days, would be some more elaborate electronic monitoring like we do along our southern border with Mexico,
Just my thoughts from having been in that area on the Guatemala side.

Thanks all and to bajarunner

captkw - 10-25-2012 at 04:48 PM

Hola,I cant seem to find much at all on the web!! but saw mentioned the U.S. gave mex alot money to help build a fence that would be a hell a undertaking !! sorta like the alaska pipline !! sure it could be done!! no profit in the longrun with a fence !! somebodys in mexico is laughing with a loot of greenbacks in the banco !! "fence, we don't need no stinking fence !! weve got jungle and a river" K&T:cool: