

vseasport - 10-23-2012 at 05:47 PM

Lynn Rose has been promoting the most popular best attended charity tournament based out of the East Cape for the last 23 years. Proceeds raised have always gone to help the children in Los Barriles and Buena Vista. "The Lynn Rose Classic" held at Palmas de Cortez would draw more than 70 boats in its hay day. Now, times are a little tougher but last week the tournament still drew more than 30 entrys.

For many years Accurate has been a major sponsor of Lynn's tournament. The Jen Wren boats are proud to be a member of team Accurate who in my estimation produces the finest fishing reels made. Lucky Accurate Jack Nilsen always attends and fishes with us. This year his luck ran out on the last day when we lost our first place lead. It was all in good fun and good fun it was.

The event is loads of fun and for a good cause. Below I have posted a few photos shot from Jen Wren III during the event

Lynn Rose with her grandaughter watching the shot gun start

Wayne is bit

First striper

Scott is bit

Mark wires and reases this one

Jack is bit

It is a dandy

Here I am having a cold one on our deck with Accurate Jack disscusing the days fun

The tournament is over and now we are back to business

For the latest East Cape conditions "like"

Mark Rayor
US cell 310 308 5841

bacquito - 10-23-2012 at 07:40 PM

Great photos, thanks