
Shrimp boats legal or not ?

Russ - 10-25-2012 at 05:48 AM

Interesting event last evening. The shrimper anchored out front hauled up his anchor and turned to start his nightly shrimp haul only to reset the anchor. Weird!

And..... then I saw the Navy has just anchored of his fishing grounds.

So my question, once again is are these shrimpers legal or not off the mouth of Bahia Concepcion?


captkw - 10-25-2012 at 06:20 AM

to anchor or to net(fish) ?? K&T:cool:

monoloco - 10-25-2012 at 06:31 AM

Maybe he was planning on doing more than fishing.

luv2fish - 10-25-2012 at 07:24 AM

Originally posted by Russ
So my question, once again is are these shrimpers legal or not

In Mexico everything is legal, just depends how you distribute your wealth.

wessongroup - 10-25-2012 at 07:43 AM

Found this as a source for information on Shrimp fishing, in Mexico's waters.


The enforcement of fishing laws is the responsibility of the federal government through CONAPESCA. The latter undertakes surveillance and enforcement with respect to such topics as closed seasons and compliance with technical measures, such as mesh size, TED usage and fishing areas by species.

Many years of work have resulted in several other government agencies cooperating
with CONAPESCA in fisheries law enforcement, including the following.

• Secretaría de Comunicaciones y Transportes controls the licensing of vessel
navigation at sea and carries out at-sea safety checks.

• Secretaría del Medio Ambiente y Recursos Naturales (SEMARNAT, the
Environment and Natural Resources and Fisheries Secretariat) is involved with
the conservation and protection of natural resources in the country. Within this
agency is a further institution, Procuraduría Federal de Protección Ambiental
(Federal Environmental Protection Agency), which is of relevance to shrimp
fishing and is responsible for supervising the economic activities of hunting,
fishing and of all natural resources.

• Secretaría de Marina is involved with surveillance of the EEZ and coasts. This
agency usually works with CONAPESCA through official agreements to
supervise fishing activities.

It should be noted that surveillance activities are often carried out by members of
cooperatives and unions, especially on the activities of non-members.

Cypress - 10-25-2012 at 09:23 AM

Shrimping is legal in the Sea of Cortez. So is just about everything else.:biggrin:

Alan - 10-25-2012 at 10:05 AM

The Navy was probably there to catch the drug-runners that frequent Playa Buenaventura :lol: