
Don't point that thing at me, alive and well in Baja

vseasport - 10-30-2012 at 04:35 PM

Walking the beach near my home in Buena Vista I encountered Noe Ariza harvesting turtle eggs from a nest he had just found. He patrols the beach every morning from north of Palmas de Cortez, Playa del Sol and Los Barriles to south of Hotel Rancho Leonero toward La Ribera. He told me that to date this season they have harvested more than 34,000 yes, thirty-four thousand turtle eggs from more than 320 nests and transferred them to a nursery in Buenos Aires. At the Nursery the eggs are safe until they hatch and then the baby turtles are released into the Sea of Cortez.

Many of us believe our government doesn't do a lot of things right but I have to say the efforts to save the endangered sea turtles has been an incredible success. Several years ago there was a huge campaign with notices posted, television ads and radio spots run with the message "take a turtle and go to jail". The Feds have been very serious and vigilant. I think a pedophile would have a less severe penalty then a turtle poacher from what I have seen.

Now sea turtles are alive, well and abundant in the Sea of Cortez. It is not an unusual sight several in a day while we are out fishing.

Speaking of fishing. Our season is winding down to a close. The north wind that haunts us all winter has already reared its ugly head. Wind surfers and kite boarders have stood on the side lines waiting and are getting a taste of conditions favorable for their sport. Fishermen are starting to get their teeth rattled from E ticket boat rides and are picking their days more carefully now since they can't count on calm seas.

The changing season has made the bite very unpredictable. Some days game fish will play ball but some days it is hard ball. Even when the bite is tough being on the water beats fighting freeways or listening to the phone ring. The magnificent Sea of Cortez is rich with life and when rods are not bent we are sighting an array of bird life, whales, porpoise, turtles and other creatures of the sea that keep it interesting.

New born turtles ready for adventure

Noe Ariza hard at work protecting sea turtles

The East Cape sea turtle nursery

Sea turtle sightings are common

Don't point that thing at me! Wiring sailfish can be dicey

Don't point that thing at me!! Doņa Cha Cha with a gun in her hand got my attention. Even if it was a flare gun to start the Tuna Shoot Out.

Still a few blue marlin around. Robert Jordan's buddies snapped this quick photo before the release.

Below is a little sailfish porn I captured this week.

For the latest East Cape conditions "like"

Mark Rayor
US cell 310 308 5841

[Edited on 10-30-2012 by vseasport]

bajalorena - 10-30-2012 at 07:48 PM

Because of the good work Noe does, it's no wonder that he was recognized by the citzens of the East Cape area and the Rotary Club last year. Go, Noe, go.