
Safari Sagoodie

EdZeranski - 11-13-2012 at 04:20 PM

Left San Diego around 0530 for a misty rainy drive to GN. Slow with traffic from Camalu through San Quinin but fine after that. Loreto has been windy and overcast for tha past few days but weather is supposed to improve tomorrow so maybe we can annoy some fish. At Gn we picked up another street pup.

...more as it happens

it gets better

EdZeranski - 11-14-2012 at 01:55 PM

The wind died down so we launched the kayaks at Juncalito early this morning.. It was a good paddle and started new pup on Bonnies kayak. When we first tried with "Guapo" or other GN rescue dog he was terrified of water but has come around to enjoying his kayak time. The new dog has only been with us since Friday when we found here in GN.

Udo - 11-14-2012 at 01:58 PM

Great going with the pup, amigo!

BajaBlanca - 11-14-2012 at 02:12 PM

and the new pup's name is ?


captkw - 11-14-2012 at 02:29 PM

Sea Doggie

EdZeranski - 11-14-2012 at 02:37 PM

Bonnie calls her "Chica" Will try to attach a picture.


darn small computer

EdZeranski - 11-16-2012 at 09:16 AM

Originally posted by EdZeranski
Bonnie calls her "Chica" Will try to attach a picture.


Oh well........will try the picture loading again with a bigger screen, this tiny one is a pain to work with and after 60 my arms got too short. Anyway, yesterday was a great kayak day. We were already loaded up so had an early start then a full day out around Puerto Escondito then south along Rattlesnake beach toward Ligui. The pups went along OK. On the way back to Loreto there was the manditory stop, for us at least, at Vista Al Mar for a late lunch. Today we will be on Mag Bay by Lopez Mateos.


Done and back

EdZeranski - 11-19-2012 at 09:10 PM

We are down to the nubs and about on the way back North. Its been an intersting trip with several surprises. The fishing just didn't happen, overcast a lot, really green everywhere...and bugs a chit load,,,bite bite bite, but we have a new pup and did some nice kayaking. When we get back to SD I'll post some pictures once I do the photo bucket. Our trip to Mag Bay/Lopez Mateos was a success too, I made some contacts and plan to focus on that area in a month or so. The whale season is coming soon which is OK but can flood the place. I stay away from whales, just let them be, but they are a statement for some folks. So, Wednesday its due north 500 miles to San Q then up the Guadalupe Valley to Tecate and across the line. Not sure if we will head right back to San Diego or stop in Anza Borrego for a couple of days.

EdZ KG6UTS with Bonnie, Guapo the Wonder Dog( late of Guerrero Negro) and the new miss Chica

thanks for updates !!

captkw - 11-19-2012 at 09:32 PM

I would think the BUGS are having a bloom thing going on in the aftermath of the first rain in many years !!!! btw rub cheap tequila on your exposed parts and if even they bite you once.. after that their buzzed and will run into walls and such..leaving you alone......K&T:cool:

back to ground zero

EdZeranski - 11-22-2012 at 10:59 PM

Still can't get adoggie picture to post correctly but we are home in San Diego. Last night we stayed at Villas San Quintin in the new "pet & tobacco friendly" section. We don't smoke but as is obvious deal with the beasties. No all went well, even the food from the restaurant was good. Bonnie and I opted for the Tecate crossing to go through Guadalupe Valley then back to town on 94 rather than TJ and 5 freeway. The Tecate line was right around 40 minutes...easy, and we only had a "minor" police encounter.
The truckamente grandioso de policia followed us for about 3 blocks before the light show. The young fellow gestured to pull over but there was too much traffic so he went to plan B. Plan B was to follow him but the gap he made in traffic was filled by fellow bueno either, so we got pointed to a side street. The script said we had been going tooo fast in a school zone....kinda hard behind line of barely running locals and a dump truck...and had run a stop sign we didn't see, The didn't see were his words. After the usual talk about seeing the judge and needing my license and registration I gave them to him and said lets see the judge, lets go for it. Everything fell apart after that and he asked me if it was my first time in Tecate. I told him no, first time was around 1964 and the last time was June this year. Anyway ...because I'm such a good citizen I got off with a warning ~8^)

It was only a couple of weeks in Baja but we had a good time, connected with friends, got a new pup, Right now it looks like I'm headed to Ramona to fix some stuff then head down to Borrego where I can attack the evil clay bird.


David K - 11-23-2012 at 09:49 AM

Originally posted by EdZeranski
Still can't get adoggie picture to post correctly but we are home in San Diego. Last night we stayed at Villas San Quintin in the new "pet & tobacco friendly" section. We don't smoke but as is obvious deal with the beasties. No all went well, even the food from the restaurant was good. Bonnie and I opted for the Tecate crossing to go through Guadalupe Valley then back to town on 94 rather than TJ and 5 freeway. The Tecate line was right around 40 minutes...easy, and we only had a "minor" police encounter.
The truckamente grandioso de policia followed us for about 3 blocks before the light show. The young fellow gestured to pull over but there was too much traffic so he went to plan B. Plan B was to follow him but the gap he made in traffic was filled by fellow bueno either, so we got pointed to a side street. The script said we had been going tooo fast in a school zone....kinda hard behind line of barely running locals and a dump truck...and had run a stop sign we didn't see, The didn't see were his words. After the usual talk about seeing the judge and needing my license and registration I gave them to him and said lets see the judge, lets go for it. Everything fell apart after that and he asked me if it was my first time in Tecate. I told him no, first time was around 1964 and the last time was June this year. Anyway ...because I'm such a good citizen I got off with a warning ~8^)

It was only a couple of weeks in Baja but we had a good time, connected with friends, got a new pup, Right now it looks like I'm headed to Ramona to fix some stuff then head down to Borrego where I can attack the evil clay bird.


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