
The future is here

Stephanie Jackter - 7-28-2003 at 10:23 AM

Thirty years ago, I remember sitting on the side of my older brother's bed listening to him talking about his idea of what the future would bring and thinking what a crazy, paranoid son of a gun he was turning into. The two stupidest of his predictions had to do with every aspect of our lives being kept in data bases, including the use of cards instead of cash for purchases and eventually chips implanted in our skin so that the government and other agencies could manage us. I thought he was crazier than owlhockey and remember laughing in his face as I scurried out of the room.

Low and behold, in the year 2003, nearly every penny I spend can be tracked on bank cards and my dog isn't the only speciesrunning around with a chip under his skin. The future is here and it's getting more Orwellian by the minute.

Looks like brother Billy gets the last laugh.- Stephanie

reefrocket - 8-28-2003 at 08:42 AM

Brother Billy probably isn't laughing! I use as much cash for personal stuff as possible (now). But am hearing they are trying to get 'CASH' done away with.
Excuse is ---making it (cash) is costly (and it is) and Uncle will be able to track every penny earned so it can be taxed. They are also think it would stop illegal transactions - like buying drugs ect.. But the criminals have always been able to find a way around things just like 'hacker'.