
Fishing window is closed

Osprey - 11-26-2012 at 03:11 PM

15 boats joined us at the end of the jetties and everybody got bumped or bitten encluding us: 4 nice sierra before we were run off by the noise and clutter of our fellow fishermen/competitors.

Then the day stayed calm as advertised and we ran out to hunt for dorado. Made some mackerela bait and soon hooked up a nice sailfish: about 90 kilos and 3.2 metros she came in to the boat bold and strong and went away the same way when we released her.

Then we captured a limit each of a mix of Piernes, Ocean Whitefish, red snapper, cabrilla and beat the wind back to the beach by noon. Temps air and water: 82, calm all morning. Tomorrow and the rest of this week shows more non fish days due to winds up to 18 MPH so we are oh so glad we used this day, this way.

willardguy - 11-26-2012 at 03:25 PM

a world record sailfish! I would call that a pretty successful day on the water! :bounce:

Osprey - 11-26-2012 at 05:18 PM

Willard, don't pick on me after I fished hard and had not had my nap. 45 kilos. Okay?

Osprey - 11-27-2012 at 06:41 AM

Now that I'm rested here's more of the report for East Cape, Palmas Bay:

Because the day was unseasonably calm the whole day seemed unusual. There had been some nice bull dorado caught on the last fishable day just 2 or 3 miles off our beach so we motored out there in no time catching some small to medium barrilete for bait on the way. Need not have done even that because huge schools of the bait had moved in and each school seemed to have its resident lobo. We slow trolled bait on the edges, avoiding most of the lobos. In between schools the water was clouded with uncountable numbers of jellyfish -- billions of dime size jellies but also those strange bio wigglers, those big globes and snakes and abstract animals you might see in a cartoon.

The jellies and the bait undoubtedly filled up the dorado and killed our chances, at least for this nice day, of catching those tasty fighters so we contented ourselves with fishing at 150 feet or so for the other tasty food fish and we had enough luck to wear out our hands and forearms bringing them up.

tiotomasbcs - 11-27-2012 at 06:48 AM

Oh what a day! December is on the way and the cooler weather with it. 82 degrees sounds beautiful. Did you go for a swim, too? Thanks for the report. Tio