

DENNIS - 12-7-2012 at 11:52 AM

In memory of that "Infamous Day":

luv2fish - 12-7-2012 at 12:44 PM


May all who perished that infamous day have eternal rest. Thank you for your sacrifices.

DENNIS - 12-7-2012 at 02:22 PM

I can remember when any mention of Pearl Harbor or Veterans Day would bring an avalanche of patriotic responses here, but today, not so much. I'm sorry to see this.
It does, however, get worse. The Punta Banda Bulletin Board has tacitly refused to put up the identical post, opting to smother their board with snooty wine events and finger food partys. That's what's important in Punta Banda.
The irony is, in an email from the administrator, I was told that if I took out the reference to Sushi, she would post it.


[Edited on 12-7-2012 by DENNIS]

jbcoug - 12-7-2012 at 02:36 PM

Thanks for trying Dennis, I appreciate it. I also appreciate all those lost and harmed at Pearl Harbor, there can't be many left. I also appreciate all those others posted in crap holes around the world risking it all for us. This is a day that should make us stop and think.


Hook - 12-7-2012 at 03:33 PM

I also appreciate all those others posted in crap holes around the world.

And I pray for the day we stop posting people in crap holes around the world for no reason other than to protect the interests of greedy corporations. Let them use their profits to hire Blackwater to protect themselves.

WWII was the only good war we have fought in the last 150 years. So, the vets of that war have a more special place in my heart. They truly gave their lives to counter evils that threatened us as a nation, as a species.

Thank you, veterans and victims of Pearl Harbor.

CaboMagic - 12-7-2012 at 04:04 PM

thank you Dennis for your post.

Those that have served, or are currently serving, should never be forgotten. Every day I am alive and living free is a day to be thankful to them. Also to the families that support and love them.

Well said Hook ..

sancho - 12-7-2012 at 04:48 PM

Tom Brokaw labeled those WWII servicemen
The Greatest Generation, aptly put

woody with a view - 12-7-2012 at 05:10 PM

Tip of the spear, Gents!

David K - 12-7-2012 at 05:17 PM

Thank you Dennis!

bajadock - 12-7-2012 at 06:34 PM

Never remove sushi. Thems fightin words.

My father served and endured the $#!+ fly at Okinawa. He was quite a character.

Marc - 12-7-2012 at 06:48 PM

I was stationed at Pearl Harbor from 1959 to 1961. aboard the Destroyer USS Renshaw. A fighting ship that saw action and was heavily damaged in WW2
We usually moored at "bravo dock" near the main gate along with the other ships in our squadron. The submarine base was a few hundred yards across from where we were and the dry docks were located near the end of our dock. We could see Ford Island and the USS Arizona which was visible at low tide since the memorial placed on it was not yet built. Hickam Field was next door and navy jets would fly close by.

I read the book "Day of Infamy" by Walter Lord on a duty weekend. I read it on the flying bridge while sitting in the captains chair. All of the events described in the book were within view near to where i was sitting.

I am posting a snapshot that shows to the left just a little part of the water tower that is seen in so many photographs of the attack. The hills in the background is where the attack came through the pass. I have not been back since I was discharged in 1961. The base as I knew it was little changed since the war but has changed much since 1961 I would assume.

I get emotional every December 7.

[Edited on 12-8-2012 by Marc]

We remember

bajaguy - 12-7-2012 at 10:00 PM

And will never forget.

A "Well Done" to those of the greatest generation.

For you navy guys, "BZ"

Bob H - 12-7-2012 at 10:27 PM

Thank you so much Dennis for starting this thread.

Today marks the 71st anniversary of Pearl Harbor Day, a day of infamy when the Japanese brutally attacked the US Pearl Harbor Naval Base in Oahu, Hawaii on December 7, 1941. The attack launched America’s involvement in World War II.

In total, 2,350 US military troops and civilians were killed as a result of that lethal surprise attack on the US naval base. Hundreds more were critically injured.

God bless those who died that day, those who survived, and all of our courageous active military and veterans across the globe.

We have not forgotten.

Skipjack Joe - 12-8-2012 at 04:36 AM

Originally posted by Hook

WWII was the only good war we have fought in the last 150 years.

Yes, the Civil War was the last good war before WWII. The US's best and most devastating war. No holiday for that one, though.

Here are the numbers:

Revolutionary War 4,435
War of 1812 2,260
Mexican War 13,283
Civil War 514,411
Confederate Army 94,000
Union Army 364,511
Battle of Gettysburg 51,112
Confederate Army 28,063
Union Army 23,049
Spanish-American War 2,448
World War I 116,516
World War II 405,399
Korean War 36,574
Vietnam Conflict 58,209
Persian gulf War 382
September 11, 2001 2,992

mulegemichael - 12-8-2012 at 07:28 AM

what's all this talk about "good" wars?? such thing when men die......i did the vietnam war; the one nobody wants to talk about...bless the men and women who died today in pearl harbor....thanks dennis.

DENNIS - 12-8-2012 at 08:37 AM

Originally posted by Marc

War is Hell.
By the that a rack of fishing lures behind you? :lol:


DENNIS - 12-8-2012 at 08:44 AM

And to think that administrator of the Punta Banda Bulletin Board wanted me to take out the reference to Sushi. I suppose she thought it might be offensive to the Japanese on a day commemorating Pearl Harbor.

Actually...that wasn't her reason. The reason is she's a control freak be--itch and wanted to censor me as a display of power.
Ohhh...I could go on, but I'll save it for later. That's a promise.

woody with a view - 12-8-2012 at 08:55 AM

does 10 minutes count as "later?"

Bajajorge - 12-8-2012 at 09:51 AM

Originally posted by DENNIS
I can remember when any mention of Pearl Harbor or Veterans Day would bring an avalanche of patriotic responses here, but today, not so much. I'm sorry to see this.
It does, however, get worse. The Punta Banda Bulletin Board has tacitly refused to put up the identical post, opting to smother their board with snooty wine events and finger food partys. That's what's important in Punta Banda.
The irony is, in an email from the administrator, I was told that if I took out the reference to Sushi, she would post it.


[Edited on 12-7-2012 by DENNIS]

I can't get to carried away answering this post as it will probably be moved to "Off Topic". So I'll try to be nice.

It is quite apparent that the populace of the USA is shifting quite radically from the "greatest generation" to the "entitlement generation". On December 7th each year in the past there was massive news coverage of events of remembrance, and movie channels showed numerous 1940s patriotic movies about the "War in the Pacific". But yesterday the news media only made short comments about Pearl Harbor, and I could only find one movie on TCM about the subject, AMC was only showing their usual zombie movies and series.
I guess 9/11 will also fade into the sunset in years to come. The entitlement generation just thinks about getting their government free stuff and really could care less about the folks that have protected their generation so they could get their free stuff. :(:(:(

woody with a view - 12-8-2012 at 09:56 AM

what do you mean? like this???

Bajajorge - 12-8-2012 at 10:01 AM

Yes Woody, that is exactly what I mean. I didn't open your link, because every time I see it on my TV screen, it makes me almost lose my lunch.:barf::barf::barf:

Bajaboy - 12-8-2012 at 10:03 AM

Originally posted by Bajajorge
Originally posted by DENNIS
I can remember when any mention of Pearl Harbor or Veterans Day would bring an avalanche of patriotic responses here, but today, not so much. I'm sorry to see this.
It does, however, get worse. The Punta Banda Bulletin Board has tacitly refused to put up the identical post, opting to smother their board with snooty wine events and finger food partys. That's what's important in Punta Banda.
The irony is, in an email from the administrator, I was told that if I took out the reference to Sushi, she would post it.


[Edited on 12-7-2012 by DENNIS]

I can't get to carried away answering this post as it will probably be moved to "Off Topic". So I'll try to be nice.

It is quite apparent that the populace of the USA is shifting quite radically from the "greatest generation" to the "entitlement generation". On December 7th each year in the past there was massive news coverage of events of remembrance, and movie channels showed numerous 1940s patriotic movies about the "War in the Pacific". But yesterday the news media only made short comments about Pearl Harbor, and I could only find one movie on TCM about the subject, AMC was only showing their usual zombie movies and series.
I guess 9/11 will also fade into the sunset in years to come. The entitlement generation just thinks about getting their government free stuff and really could care less about the folks that have protected their generation so they could get their free stuff. :(:(:(

Entitlement generation:?: I hope you don't plan on using Medicare or Social Security any time soon.....or even VA benefits...all of those could be considered entitlements...right?!

Bajajorge - 12-8-2012 at 10:12 AM

Bajaboy, Social Security was paid into by the greatest generation and is not an entitlement, but it is just gettng money back from something they put into, it is just like your 401, Roth, IRA or whatever. You pay into it, you get money out of it. Kabish?
Medicare is also something that seniors pay a premium for, it may be a small monthly premium, some hundred bucks a month, but it ain't completely government free stuff.
When I talk about the "entitlement generation" I'm talking about the frauds that collect SSI, government subsidized housing, food stamps and whatever else they think they're entitled to just because they have some fraudulent affliction such as chronic ingrown toenail. OMG, how can someone possibly work with a sore toe.

As for VA benefits, don't you think putting your life on the line doesn't deserve some payback when it's all done and over with?

[Edited on 12-8-2012 by Bajajorge]

bajaguy - 12-8-2012 at 10:16 AM

Originally posted by Bajaboy

Entitlement generation:?: I hope you don't plan on using Medicare or Social Security any time soon.....or even VA benefits...all of those could be considered entitlements...right?!

WTF are you talking about??????

I WORKED and paid into Social Security and Medicare, and when I signed on the line with the US Army (volunteered), the VA benefits were part of the deal........

Nothing was given to me if I didn't work.......unlike many in this country who chose not to work when they can, and receive "entitlement" benefits (like free cell phones) that I pay for.

[Edited on 12-8-2012 by bajaguy]

Bajaboy - 12-8-2012 at 10:52 AM

Originally posted by Bajajorge
Bajaboy, Social Security was paid into by the greatest generation and is not an entitlement, but it is just gettng money back from something they put into, it is just like your 401, Roth, IRA or whatever. You pay into it, you get money out of it. Kabish?
Medicare is also something that seniors pay a premium for, it may be a small monthly premium, some hundred bucks a month, but it ain't completely government free stuff.
When I talk about the "entitlement generation" I'm talking about the frauds that collect SSI, government subsidized housing, food stamps and whatever else they think they're entitled to just because they have some fraudulent affliction such as chronic ingrown toenail. OMG, how can someone possibly work with a sore toe.

As for VA benefits, don't you think putting your life on the line doesn't deserve some payback when it's all done and over with?

[Edited on 12-8-2012 by Bajajorge]

My point is that it's easy to say something is an entitlement when it's going to someone else. If you are the person receiving the benefit you are not likely to call it an entitlement.

So a retired vet making minimum wage can't make his bills....he gets food stamps to get by....if this the person you are referring to? Or how about the construction worker who picks up jobs and then unemployment between jobs? How about the elderly who need home care assistance. We all pay taxes to support the country....just suppose it depends on which shoes you walk in.....

DENNIS - 12-8-2012 at 10:56 AM

Originally posted by Bajaboy
Entitlement generation:?: I hope you don't plan on using Medicare or Social Security any time soon.....or even VA benefits...all of those could be considered entitlements...right?!

I don't consider SS an entitlement since the government, from my first day in the work-world, put a gun to my head and said I couldn't work unless I paid into it.

As for my VA benefits....well, you kinda had to be there, but thanks for implying that what I lost was worth nothing to you. Kinda makes me wish I had it all to do over again because I probably wouldn't.

OOOPS....I should finish reading the thread before I put up a reply that sounds just like some of the others.
Sorry about that.


[Edited on 12-8-2012 by DENNIS]

DENNIS - 12-8-2012 at 11:05 AM

Originally posted by woody with a view
does 10 minutes count as "later?"

It should, but ...............later.

bajaguy - 12-8-2012 at 11:19 AM

Originally posted by Bajaboy
My point is that it's easy to say something is an entitlement when it's going to someone else. If you are the person receiving the benefit you are not likely to call it an entitlement.

So a retired vet making minimum wage can't make his bills....he gets food stamps to get by....if this the person you are referring to? Or how about the construction worker who picks up jobs and then unemployment between jobs? How about the elderly who need home care assistance. We all pay taxes to support the country....just suppose it depends on which shoes you walk in.....

Hey, how about those homeless and out of work panhandling at intersections.......they have enough money for cigarettes and cell phones........why don't they amble on down to McDonalds or Wal-Mart and apply????

Skipjack Joe - 12-8-2012 at 11:39 AM

I wish you two, bajaboy and bajaguy, hadn't called yourselves that.

I can't remember who is who.


bajaguy - 12-8-2012 at 11:42 AM

I'm the sane reasonable one in the white hat :lol:

Marc - 12-8-2012 at 12:19 PM

Originally posted by DENNIS
Originally posted by Marc

War is Hell.
By the that a rack of fishing lures behind you? :lol:


Those are battle (signal) flags. And a good place to hide in when the call for working parties is sounded.

Bajaboy - 12-8-2012 at 01:36 PM

Originally posted by bajaguy
Originally posted by Bajaboy
My point is that it's easy to say something is an entitlement when it's going to someone else. If you are the person receiving the benefit you are not likely to call it an entitlement.

So a retired vet making minimum wage can't make his bills....he gets food stamps to get by....if this the person you are referring to? Or how about the construction worker who picks up jobs and then unemployment between jobs? How about the elderly who need home care assistance. We all pay taxes to support the country....just suppose it depends on which shoes you walk in.....

Hey, how about those homeless and out of work panhandling at intersections.......they have enough money for cigarettes and cell phones........why don't they amble on down to McDonalds or Wal-Mart and apply????

Hey I've been working since I was thirteen or so and have little empathy for those to don't put forth any effort. But to say that the homeless or panhandlers represent 47% of the population is a stretch.

Now, how about those who willfully move their money out of this country to avoid paying taxes? Are they looked upon with more respect because they worked the system? How about my buddy (fighter pilot) who owns a house here in San Diego, his kids go to school here, and they use plenty of public services yet says he lives in Florida so he doesn't have to pay California taxes? Is this the American system? All sounds like hustling the system to me.

Again my point is it's about perspective. When one says cut entitlements...which ones should be cut?

Hook - 12-8-2012 at 01:43 PM

Originally posted by mulegemichael
what's all this talk about "good" wars?? such thing when men die......i did the vietnam war; the one nobody wants to talk about...bless the men and women who died today in pearl harbor....thanks dennis.

We're talking about good and bad REASONS for a war, not the act of war, itself. At least I was.

Thank you for your service in Vietnam. If we only fought wars for GOOD reasons, you never would have had to go. I still appreciate your service.

luv2fish - 12-8-2012 at 02:30 PM

Originally posted by Bajaboy
Originally posted by Bajajorge
Bajaboy, Social Security was paid into by the greatest generation and is not an entitlement, but it is just gettng money back from something they put into, it is just like your 401, Roth, IRA or whatever. You pay into it, you get money out of it. Kabish?
Medicare is also something that seniors pay a premium for, it may be a small monthly premium, some hundred bucks a month, but it ain't completely government free stuff.
When I talk about the "entitlement generation" I'm talking about the frauds that collect SSI, government subsidized housing, food stamps and whatever else they think they're entitled to just because they have some fraudulent affliction such as chronic ingrown toenail. OMG, how can someone possibly work with a sore toe.

As for VA benefits, don't you think putting your life on the line doesn't deserve some payback when it's all done and over with?

[Edited on 12-8-2012 by Bajajorge]

My point is that it's easy to say something is an entitlement when it's going to someone else. If you are the person receiving the benefit you are not likely to call it an entitlement.

So here we have some neighbors protesting a few Chinese who feel entitled to come and give birth in this great country of ours because the 14th amendment to our constitution allows it. When do things stop being entitlements??? I live not far from this house and have seen van loads of pregnant Asian females being taken to their Dr.s appointments and then to the pharmacy for their meds, all on Medicals dime.

Bajajorge - 12-8-2012 at 02:40 PM

How about my buddy (fighter pilot) who owns a house here in San Diego, his kids go to school here, and they use plenty of public services yet says he lives in Florida so he doesn't have to pay California taxes? Is this the American system? All sounds like hustling the system to me.

Who in their right minds want to pay California Income Tax if they don't have to anyway? He probably pays exhorbitant amounts of other California taxes and fees that make up for the income tax non payments threefold.

Mexitron - 12-8-2012 at 03:51 PM

Originally posted by Bajajorge
Bajaboy, Social Security was paid into by the greatest generation and is not an entitlement, but it is just gettng money back from something they put into, it is just like your 401, Roth, IRA or whatever. You pay into it, you get money out of it. Kabish?
Medicare is also something that seniors pay a premium for, it may be a small monthly premium, some hundred bucks a month, but it ain't completely government free stuff.
When I talk about the "entitlement generation" I'm talking about the frauds that collect SSI, government subsidized housing, food stamps and whatever else they think they're entitled to just because they have some fraudulent affliction such as chronic ingrown toenail. OMG, how can someone possibly work with a sore toe.

As for VA benefits, don't you think putting your life on the line doesn't deserve some payback when it's all done and over with?

[Edited on 12-8-2012 by Bajajorge]

From my perspective its an entitlement---the folks on Medicare are getting far more than they ever paid into it---its healthcare which will take this country down---not welfare or food stamps.

Thanks for posting about Pearl Harbor Day Dennis---for those there and in all wars, thank-you for your sacrifices.

DENNIS - 12-8-2012 at 04:30 PM

Originally posted by Hook

If we only fought wars for GOOD reasons,

THe only GOOD reason I can think of for a war is to win it. We come up short on this too.

pointdog - 12-8-2012 at 04:42 PM

"The Punta Banda Bulletin Board has tacitly refused to put up the identical post, opting to smother their board with snooty wine events and finger food partys. That's what's important in Punta Banda.
The irony is, in an email from the administrator, I was told that if I took out the reference to Sushi, she would post it."

- Why the surprise? It's a racist comment. It may not seem racist to you and many here, but to many .... it is.
That's the duty of an administrator, to filter out what he or she feels may be inappropriate for for the function of the BB.
How could anyone find fault with dropping the "sushi"?
Let the flaming begin.

DENNIS - 12-8-2012 at 04:46 PM

Originally posted by pointdog
- Why the surprise? It's a racist comment.

Call it what you will, but of all days that I would be disinterested in the sensitivities of the Japanese, December 7 is at the top of the list.

Besides...... WTF is racist about the mention of Sushi? The gawwwdammm crap belongs on fish hooks.

DavidE - 12-8-2012 at 04:46 PM

Reform TORT LAWS, and a system that allows a hospital to collect eighty thousand dollars for three thousand dollars worth of scorpion anti-venin.