
6 & 6

Joaquin Suave - 11-1-2004 at 11:23 AM

I figured I should ask the experts...

I am 46 right now and by the time I'm 56, I want to have my life "arranged" to live 6 months a year in Alta California and 6 months in Baja California.

I'm an independent industrial designer and product developer and have geared my business over the last couple of years to turn on and off for 5 or 6 weeks in December and part of January for my travels south.

6 months is a whole different thing!

I think I have an OK plan for this side of the border. But the Baja side I have no clue.

First I figure I'll have to get some kind business going in the area that my ranch is in, but I see some issues here.

1. It has been my observation over many years of having mexican employees the when the cat is away the mice go HOG WILD. Meaning that if I invest $$ into a small business, how do I arrange it so that I don't get embezzeled and my assets don't walk away when i'm up north?

2. The last thing I want to do is be the gringo that comes down with big plans.

Mex 1 is littered with these failed gringo ventures. I've seen it since the early 70's!
Some of you obviously have succeded. Any advice?

If you want them to run it

jrbaja - 11-1-2004 at 11:33 AM

you better do something that they are interested in. And, find a foreman/manager you trust!

Good luck !!

Bruce R Leech - 11-1-2004 at 12:33 PM

what area are you looking at. some areas are more difficult than others.

And Jr. is absolutely right the Key is who you have running your business while your gone .

Bruce R Leech Mulege Baja

Joaquin Suave - 11-1-2004 at 01:14 PM

Around Santa Rosalillita.

I had thought about doing a fabricating / boat repair yard because of the Escallara Nautica but I'd be 90 years old by the time that happens.

Maybe an Eco-campground Or...

Maybe a quality cat house...
Something the locals would enjoy!

just joking.

These failed gringo ventures

jrbaja - 11-1-2004 at 01:29 PM

were designed to make the gringos $$$.
They usually fail because the locals aren't interested in making the gringos $$. In fact they are pretty happy the way they are without any new ideas or businesses.
But, times are changing. Whatever you decide to do, you need to make the locals money and consider yourself lucky to make a little yourself in the process, not the other way around.
It is the only way you will have the cooperation necessary for a succesful business in a foreign country.

dono - 11-2-2004 at 06:08 AM

when people ask us about working down here we tell them to make your money up north and come to baja and enjoy it. work definitly interferes with fun.

Joaquin Suave - 11-2-2004 at 11:50 AM

Yes, I understand Dono.

Over the last few years I've taken a laptop with me to practice on new design softwares when the waves weren't good or in the evenings.

WHAT AN F'EN JOKE!!! I didn't do squat!

Well thats not rainy day I started working on the computer until a neighbor asked for some help him tequila tasteing.

Viva Baja!

That part Joaquin

jrbaja - 11-2-2004 at 11:58 AM

you have to overcome personally to live here and be productive. And it takes a lot of work to overcome that after being used to vacationing here. But, it can be done.
The other part is a little more serious and needs to be seriously dealt with. It can also be done but it takes a lot of "weeding" before you get hooked up with the right people.
And as far as the waves go, this is Mexico. Everyone understands priorities.
That's why you want to move here, right?:light:

Joaquin Suave - 11-2-2004 at 12:40 PM

That picture made my day!

Poco a poco!

I figure that my personal translation to Baja will happen.


If i get out of my own way and let go and let dog (i'm dislexic) then it will happen better than I could have ever dreampt.