
Adjustments in the Baja

Osprey - 12-27-2012 at 04:13 PM

Baja Adjustments

The U.S. Marine Corp has it right “Adapt and Improvise”. I knew when I quit my job at age 58 and left the U.S. to retire in Baja Sur there would have to be a lot of adjustments and I better just get use to changes, roll with the punches. I was ready for most of the culture changes I would face but I didn’t give a thought about growing old down here --- just couldn’t see that far ahead.

Now I’m 76 years old and the old age thing is bringing with it another round of adjustments.

Here’s an incomplete list of adjustments, like tectonic plates jerking to relieve the unbelievable pressure of continental drift.

• Booze
Always a martini man so I was disappointed to see my favorites down here were either not available or priced out of my range – Tanquerey, an arm, Beefeaters, a leg, Steinhager, unavailable. So I went for Oso Negro until our savings ran out, then dropped to Paloma at $2 bucks a liter by the case.

• Boat
Never had a boat in my life but a bargain panga came along and I had to learn how to launch and haul from our sand beach with no ramp using whatever vehicle could do the job. Only had to get help from another vehicle one time and I made it work for almost 15 years till I gave the boat, motor and trailer to one of my neighbors.

• Food
I love spicy hot Mexican food of all kinds but when I developed an enlarged spleen (about the size of a small boombox) the spices had to go. I miss my Chile Verde so bad I have nightmares.

• Music
I love all kinds of music (except rap and hip hop) and when we got television it came with Sirius and some other great CDs and I filled the patio every day with hits from the 50s and 60s. Now, in my old Fogy stage you might hear a lot of salsa, jukebox gold, jazz and, now and then, classical tunes as you come through my gate.

• Never Ending Projects
When we first arrived here we did a lot of improvements around the house/lot by ourselves (we laid down 1800 pavers on 3 patios), painted the house 2 or 3 times. Now I only tackle the light weight tasks of plumbing repair and such; odd jobs I now leave to one of many younger Mexicans who will work for very little money and who have natural talent for making things work. My steady stream of refescos and a good solid lunch brings them back again and again when things start to fall and crumble around this old place.

• Exercise
I have found many reasons not to exercise; too hot, too cold, too windy, got up too late, sandfleas are out. About every 10 days or so I used to take 4 empty garrafones to the water sellers, pack full ones in my rig, schlep them all up the drive as a form of exercise. When my back just wouldn’t let me pick em up anymore, I made a deal to have em delivered and carried up to the bodega. Just a buck or 2 more and my back is on the mend.

• Fishing
I’ve grown accustomed to letting my boat guy, Leonardo, do all the heavy lifting when we fish. When a big fish strikes the lure he hands me the rod and waits to see just how energetic I feel that particular day. When I’ve invited guests, especially those who are fishing rookies I can afford to be generous and let them fight the big ones. The more we fish together, the more action I get, the more willing I am to fight the fish to the boat. He makes it all easy by keeping the boat perfectly positioned till we can get the big brutes close to capture or release.

• Long in the Tooth
I haven’t taken care of my teeth to make them last over 70 years so as they go bad I’m now having to have them yanked out one at a time. I have yet to ask my wife to change her grocery shopping list but that day may surely come. Right now I’m able to handle the ice cream, jello and Yogurt but I have to have the dogs chew my steaks and chops for me. They are like big shaggy cormorants – I put a tight rope around their throats so they won’t swallow anything.

• Movies
We get HBO and a couple other movie channels down here now. I can’t watch the Teen movies or the vampire stuff so I’m forced to watch, again and again, my old standards like Will Penney or My Cousin Vinny. At my age they might as well be new releases even though I’ve seen them scores of times – I’m always pleased if I can remember a scene or a line or part of the plot.

• Young gringo visitors
On my patio or at c-cktail parties around the village I occasionally meet young visitors: sons, daughters, grandkids visiting their retired folks here. Over time I have discovered that we can never learn from each other --- my fault for being separated by miles and years from their worlds. I cut attempts at communication short by giving them advice.

“Don’t hang with old people. Old people will drag you down, put you in a sour, old people mood with their talk about broken hips and hives and arrhythmia, estate planning, market trends.

Second, and most important piece of advice I can give, “Don’t take advice from an old cracker like me.”

[Edited on 12-27-2012 by Osprey]

willardguy - 12-27-2012 at 04:28 PM

Damn those sandfleas! do tell us more about this "paloma" elixir you speak of, I could ditch the bear!

sancho - 12-27-2012 at 04:31 PM

Originally posted by Osprey

just couldn’t see that far ahead.

[Edited on 12-27-2012 by Osprey]

I'm definately guilty of that, you are not missing much
here NOB, I guess you figured that out in the last 18 yrs.,
you're a funny guy Osprey, intended or not

Osprey - 12-27-2012 at 04:36 PM

Willard, sadly Paloma went out of business. Muy Triste! Had a great smooth taste for Mexican gin. I got it from a wholesaler in Cabo. He had vodka I had to pour out -- I told him he shouldn't sell that stuff and he told me that was the well vodka at most of the resorts. Must be a lot of tourists going blind as we speak.

Martyman - 12-27-2012 at 04:37 PM

“Don’t take advice from an old cracker like me.”


Neal Johns - 12-27-2012 at 05:23 PM

Hey, Old Cracker, Great post! Darn those young whippersnappers anyway!:lol::lol::lol::lol:

vandenberg - 12-27-2012 at 05:34 PM


Did I ever tell you that I love you Jorge.:?::?:

Greetings to you and Lynda and a Great 2013 !!

Osprey - 12-27-2012 at 05:56 PM

Right back atcha Van, Have a great new start, a shiny new year.

Shaggy Cormorants?!

Gypsy Jan - 12-27-2012 at 06:01 PM

Too funny! :yes:

Hubby is 78 years old today, we are going out to dinner to celebrate. We invited friends and they are down with a flu bug, already in bed or just too tired.

And, this is just 4:00 pm on a beautiful, sunny Northern Baja evening.

Osprey, I understand completely, you adapt to changing environments and times and expectations of what should occur is usually going to blow up in your face.

We are still waiting for the propana truck which assured us that they would be here by 11:00 am.

Expectations, shmectectations, what the hell, every day above ground is a good one.

Please enjoy.

Cheers, GJ

[Edited on 12-28-2012 by Gypsy Jan]

bacquito - 12-27-2012 at 06:04 PM

Great read!! Thanks

shari - 12-28-2012 at 07:41 AM

Here ya go amigo....I really like this movie streaming and a good choice of stuff and I havent had any problems with it...what's with that vampire chit anyway?

Iflyfish - 12-28-2012 at 07:56 AM

Ya, I was going to write something.....oh, was witty and, eh, you know...did I tell you about the time we....oh well.....nature calls and I, like you, have to answer....

Have a wonderful New Year amigo and good luck with gumming those turkey bones!


Pescador - 12-28-2012 at 08:09 AM

I think this retirement thing has gone a little too far. I am going to get you some copies of Edward Abbey's "Monkey Wrench Gang" and see if you can take a little more "active" position with Cabo Rivera.

schwlind - 12-28-2012 at 09:03 AM

Originally posted by Osprey
Baja Adjustments


Wow... I can really relate to what you said... I'm in the same boat but am no longer strong enough to even row.

Happy 2013!

Leo - 12-28-2012 at 09:58 AM

I think you're serious but nevertehless it's a funny read and many of us can relate to what you have to say.
keep it up with adjusting, that's the only way to keep going.
All the best for 2013 !