
Nomad board spellcheck

Bob H - 12-31-2012 at 02:08 PM

Here ya go David K... spellcheck this... lol

Aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at an Elingsh uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoetnt tihng is taht frist and lsat ltteer is at the rghit pclae. The rset can be a toatl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit a porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae we do not raed ervey lteter by it slef but the wrod as a wlohe.
ceehiro. OK Dvaid K?

bajagrouper - 12-31-2012 at 02:17 PM

, i think it was Cambridge...

butt hoo nose

[Edited on 12-31-2012 by bajagrouper]

Bruce R Leech - 12-31-2012 at 02:32 PM

hay I can speed read that:yes:

Now You Are Publically Shaming

Gypsy Jan - 12-31-2012 at 03:33 PM

All us spelling nerds. :(

Marc - 12-31-2012 at 04:21 PM

I kehw taht!

[Edited on 12-31-2012 by Marc]

sancho - 12-31-2012 at 05:01 PM

Baja spellcheck as bit of a waste of time, to me
communication is just getting the point made, mispelled/misprounced or not, we all know what is
being referenced. Puerticitos may hold the record

motoged - 12-31-2012 at 05:38 PM

Yep "puertIcitos" takes the cake :biggrin:

Spelling !!

captkw - 12-31-2012 at 07:16 PM

I gotta "A" in spelling, tony told his Father. he repiled "There isn't Any A in Spelling" Interviewr: How do you spell Mississippi ? Redneck: Which one ? The River or the State ?

David K - 1-1-2013 at 08:31 AM

When doing a search online or just historical accuracy or just out of respect for the place we love, try to get it spelled correct. Some of the worse case Baja places with some of the incorrect spellings:

PUERTECITOS (not Puertocitos, Puerticitos)
GUERRERO NEGRO (not Guerro Negro)
SANTA ROSALILLITA (not Santa Rosaliita)
ALFONSINA'S (not Alphonsina's)
LOS BARRILES (not Los or Las Barilles)
MULEGE (not Muleje)
LORETO (not Loretto)
LA PURISIMA (not La Purisma)
ROSARITO (not Rosarita)
SANTO TOMAS (not Santo Thomas)
SAN VICENTE (not San Vincente)
SAN QUINTIN (not San Quentin)
TIJUANA (not Tiajuana)
MEXICALI (not Mexicalli)
ENSENADA (not Encinada)
SAN FELIPE (not San Filippi, etc.)


bacquito - 1-1-2013 at 09:46 AM

Originally posted by Bob H
Here ya go David K... spellcheck this... lol

Aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at an Elingsh uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoetnt tihng is taht frist and lsat ltteer is at the rghit pclae. The rset can be a toatl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit a porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae we do not raed ervey lteter by it slef but the wrod as a wlohe.
ceehiro. OK Dvaid K?

Wiell staated:light:

Bajajorge - 1-1-2013 at 10:03 AM

In this day and age you don't need to know how to spell. Just look at a text messege and tell me the "King's English" is alive and well, never mind which order the letters are in, or does the letter arrangement change the meaning of the whole thing?:lol::?:

[Edited on 1-1-2013 by Bajajorge]

Bob H - 1-1-2013 at 11:41 AM

Hpapy New Yaer !!

Osprey - 1-1-2013 at 12:17 PM

Words matter. Spelling matters. Grammar matters. There were millions of times down through the peopling of the planet where the wrong words could get you killed on sight. Communications matters. There are still places where just wearing the wrong color clothing can get you killed. Civilization uses one's communication skills as a test for leadership and or advancement.

As a prescriptive I guess you see me as a language snob and that pleases me more and more as some of you want to drag forum chat down to knowing grunts.

Barry A. - 1-1-2013 at 12:40 PM

Originally posted by Osprey
Words matter. Spelling matters. Grammar matters. There were millions of times down through the peopling of the planet where the wrong words could get you killed on sight. Communications matters. There are still places where just wearing the wrong color clothing can get you killed. Civilization uses one's communication skills as a test for leadership and or advancement.

As a prescriptive I guess you see me as a language snob and that pleases me more and more as some of you want to drag forum chat down to knowing grunts.

Well said, Osprey---------I make spelling mistakes all the time, but I have never minded being corrected, and in fact encourage it.


vandenberg - 1-1-2013 at 01:40 PM

To all of those Osprey grunters here, if you are unsure of a word's spelling, minimize BN, Google the word, get the correct spelling, restore BN, and enter the word. Takes a second and helps your image.:biggrin::biggrin:

Bob H - 1-1-2013 at 02:00 PM

Originally posted by Osprey
Words matter. Spelling matters. Grammar matters. There were millions of times down through the peopling of the planet where the wrong words could get you killed on sight. Communications matters. There are still places where just wearing the wrong color clothing can get you killed. Civilization uses one's communication skills as a test for leadership and or advancement.

As a prescriptive I guess you see me as a language snob and that pleases me more and more as some of you want to drag forum chat down to knowing grunts.

I agree Osprey... this post was created purely for entertainment purposes.

Barry A. - 1-1-2013 at 02:31 PM

Originally posted by vandenberg
To all of those Osprey grunters here, if you are unsure of a word's spelling, minimize BN, Google the word, get the correct spelling, restore BN, and enter the word. Takes a second and helps your image.:biggrin::biggrin:

I did what you said, Vandenberg, putting the word "puertecitos" in Google for spelling--------it immediately took me to "Baja Nomads" board. :lol::lol::O


vandenberg - 1-1-2013 at 03:02 PM

Now that "IS" funny Barry. :lol:

bacquito - 1-1-2013 at 03:07 PM

Originally posted by vandenberg
To all of those Osprey grunters here, if you are unsure of a word's spelling, minimize BN, Google the word, get the correct spelling, restore BN, and enter the word. Takes a second and helps your image.:biggrin::biggrin:

Yes, I agree. I appreciate spelling help on words pertaining to Baja locations-features such as cities, roads, parks, etc. I have objected in the past when a spelling error (we all make them) made during a serious question takes on a life of its own at the expense of the question.
David, I forget, is it" Rancho Santa Inez" by Catavina?

Pompano - 1-1-2013 at 03:23 PM

Use it often enough and, unfortunately, it becomes correct.

"Everything bows to success, even grammar."

Victor Hugo

David K - 1-1-2013 at 03:36 PM

Originally posted by bacquito
Originally posted by vandenberg
To all of those Osprey grunters here, if you are unsure of a word's spelling, minimize BN, Google the word, get the correct spelling, restore BN, and enter the word. Takes a second and helps your image.:biggrin::biggrin:

Yes, I agree. I appreciate spelling help on words pertaining to Baja locations-features such as cities, roads, parks, etc. ...

David, I forget, is it" Rancho Santa Inez" by Catavina?

Well, since you asked, that is an excellent one I neglected to include above!

The correct Spanish spelling is (typically) Inés, however the owner of the ranch made it clear to those that rented lots there (Marv Patchen, etc.) it is RANCHO SANTA YNEZ :light:

What is funny is that they sold shirts there with it spelled INES (or was it INEZ?) and Nomads have had a field day with all the combinations, including Innez, Ynes, etc.!

A Ken Cooke Photo;D

[Edited on 1-1-2013 by David K]

Iflyfish - 1-1-2013 at 04:12 PM

I don't have a dog in this particular c-ck fight, do have an occasional mix in my metaphor, and lament the abbreviation and simplification of our language, ignorance of history, shortened attention span, loss of civility and oversimplification found in what now passes for much of our political and public dialogue. LOL, Dah! God said so, nuke the bastards, I got mine, you don't, your lazy etc.


DianaT - 1-1-2013 at 04:32 PM

As this is the first of the year, and the first topic about the use of language, I wonder what words others think are WAY over used in conversations and forums. Here are a few of my choices.

1. awesome
2. amazing
3. epic

They are powerful words that I think are diminished to the point of being meaningless because of their overuse.

Just as an example: It was an epic two block walk to the amazing pizza place where the garlic bread is just awesome.

Hopefully, so these words can regain their full impact and meaning, this fad will fade away to the land of bright blue or green Nehru suits.

Now, please don't tell me that Nehru suits are coming back.


Barry A. - 1-1-2013 at 05:11 PM

Originally posted by DianaT
As this is the first of the year, and the first topic about the use of language, I wonder what words others think are WAY over used in conversations and forums. Here are a few of my choices.

1. awesome
2. amazing
3. epic

They are powerful words that I think are diminished to the point of being meaningless because of their overuse.

Just as an example: It was an epic two block walk to the amazing pizza place where the garlic bread is just awesome.

Hopefully, so these words can regain their full impact and meaning, this fad will fade away to the land of bright blue or green Nehru suits.

Now, please don't tell me that Nehru suits are coming back.


Diane----------Being respectful of your point, could you suggest some synonyms for those 3 words mentioned? (since I am one guilty of hyperbole from time to time) :lol:


Santa Ynez??

bacquito - 1-1-2013 at 05:42 PM

Originally posted by David K
When doing a search online or just historical accuracy or just out of respect for the place we love, try to get it spelled correct. Some of the worse case Baja places with some of the incorrect spellings:

PUERTECITOS (not Puertocitos, Puerticitos)
GUERRERO NEGRO (not Guerro Negro)
SANTA ROSALILLITA (not Santa Rosaliita)
ALFONSINA'S (not Alphonsina's)
LOS BARRILES (not Los or Las Barilles)
MULEGE (not Muleje)
LORETO (not Loretto)
LA PURISIMA (not La Purisma)
ROSARITO (not Rosarita)
SANTO TOMAS (not Santo Thomas)
SAN VICENTE (not San Vincente)
SAN QUINTIN (not San Quentin)
TIJUANA (not Tiajuana)
MEXICALI (not Mexicalli)
ENSENADA (not Encinada)
SAN FELIPE (not San Filippi, etc.)


Another spelling question, you once posted various spellings of the ranch near Catavina- Santa Inez-or Santa Ynez or...? what is correct? Thanks

DianaT - 1-1-2013 at 05:44 PM

Originally posted by Barry A.
Originally posted by DianaT
As this is the first of the year, and the first topic about the use of language, I wonder what words others think are WAY over used in conversations and forums. Here are a few of my choices.

1. awesome
2. amazing
3. epic

They are powerful words that I think are diminished to the point of being meaningless because of their overuse.

Just as an example: It was an epic two block walk to the amazing pizza place where the garlic bread is just awesome.

Hopefully, so these words can regain their full impact and meaning, this fad will fade away to the land of bright blue or green Nehru suits.

Now, please don't tell me that Nehru suits are coming back.


Diane----------Being respectful of your point, could you suggest some synonyms for those 3 words mentioned? (since I am one guilty of hyperbole from time to time) :lol:


Are not we all? :lol:

Awesome --- it is often used to mean what we used to call cool, or cool man, back in the ancient days. That is the fad use of the word. Now when the word is used properly, it means awe inspiring which has connotations of fear, or reverence, or extremely powerful. A major earthquake or finding the Ark of the Covenant, are awesome events, but every ordinary event is hardly awesome.

There are lots of synonyms for amazing that are a little less powerful, and not everything we see or do is of great wonder. I am guilty of using this one too often.

Not every journey or find is epic; they are not enormously grand. Most are interesting, fun, or different, but not epic. Jumping out of a balloon and breaking the sound barrier is an epic journey. Epic has also fallen into the realm of fad with everything being epic; again, akin to the old usage of cool.

This shall pass and there will be new words just waiting to be mangled and overused.

Now, back to learning the new shorthand so I can learn to text.


[Edited on 1-2-2013 by DianaT]

Barry A. - 1-1-2013 at 05:57 PM

Hmmmmmm, I see your point, but really I have seldom seen or heard "epic" used in normal conversation.

"Awesome" and "amazing" much more often. I am constantly "amazed" at what I see and hear----truly amazed, but I will try and watch it.

Awesome-----------yes, certainly a "fad" word, and I seldom use it unless something is truly AWESOME, like Baja. :tumble:


Osprey - 1-1-2013 at 05:59 PM

D, thanks for shining a light on that. All the U.S. news media big beautiful blondes are professional and usually well spoken but they scream out a steady stream of words they describe as things we should not, could not believe:

Incredible, unbelievable. They're reporting a big fire which we should not recognize as the truth or things we shouldn't/couldn't believe in.

"Here are some unbelievable pictures of an incredible accident between a bus and a camel. Don't go way, you're gonna love this and much more after the break."

DianaT - 1-1-2013 at 06:01 PM

Originally posted by Barry A.
Hmmmmmm, I see your point, but really I have seldom seen or heard "epic" used in normal conversation.

"Awesome" and "amazing" much more often. I am constantly "amazed" at what I see and hear----truly amazed, but I will try and watch it.

Awesome-----------yes, certainly a "fad" word, and I seldom use it unless something is truly AWESOME, like Baja. :tumble:


I hear epic used as a fad word more from really young people; now that is not to say you are not a young person. :biggrin:

Epic..I thought thats a Surfers word !!!

captkw - 1-1-2013 at 06:03 PM

Osprey - 1-1-2013 at 06:11 PM

Diane, not to step on your part of the thread but: dyslexia I think of as grammatical color blindness.

The severity of color blindness in humans has as many degrees as the compass from 1% to 80. I think how human adults see their particular language is the same kind of spread. Those who are severe have more trouble than those in the lower ranges. No stigma to be color blindn so there should be a co responding forgiveness to those who see the letters scattered, unclear--- those who read Hose and House in the same way. They both appear identical to the DNA latent process carrier.

Not being able to spell is not some sign the person is inferior, uneducated, deficient as compared to his or her peers.


vandenberg - 1-1-2013 at 06:51 PM

Originally posted by Osprey.
Not being able to spell is not some sign the person is inferior, uneducated, deficient as compared to his or her peers.

True, but to most folks it is the show of an important deficiency, true or not. So, simple spell checking takes away the stigma of ignorance. No??

DianaT - 1-1-2013 at 07:10 PM

Originally posted by Osprey
D, thanks for shining a light on that. All the U.S. news media big beautiful blondes are professional and usually well spoken but they scream out a steady stream of words they describe as things we should not, could not believe:

Incredible, unbelievable. They're reporting a big fire which we should not recognize as the truth or things we shouldn't/couldn't believe in.

"Here are some unbelievable pictures of an incredible accident between a bus and a camel. Don't go way, you're gonna love this and much more after the break."

:lol::lol: AMEN

Originally posted by vandenberg
Originally posted by Osprey.
Not being able to spell is not some sign the person is inferior, uneducated, deficient as compared to his or her peers.

True, but to most folks it is the show of an important deficiency, true or not. So, simple spell checking takes away the stigma of ignorance. No??

I agree that many people think it is an important deficiency and that is often not the case; it can be a learning disability which has nothing to do with intelligence or ignorance. My disability is an auditory problem that causes me major problems with spelling, and with learning other languages. I just do not process sounds correctly all the time. Phonics are close to worthless for me. It is not an uncommon problem and is also why many people, including me, often mispronounce a word.

I always explained this to my students and gave them full permission to correct mispronounced or misspelled words.

On the other hand, all my classes were subjected to my no excuse word list so they would not sound ignorant by using advice, for advise, or here for hear, and many more. And every so often I find myself misusing one of these no excuse words -- there for they're and I am horrified! Spell checkers are no good for these mistakes. :biggrin:

[Edited on 1-2-2013 by DianaT]

durrelllrobert - 1-1-2013 at 07:43 PM

Originally posted by vandenberg
Originally posted by Osprey.
Not being able to spell is not some sign the person is inferior, uneducated, deficient as compared to his or her peers.

True, but to most folks it is the show of an important deficiency, true or not. So, simple spell checking takes away the stigma of ignorance. No??
Maybe someday Doug will add that feature to BN.

CortezBlue - 1-1-2013 at 07:56 PM

I've said this several times, I type fast and have bad spelling issues in any language, however, just as I don't correct folks face to face, when they are using incorrect words, especially IRREGARDLESS, but it is not acceptable to anyone other than your friends and kids.

I have said it before and will say it again, why not have a post or a link that can be given to a person that has terms, definitions and spelling. Then all that has to happen is post the link as a resource for spelling. But in most cases, most folks insecurities require them to post corrections that are not helpful but ego driven.

vandenberg - 1-1-2013 at 08:26 PM

Originally posted by CortezBlue
But in most cases, most folks insecurities require them to post corrections that are not helpful but ego driven.

Good insight into the human psyche.

David K - 1-1-2013 at 08:46 PM

Originally posted by vandenberg
Originally posted by CortezBlue
But in most cases, most folks insecurities require them to post corrections that are not helpful but ego driven.

Good insight into the human psyche.

Yah, but if directed at me, it is totally not the case... Did Cortez call his teachers in school all 'ego-maniacs' because they taught the correct way to spell places?

If learning to spell Guerrero Negro doesn't help you Sr. CortezBlue, then just move on and ignore me... I thought with your new spelling of Phoenix the way I showed you a misspelled Baja town would look to a Mexican, you were over the 'hate the teacher' thing you had with me? So much for Happy New Year for all...

CortezBlue - 1-1-2013 at 08:50 PM

I rest my case

J.P. - 1-1-2013 at 08:55 PM

Originally posted by CortezBlue
I've said this several times, I type fast and have bad spelling issues in any language, however, just as I don't correct folks face to face, when they are using incorrect words, especially IRREGARDLESS, but it is not acceptable to anyone other than your friends and kids.

I have said it before and will say it again, why not have a post or a link that can be given to a person that has terms, definitions and spelling. Then all that has to happen is post the link as a resource for spelling. But in most cases, most folks insecurities require them to post corrections that are not helpful but ego driven.

You have put into words my condition and what I have had to cope with all my spelling has always been terrible I have to absorb infromation differently than most so called normal people. It has always been difficult to express myself by the written word.
I hated school but managed to get buy and I had a lot of sucess in my chosen ventures.
For someone to point out your deficiencies in spelling tells you a lot about that person. They are not only rude but they are short on character., and usually ego driven and fueled by low selfesteem.

[Edited on 1-2-2013 by J.P.]

David K - 1-1-2013 at 09:03 PM

We are talking about a dozen Baja towns more or less... the drama is not needed... I too am a terrible speller and never point out English spelling errors, just the occasional Baja place that many have a hard time remembering... and it not for you here as much as it is for all the viewers of Baja Nomad who come here to LEARN about Baja.

J.P. - 1-1-2013 at 09:28 PM


DianaT - 1-1-2013 at 09:38 PM

Originally posted by J.P.

You have put into words my condition and what I have had to cope with all my spelling has always been terrible I have to absorb infromation differently than most so called normal people. It has always been difficult to express myself by the written word.
I hated school but managed to get buy and I had a lot of sucess in my chosen ventures.
For someone to point out your deficiencies in spelling tells you a lot about that person. They are not only rude but they are short on character., and usually ego driven and fueled by low selfesteem.

[Edited on 1-2-2013 by J.P.]

Just curious, did you know that one of the most famous and best selling Mexican American authors, Victor Villasenor who wrote Rain of Gold and other great books, has major learning difficulties or major traditional learning difficulties. We met him once at a conference where he was the keynote speaker. Just to process some basic information, he has to walk the floor---back and forth. And spelling? That is what editors are paid to do.

And have you heard of Gardner and his research on Multiple Intelligences? Yup, not everyone learns the same way or are "smart" in the same way. We are all wired just a little bit differently.

President John F. Kennedy had a very difficult time with spelling and Vice President Nelson Rockefeller was dyslexic.

But then again, Spanish misspellings are just not acceptable. :lol:

CortezBlue - 1-1-2013 at 09:45 PM

Originally posted by J.P.
Originally posted by CortezBlue
I've said this several times, I type fast and have bad spelling issues in any language, however, just as I don't correct folks face to face, when they are using incorrect words, especially IRREGARDLESS, but it is not acceptable to anyone other than your friends and kids.

I have said it before and will say it again, why not have a post or a link that can be given to a person that has terms, definitions and spelling. Then all that has to happen is post the link as a resource for spelling. But in most cases, most folks insecurities require them to post corrections that are not helpful but ego driven.

You have put into words my condition and what I have had to cope with all my spelling has always been terrible I have to absorb infromation differently than most so called normal people. It has always been difficult to express myself by the written word.
I hated school but managed to get buy and I had a lot of sucess in my chosen ventures.
For someone to point out your deficiencies in spelling tells you a lot about that person. They are not only rude but they are short on character., and usually ego driven and fueled by low selfesteem.

[Edited on 1-2-2013 by J.P.]

I have to say that I think everyone at one time or another had some area within their educational life that was discouraging. I was actually a spelling bee winner in grade school but I have sure become a faster typist than speller later in life. However, every good teacher I ever had did not correct me, but inspired me to find the answer myself through a dictionary, history book or thesaurus. My favorite story was in college during a 200 level math class. I was totally lost and didn't get it. The professor, a retireed AT&T engineer, raised his hand and I swear looked me in the eye and said, if you don't "see it", meet me after class. I went to him and said I don't see it. I asked, "what is the x and y in the forrmula?"

He looked at me and said," from here on out, x = apple and y = orange!"

From that day forward if I had to do an algebraic calculation, I was working with apples and oranges. He was a great teacher!

DianaT - 1-1-2013 at 09:55 PM

Thinking outside the box is good and not necessarily wrong, IMHO. :biggrin:

Bajaboy - 1-1-2013 at 10:04 PM

Originally posted by DianaT
Thinking outside the box is good and not necessarily wrong, IMHO. :biggrin:

x is 5

DianaT - 1-1-2013 at 10:16 PM

Originally posted by Bajaboy

x is 5

Maybe or maybe according to a math teacher. :biggrin:

Bob H - 1-1-2013 at 10:26 PM

Wow, this thread took off.

What the hell is a 200 Math class?

CortezBlue - 1-1-2013 at 10:26 PM

Originally posted by Bajaboy
Originally posted by DianaT
Thinking outside the box is good and not necessarily wrong, IMHO. :biggrin:

x is 5

Ah yes, the 3, 4, 5 rule. It is how I started to build my San Felipe house. How to find a perfect corner every time!

sancho - 1-2-2013 at 11:22 AM

Originally posted by CortezBlue
I rest my case

Noted, witness is excused from the stand, some entertainment
here is provided by LOOOONG standing currents,
some subilities that have a good bit of history
behind them, as long as there is no harm/no foul
Opps, as I was saying subtlety?

[Edited on 1-2-2013 by sancho]

vandenberg - 1-2-2013 at 02:13 PM

Hey Sancho, what the hell is a subility? You must mean subtlety, no.
Just staying on the subject.:saint::saint:


DavidE - 1-2-2013 at 03:39 PM

Misspelling is not nearly as entertaining as DYSLEXIA


Pompano - 1-2-2013 at 03:53 PM

Spellcheck could be very helpful in improving my Spanish.

I Would Rather Read a Baja Debate About Spelling

Gypsy Jan - 1-2-2013 at 07:22 PM

Than listen to the blowhards on the political channels (You Baja lovers are far more intelligent and informative.)

Cheers and Prospero Ano Nuevo, GJ

CortezBlue - 1-2-2013 at 08:39 PM

Originally posted by Gypsy Jan
Than listen to the blowhards on the political channels (You Baja lovers are far more intelligent and informative.)

Cheers and Prospero Ano Nuevo, GJ

How do you have time?
You have to be the queen news finder on this site

Sidamone - 1-2-2013 at 10:49 PM

Originally posted by CortezBlue
I've said this several times, I type fast and have bad spelling issues in any language, however, just as I don't correct folks face to face, when they are using incorrect words, especially IRREGARDLESS, but it is not acceptable to anyone other than your friends and kids.

I have said it before and will say it again, why not have a post or a link that can be given to a person that has terms, definitions and spelling. Then all that has to happen is post the link as a resource for spelling. But in most cases, most folks insecurities require them to post corrections that are not helpful but ego driven.

Here you go;

bent-rim - 1-4-2013 at 02:50 PM

I feel wreid. Am I wired or weird?

vandenberg - 1-4-2013 at 03:10 PM

Originally posted by bent-rim
I feel wreid. Am I wired or weird?

Doesn't your moniker explain that? :biggrin::biggrin:

Debra - 1-4-2013 at 04:02 PM

WOW, it's weird, I too could speed read Bob's post..........must be because I'm also a bad speller.

Interesting thread, thanks!