
Ensenada bicycle riders vs drunk driver

jrbaja - 11-1-2004 at 06:54 PM

but what nationality was the real driver? And from where was he coming?
This has been an issue in Rosarito and the bars are working towards (good luck!) stopping the drunk drivers.
They are doing so by talking to bartenders, friends of the culprits,(murderers in this case) and not letting people get behind the wheel when they are that drunk.
Holiday weekends we have police roadblocks for just that reason.
I am sorry for this horrendous accident!!:mad:

elgatoloco - 11-1-2004 at 06:56 PM

very sad

Tragic !!!

jrbaja - 11-1-2004 at 07:09 PM

180 KPH????!!!!!

Debra - 11-1-2004 at 07:56 PM

How the heck could anyone have been going that fast in that part of town? Where was the traffic?


Mike Humfreville - 11-1-2004 at 08:20 PM

That fork is a few miles north of downtown, plus it was a Sunday and might have less traffic. Such a sad story. If anyone has further information, e.g., the Ensenada newspaper, please keep us informed.

Tucker - 11-1-2004 at 08:29 PM

Arrolla y mata a cuatro ciclistas Fuente/Autor:
Fernando Escobedo Camacho , El vigia

ENSENADA. Cuatro ciclistas muertos, uno gravemente herido y da?os materiales cuantiosos, fue el saldo que arroj? ayer por la ma?ana el terrible accidente que provoc? ebrio conductor a bordo de un autom?vil Jetta de color rojo modelo reciente, sin placas de circulaci?n.

Alrededor de las 09:00 horas, a la altura del kil?metro 106.8 del tramo carretero EnsenadaSan Miguel (cerca de la UABC), el alcoholizado conductor, de nombre Librado Meza Barr?n, de 24 a?os de edad, quien al parecer se desempe?a como guardia de seguridad privada, embisti? al convoy de cinco ciclistas que practicaban para una pr?xima competencia en la que ya no participar?n.

Fue un entrenamiento ciclista dominical de rutina que termin? en tragedia ayer por la ma?ana, cuando el conductor atropell? a los cinco pedalistas profesionales, dos de los cuales murieron al instante en el lugar del accidente, en tanto que los otros dos fallecieron en el hospital civil, mientras que el quinto ciclista, de nombre Israel Kikunaga, est? sumamente delicado de salud en el hospital Velmar.

Los fallecidos fueron: Ren? Ibarra Jord?n, actual presidente de la Liga Infantil de Ciclismo; Sim?n Hern?ndez, Enrique Rodarte Mendiola y Ram?n Aguirre Mendiola, todos ellos ciclistas profesionales.

Los primeros dos fallecieron al instante; los otros dos en el Hospital General, donde personal m?dico de guardia nada pudo hacer por ellos. Las bicicletas quedaron convertidas en chatarra.

Al llegar al lugar del accidente, el escenario era deprimente e impactante; los cuerpos de cuatro ciclistas estaban regados en distintos rumbos del accidente; uno de ellos qued? en el interior del propio veh?culo, ya sin vida, debido a la fuerza con que fueron impactados los cinco.

Testigos presenciales refirieron que fue a eso de las 09:00 horas cuando a la altura de El Sauzal vieron pasar a toda velocidad un auto del a?o tipo Jetta de color Rojo y sin placas rumbo a este puerto, que era tripulado por Librado Meza Barr?n, de 24 a?os de edad y vecino de la calle 11, qui?n adem?s llevaba de copiloto a Arturo Najera Jaramillo y llevaban una botella de Whisky Buchanan.

El conductor aceler? y al llegar al kil?metro 106+800, a escasos 100 metros del puente peatonal de la Universidad Aut?noma de Baja California, llevaba una velocidad superior a los 180 kil?metros por hora, por lo que al tomar una de las curvas de la carretera, cerca del hotel coral y marina, perdi? el control del veh?culo y decidi? cambiar de carril, top?ndose de frente con el convoy de ciclistas, entre los que figuraban el entrenador de las ligas infantiles de dicho ramo, Ren? Ibarra Jord?n, quien lleg? a pertenecer al comit? ol?mpico de dicha disciplina, adem?s de Sim?n Hern?ndez, quienes iban cuidando la retaguardia del grupo.

Cuando el conductor vio que el impacto contra los ciclistas era inminente, este solt? el volante y el carro se enfil? contra el grupo, dej?ndolos regados por todos lados por espacio de 65 metros, seg?n peritajes de la Polic?a Federal Preventiva, divisi?n caminos, cobrando al instante la vida de Ren? Ibarra, de 55 a?os de edad, quien despu?s de impactarse contra el muro de contenci?n dej? de respirar.

Sim?n Hern?ndez, de 66 a?os, vol? literalmente y cay? en la parte trasera del interior del auto que los atropell?, muriendo en el lugar de los hechos, mientras sus compa?eros de paseo quedaron en diferentes partes de la r?a, inm?viles, con lesiones severas y en estado de coma, por lo que fallecieron en el hospital, ya que fueron intervenidos dos de ellos de urgencia en la cl?nica 8 y otro de ellos en el Hospital General.

Cuando el conductor vio lo sucedido decidi? darse a al fuga, dejando mal herido a su copiloto, sin embargo un grupo de sujetos que vieron lo acontecido y viajaban en un microb?s, de dieron a la tarea de detenerlo,
logrando llevara cabo su cometido un kil?metro despu?s de la huida a pie.

Ya ha eso de las 09:40 horas lleg? la polic?a de Caminos, la preventiva y 3 ambulancias m?s, quienes tras valorar al conductor determinaron que andaba bajo los influjos del alcohol al igual que su compa?ero, quien al parecer era su patr?n y ?l su escolta personal, ya que trabaja de seguridad privada, seg?n manifest? el homicida antes de ser llevado a prisi?n y ver los cuerpos inertes de dos de los ciclistas.(FEC)

Thanks Tucker.

Mike Humfreville - 11-1-2004 at 10:13 PM

So he actually was going 180 kph. Let him read the faces of the corpses and weap.

JESSE - 11-1-2004 at 10:23 PM

That bastard was definately Mexican, and sadly, this is not a rare thhing around here, we have a huge problem with drunk drivers, and all thanks to cops that take bribes from drunk drivers, instead of sending them directly to jail.

I hope the driver burns in hell.


Mike Humfreville - 11-1-2004 at 11:10 PM

It's not just in Mexico or Baja California. But I think the mordida part might be stronger in Mexico. In some ways and venues it makes some sense. But when something this wrong and tragic happens you just want to see the sucker fry...or is it the f--ker sigh as he realizes what he's done and sinks into his own bottomless pit of filth.

Don't take this single horrible incident on the shoulders of Mexico. The world stands together in the needs to stop these unnecessary accidents.

In my mind this is not an opportunity to condem another country. It's an opportunity to evaluate how we drink and drive. I wonder which of our countries take the most lives due to drinking drivers, based on population of course?

Of course tonight we can hope for some form of thought for the kin of those taken.

vgabndo - 11-1-2004 at 11:50 PM

Mike: I share your anger and the pain that this waste brings to the family of man. Interestingly, the US ranks ninth in alcohol related highway deaths after Britain, Norway, Sweden, Canada, Austrailia, Finland, Switzerland, and Denmark. Mexico didn't make the top ten in 2001. The number one cause of death is not wearing seat belts, something folks from California Washington and Oregon do at 90% compliance. Alcohol is second, and speed is third. Since 1995 the US has dropped all the way from second place. I'm not sure you could get me to drive a tank in Scandinavia, and I'll only ride a bicycle in the woods. Friends don't let friends drive drunk. Period. Steal their keys, knock them out, lock them in a closet...anything to protect the innocent.
Stats: American Driver and Traffic Safety Education Assn.

Taco de Baja - 11-2-2004 at 11:35 AM

Really sad.
For those with trouble doing the conversion....
180kph = 111mph! :o
That would be tough to take any curve even with no alcohol.
I hope the guy is in A LOT of physical and mental pain!


Debra - 11-2-2004 at 12:12 PM

I know where they are talking about, I went that way once thinking it would avoid the traffic the usual way we go, I have never bothered with it again, not less traffic, just different traffic. I did think about the fact that it was Sunday and 9:00am, it just amazes me that anyone could be that stupid (or drunk...seems there might have been more in this guys system than just booze) Never the less WHAT A FREEKING IDIOT!!

JESSE, what do you think will be the punishment for this guy? I'm thinking he should be in fear more from the families than the Law. I wouldn't loose any sleep if they should happen to get ahold of him. Please keep us posted. Thanks

Dave - 11-2-2004 at 01:46 PM

This guy is looking at 7-8 years for each death. The judge will take into account satisfactory restitution for the families before finalizing of sentence, so he could get less. In the meantime he will be sitting in jail.

How very very devastating

frizkie - 11-2-2004 at 01:53 PM

For all those family and friends left behind.:no::(