
your favorites in the SanFelipe-Peurtecitos area??

micah202 - 1-5-2013 at 08:39 PM

...I don't have much time this year,,but want to get a short blast of baja anyways,,so plan to go to SanFelipe-Peurtecitos area for remote camping,,sailing,kayaking.

..any recommendations for fun places to visit,,
,,remote camping,,,and/or cheap campgrounds with good showers,
,,good eats,,,etc??

...many thanks in advance

...and no,,I don't plan to stop in PlayaTijuana this time!:lol:

[Edited on 1-6-2013 by micah202]

Some photos

David K - 1-5-2013 at 10:13 PM

Shell Island is a four mile long barrier island which is separated from the Baja peninsula by lagoons and salt flats. During the highest lunar tides (over 18') the lagoons from each end connect creating a true, water surrounded island. Most of the time, one can access the island's sand beach from the road at Km. 26, 2 miles from Hwy. 5. Also, driving on the salt flat road from either Rancho Percebu or Bahia Santa Maria is one able to the access route onto the beach... except at highest tides!

View south:

View north:

View west to Baja from the island:

View of the beach just after high tide:

Our camp:

If it gets windy, some waves are created... up to a foot or two!

Low tide:

No facilities, just you and the beach and the Sea of Cortez... Pack out what you bring in... it has been a beautiful place since I first camped there 35 years ago.

micah202 - 1-5-2013 at 10:26 PM

wow,,,TRIPLE thanks Dave,,,
.....only got a 2wd for this trip,,,did allright sand-tracking 2 years ago,,but -no- way for open sand:(
....I'm hoping there's lots of access trails along that coast--as long as there's driving tracks the crappy nissan fwd can get through okay

[Edited on 1-6-2013 by micah202]

paranewbi - 1-6-2013 at 06:54 AM


If your as far south as Peurtecitos, just keep heading south and you will see plenty of spots to camp and kayak (what we do) in a very short drive on paved road. Keep going another hour and a short adventurous drive on a few miles of dirt road (very 2 wheel capable - what we drive) and you can go to Gonzaga Bay. We love to camp and at Papa's and you can launch a kayak right off the beach or over at the boat ramp.

There's also some camping with provisions you seem to be seeking a short distance before Gonzaga but I can't remember the name of the bay...has a whale on the sign where you divert off the dirt road...all very 2 wheel capable. Maybe one of the other Nomads remembers this spot and can offer the name.

micah202 - 1-6-2013 at 08:01 AM

Originally posted by paranewbi

If your as far south as Peurtecitos, just keep heading south and you will see plenty of spots to camp and kayak (what we do) in a very short drive on paved road. Keep going another hour and a short adventurous drive on a few miles of dirt road (very 2 wheel capable - what we drive) and you can go to Gonzaga Bay. We love to camp and at Papa's and you can launch a kayak right off the beach or over at the boat ramp.

There's also some camping with provisions you seem to be seeking a short distance before Gonzaga but I can't remember the name of the bay...has a whale on the sign where you divert off the dirt road...all very 2 wheel capable. Maybe one of the other Nomads remembers this spot and can offer the name.

gonzaga sounds like a good place to check-out.

..those camping 'provisions' are just for every 3rd or 4th day,,when I like the luxury of a freshwater shower**

.....any favorite eateries in the area whether tacostands or sitdowns?

**...wether I need one or not!!:tumble:

David K - 1-6-2013 at 10:09 AM

Originally posted by micah202
wow,,,TRIPLE thanks Dave,,,
.....only got a 2wd for this trip,,,did allright sand-tracking 2 years ago,,but -no- way for open sand:(
....I'm hoping there's lots of access trails along that coast--as long as there's driving tracks the crappy nissan fwd can get through okay

[Edited on 1-6-2013 by micah202]

Oh sorry, indeed this is a 4WD only place... although the Mexican fishermen who sometimes tend to nets there use a 2WD pickup with the air greatly reduced from the tires to float on the sand. Too risky withount others around, in your case... Also if it was after a high tide, you need to get through mud and that is a 4WD condition for security.

Paranewbi mentioned the whale sign at Gonzaga Bay.. that is Campo Beluga, turnoff is 1.2 miles south of the Pemex... I will show it to you... stay tuned...

[Edited on 1-6-2013 by David K]

woody with a view - 1-6-2013 at 10:20 AM

Originally posted by micah202
I like the luxury of a freshwater shower**

**...wether I need one or not!!:tumble:

grab a bottle of Prell shampoo. it is the only stuff i've found that produces lather in salt water. that camping soap/shampoo is WAYYY overpriced.:light:

David K - 1-6-2013 at 10:40 AM

Originally posted by paranewbi

If your as far south as Peurtecitos, just keep heading south and you will see plenty of spots to camp and kayak (what we do) in a very short drive on paved road. Keep going another hour and a short adventurous drive on a few miles of dirt road (very 2 wheel capable - what we drive) and you can go to Gonzaga Bay. We love to camp and at Papa's and you can launch a kayak right off the beach or over at the boat ramp.

There's also some camping with provisions you seem to be seeking a short distance before Gonzaga but I can't remember the name of the bay...has a whale on the sign where you divert off the dirt road...all very 2 wheel capable. Maybe one of the other Nomads remembers this spot and can offer the name.

The whale sign is Campo Beluga, south of the Gonzaga Pemex... Punta Bufeo is 7.5 miles north of the Pemex, and it is north of Gonzaga Bay.

My map of the bay area roads in 2002...

Campo Beluga:

Sign on Hwy. 5, in 2011

We camped at Beluga in 2007:

Sunrise at Beluga

nbacc - 1-6-2013 at 12:19 PM

Eat at Bahis Cristina's.............well worth the stop. Hector will treat you right!!! It is VERY good. Oh, it is about 5 miles past Peurtocitos. Nancy

mcfez - 1-6-2013 at 12:50 PM

"......... I like the luxury of a freshwater shower"
I cant camp without having a shower each day :-) A solar shower allows you the freedom to camp anywhere :-) These units do indeed gather hot hot hot water!

Drive straight on down to Puertecitos from San Felipe. Once there....get a soak at the hot mineral springs. Puertecitos camp has a great bay and launch ramp there. Very good for kayaking southward. Their campsite sucks....but do have electric and sometimes hot showers. Fishing off that litter pier offers great views and little fishies for the deep fryer.

Five miles further down is this area is a great little cove that offers fishing, launching...wind protection......and great hiking. Eight miles down is Black Mountain......again.....a great spot. No 4w is required. Here's a map for you. BTW...if you u2 me....I'll set you up with a good buddy of mine that lives there at the cove.

To play it safe....I would go straight over to Gonzaga bay from these locations. Many spots in between is 4w recommended. as a fellow BN really a great spot. This area can keep anyone busy for weeks...being located in Bahia San Luis Gonzaga. Gas, grocery,

micah202 - 1-6-2013 at 01:28 PM

....ahh,I realized that old adage...''be careful what you wish for,,in case it comes true''!!.........all these hints and pictures have removed the 'adventure of discovery' somewhat,,but what the heck, this is a time limited 'business trip' ,I'm proto-testing out a fun new little sailboat I'll be marketing,,,,,DO keep the tips coming!

...McFez,,I'll definitely have the camp shower along,get salty every day,,,,,,the sad irony of them is that when you most need -warm- during the norte' breeze,,they do the least to warm things!...that's when I look for the campground or cheap motel.
...speaking of which,,is there any place in these parts that rivals LasCasitas in mulege for ($30)price/quality??(I'm spoilt!)

and thanks Nancy,,I'll definitely try Bahis Cristina's,,,should I say you sent me??:tumble:

David K - 1-6-2013 at 01:57 PM

Camp Beluga has showers (not heated) and flush toilets... a restaurant was in the plans, back in 2007, but the drop in tourism since then may have halted that? There is a restaurant at the Rancho Grande store, across from the Pemex that is reported by others to be excellent (considering the location) and the restaurant at Alfonsina's and Papa Fernandez's is good to great. John Wayne loved Gonzaga Bay and helped Papa secure the property back in the early 60's. See the photo of the Duke and Papa in the restaurant. See live web cam there at

The shelter of the bay may make Gonzaga an excellent place for you to test the boat. Also, the pavement is now less than two miles from Papa's road/ about four from the Pemex/ Rancho Grande/ Alfonsina's road... Beluga's road is 1.2 miles south of the Pemex. El Sacrificio is also accessed by the Beluga road.

micah202 - 1-6-2013 at 09:12 PM

...any secret picto-sites in the area I shouldn't know about?:)

mcfez - 1-6-2013 at 10:38 PM

Originally posted by micah202
...any secret picto-sites in the area I shouldn't know about?:)

Yes...there is.......but I can't tell you. It's a secret :bounce:

David K - 1-6-2013 at 10:45 PM

Sure but you will need to discover them as I can't think of any where a 2WD can go along Mex. 5.

CortezBlue - 1-7-2013 at 08:40 AM

Remote is a relative term??

Remote relative compared to where you are coming from


Remote, no one near by with a 4 wheel drive?


Remote, far from your relatives?

micah202 - 1-7-2013 at 01:13 PM

Originally posted by David K
Sure but you will need to discover them as I can't think of any where a 2WD can go along Mex. 5.

...huh?....went through in the late 80's in 2wd,
,,,,took a long time,got stuch once in a big arroyo,
,,hadn't seen anyone for -ages-,
but a pickup with 3 amigo's came along almost immediately!
..they pulled us out,,wouldn't take $

....gave me a big lesson in the magic which is Baja!

micah202 - 1-8-2013 at 12:52 PM

Originally posted by CortezBlue
Remote is a relative term??

Remote relative compared to where you are coming from


Remote, no one near by with a 4 wheel drive?


Remote, far from your relatives?

...that's strange,,I thought I answered this already!

...remote to me,can be as simple as being 1/4 mile from the highway,down some dirt-track,,,,,,but not see anyone beyond the occasional curious vulture or pelicano stop by on the nearest cactus,,,or a set of dolphins stop and do some tricks as they perceive my presence!:saint:

micah202 - 1-8-2013 at 12:54 PM it just sanFelipe for motels,,,and recco's for best price/quality??

...and what are the recco's for good eating in sanFelipe?

..also,,it'd be good to know any and all kayaks and small motorboats available on short rental.....will need to do some filming of these boats I'm proto-ing........or any friendly nomads with a boat and steady camera-arm?


[Edited on 1-8-2013 by micah202]

David K - 1-8-2013 at 01:54 PM

Originally posted by micah202
Originally posted by David K
Sure but you will need to discover them as I can't think of any where a 2WD can go along Mex. 5.

...huh?....went through in the late 80's in 2wd,
,,,,took a long time,got stuch once in a big arroyo,
,,hadn't seen anyone for -ages-,
but a pickup with 3 amigo's came along almost immediately!
..they pulled us out,,wouldn't take $

....gave me a big lesson in the magic which is Baja!

You are asking about rock art site locations near San Felipe/ Puertecitos... and I am only aware of some in the canyons facing Valle Chico on the east slope of the San Pedro Martir mountains, for which you should really invest in a 4WD off road vehicle to get near. Others may be in the area, but you will need to discover them! Get Bruce Barber's book '...Of Sea and Sand' for details on the backcountry around San Felipe.

micah202 - 1-8-2013 at 02:00 PM

Originally posted by David K
Originally posted by micah202
Originally posted by David K
Sure but you will need to discover them as I can't think of any where a 2WD can go along Mex. 5.

...huh?....went through in the late 80's in 2wd,
,,,,took a long time,got stuch once in a big arroyo,
,,hadn't seen anyone for -ages-,
but a pickup with 3 amigo's came along almost immediately!
..they pulled us out,,wouldn't take $

....gave me a big lesson in the magic which is Baja!

You are asking about rock art site locations near San Felipe/ Puertecitos... and I am only aware of some in the canyons facing Valle Chico on the east slope of the San Pedro Martir mountains, for which you should really invest in a 4WD off road vehicle to get near. Others may be in the area, but you will need to discover them! Get Bruce Barber's book '...Of Sea and Sand' for details on the backcountry around San Felipe.

...any picto-tour recomendations?

David K - 1-8-2013 at 06:38 PM

Originally posted by micah202
Originally posted by David K
Originally posted by micah202
Originally posted by David K
Sure but you will need to discover them as I can't think of any where a 2WD can go along Mex. 5.

...huh?....went through in the late 80's in 2wd,
,,,,took a long time,got stuch once in a big arroyo,
,,hadn't seen anyone for -ages-,
but a pickup with 3 amigo's came along almost immediately!
..they pulled us out,,wouldn't take $

....gave me a big lesson in the magic which is Baja!

You are asking about rock art site locations near San Felipe/ Puertecitos... and I am only aware of some in the canyons facing Valle Chico on the east slope of the San Pedro Martir mountains, for which you should really invest in a 4WD off road vehicle to get near. Others may be in the area, but you will need to discover them! Get Bruce Barber's book '...Of Sea and Sand' for details on the backcountry around San Felipe.

...any picto-tour recomendations?

Just search Nomad... here are some threads about the canyons with petros, palms and more:

micah202 - 1-10-2013 at 10:54 AM

.....any boat rentals in the area?

...or friendly nomad-with-boat who could do a bit of video filming on the water?
...I'd be happy to cover some costs.

.....I'm reviving a fun little sailboat,,want to shoot some promo vid's .......old website

....also wondering about possible kayak rental.

[Edited on 1-10-2013 by micah202]

David K - 1-10-2013 at 11:22 AM

Originally posted by micah202
.....any boat rentals in the area?

...or friendly nomad-with-boat who could do a bit of video filming on the water?
...I'd be happy to cover some costs.

.....I'm reviving a fun little sailboat,,want to shoot some promo vid's .......old website

....also wondering about possible kayak rental.

[Edited on 1-10-2013 by micah202]

Look up Dale 'gonetobaja' on Nomad... runs a sportfishing guide service out of Puertecitos... helped with the dive to find the sunken ship Erik and the victims... last post from gonetobaja was last November:

mcfez - 1-10-2013 at 10:02 PM

There is a handful of Citizens that would be happy to accommodate you....that are located in and near Puertecitos. There is a large fish packing warehouse right before Puertecitos.......go in there and ask around. The surrounding area has many fishermen that could use a client.

Stop by that Hot Dog joint that is named Cow Patty.....again that is located right before the Puertecitos turn off. Go in there and ask the operators for reference. Buy a beer to support them. Dont mention my name to them.....they will start digging a elongated hole out back ;)

Go past Puertecitos 4.5 miles, look for a house that has a rather large sail boat parked alongside of it. The first house after turning well known to have their boat avail for clients. You can also ask around for Sid there......he will be happy to help you out. Tell him Deno from Ocotillo advised you.

Kayak rental.......forget that.

[Edited on 1-11-2013 by mcfez]

micah202 - 1-10-2013 at 11:29 PM

Originally posted by mcfez
There is a handful of Citizens that would be happy to accommodate you....that are located in and near Puertecitos. There is a large fish packing warehouse right before Puertecitos.......go in there and ask around. The surrounding area has many fishermen that could use a client.

Stop by that Hot Dog joint that is named Cow Patty.....again that is located right before the Puertecitos turn off. Go in there and ask the operators for reference. Buy a beer to support them. Dont mention my name to them.....they will start digging a elongated hole out back ;)

Go past Puertecitos 4.5 miles, look for a house that has a rather large sail boat parked alongside of it. The first house after turning well known to have their boat avail for clients. You can also ask around for Sid there......he will be happy to help you out. Tell him Deno from Ocotillo advised you.

Kayak rental.......forget that.

...not sure whether to thank you or change my plans!

....sounds like a mexican setup!?


mcfez - 1-11-2013 at 12:03 AM

Originally posted by micah202
Originally posted by mcfez
There is a handful of Citizens that would be happy to accommodate you....that are located in and near Puertecitos. There is a large fish packing warehouse right before Puertecitos.......go in there and ask around. The surrounding area has many fishermen that could use a client.

Stop by that Hot Dog joint that is named Cow Patty.....again that is located right before the Puertecitos turn off. Go in there and ask the operators for reference. Buy a beer to support them. Dont mention my name to them.....they will start digging a elongated hole out back ;)

Go past Puertecitos 4.5 miles, look for a house that has a rather large sail boat parked alongside of it. The first house after turning well known to have their boat avail for clients. You can also ask around for Sid there......he will be happy to help you out. Tell him Deno from Ocotillo advised you.

Kayak rental.......forget that.

...not sure whether to thank you or change my plans!

....sounds like a mexican setup!?


You'll find everyone on the road of the Cortez super helpful and friendly. The Cow Patty is a great place to hang out at.....

Make sure that we at the BN here get a trip report from you, yes?

micah202 - 1-11-2013 at 12:09 AM

.......okay,,thanks fez!:)

...yeh I guess I missed that last year,'cept for the 'lost' van distraction:(

[Edited on 1-11-2013 by micah202]

micah202 - 1-30-2013 at 11:35 AM

heh,,my 22y,o, son booked a flight from LAX ~ a week before I'll be ready to leave the SanFelipe area,,,,,
,,,,,,,is there a bus that'll take him to the TJ border,,,,how long's the ride?,,schedule, pricing??

,,,and any suggestions on the best way to get up to LAx for a mid-day international flight,,,,suggestions for place to O'night??

...thanks for your ideas!

.....had a good trip,,

micah202 - 2-16-2013 at 04:02 PM

.........had a good trip,,....but too short as always.'s actually warmer here in vancouver than north Baja these days,,,similar temperatures,,,stronger winds there,,but we went for sailing,,so that was fine.

....crossed in TJ,,,hit the fish market ,,Yummmm,,as usual
,,and on to the Hot Spring campground at Golfcourse road,s of's a great way to 're-humanize' after a long drive,,and re-frame into baja-mode!
........the hotspring road was in fine shape,,,there's absolutely NO worries for the ~30minute dirt-road drive with ~7 creek-crossings,each creek is well groomed with stones and level,,water ~4-6'' deep,,,I was driving a very loaded 2wd minivan,,have about 4-5'' clearance,,,-anyone- can make it,,,,and soooo worthwhile.....we had the place completely to ourselves.

.....finding,,and crossing to SanFelipe was a breeze,,finally replaced the rear shocks,,great pricing
...the town's pretty quiet,,,sounds like they also have lost their spring-break crowd ,,,so I don't envy all those businesses along the malecon,,sitting there day after day waiting for a customer,,,had an overpriced dinner there,,,recommend finding
local eateries in town,,,,,had a GREAT chicken meal at the S entrance to down,,don't remember the name of it,,,but it had a coke sign as it's main banner.

....driving south from SanFelipe,,as a wild-camper(find a nice spot on beach and camp),,I was sorely dissapointed with the blocked accesses all the way through Gonzaga Bay,,,but I guess it's much the same on the westcoast this far north,,,the great wild camping starts at Mulege.

.....the vado's between felipe and peurtecitos are something to behold!!!,,sure glad I replaced the shocks,,some vado's are not marked,,while others have a sign,,no dip!-I love baja!

...the road from peurtecitos almost to Gonzaga is among the -very best- I've seen in baja,,the drive finishes off with typical washboard,,and it sounds like it continues that way out to the #1,,,,,found the worst ride was to go sloooow over the washboard,,better to speed up!

...we ended up staying at the Beluga campground,, heard from a fellow that Rancho Grande was better in some way,,but was happy to stay put...once we got the pricing sorted out to $10/night seasonal rate,as Grande was charging,,,initially Beluga had wanted $25!...the caretaker at Beluga was very quiet and seemed a bit unfriendly,,but I assume he's an offseason caretaker,,,and prefers solitude.
.....the locals in Gonzaga are very helpful,,good fish-bargains from the many fishers,,,great fish or prawns every night!!

.....we had some really good sailing for 4 days,got used to the new boat,got some videos shot--objectives met('business' trip),,,and carried on back north---a bit cold at night to stick around longer,,woke up to 39degrees one morning!

.....drove out to Mexicali,,was surprised how difficult it was to find a calimax or other big grocery chain amongst everything else,,,missed stocking beans/salsa for back home!

........hopefully next year I'll cut a longer swath of time and get back to the south for a month or two,,always love baja!

....oh yeah,,my son was impressed to see that you don't have to pass through gunfire in TJ,,like he heard!! ;D


cliffh - 2-16-2013 at 04:26 PM

Cow Patty, is Rich W still running the place? Went through high school with him
If you see him say hi from Cliff in buena vista,bcd thanks

micah202 - 2-16-2013 at 04:29 PM

Originally posted by cliffh
Cow Patty, is Rich W still running the place? Went through high school with him
If you see him say hi from Cliff in buena vista,bcd thanks



David K - 2-16-2013 at 07:11 PM

Cow Patty is a place just north of Puertecitos... I don't know why he thinks she is you?

micah202 - 2-16-2013 at 07:21 PM

Originally posted by David K
Cow Patty is a place just north of Puertecitos... I don't know why he thinks she is you?

...didn't stop there,,don't like hotdogs

..drove through Peurtecitos,,,got kinda turned off by the big 'Privato' signage,,,,drove on.
.......Gonzaga Bay is a nice place for north-baja,,,seemed great for sailing,,,not too long a beach when the tide's down:P

[Edited on 2-17-2013 by micah202]

David K - 2-17-2013 at 12:33 AM

Hot dogs? Oh, maybe that is what is advertised on Cow Patty's?
Never stopped there... it was closed most times we went by, and when it was open we were not hungry or thirsty, as we had just left our camp at Shell Island (30 miles north) to head south.

There used to be this IH Scout across from her place:

This is in the town of Puertecitos...

[Edited on 2-17-2013 by David K]

micah202 - 2-17-2013 at 09:19 AM

...hmmm,,I notice they spelt 'puertecitos' differently!!