
Tijuana justice in action

thebajarunner - 1-6-2013 at 03:30 PM

One of my four sons that I raised out of a Baja orphanage had a very interesting traffic incident last week in TJ.

Now, first it is important to know that Tito is a Northern Cal Deputy Sheriff ( no reason to name the county) for the past 8 years. He is very well regarded in his department. Obviously, having been raised initially in La Mision, he is totally fluent in Spanish.

So, he rented a car at Budget in San Diego, got permission to take it across, got all the appropriate insurance, and sitting at a stoplight in Tijuana he was rear-ended by a local driving a pickup. As any good cop would do he pulled off to the side, but the other guy fled the scene, so Tito took off in hot pursuit.

Three blocks later the guy pulls into a private driveway, just as a local TJ cop arrives on the scene, and attempts to take my boy into custody.

After a loud and lengthy discussion the cop agreed to make a report if Tito would "make it right" with the cop. He also refused to go on "private property" to interview or assess the damage to the pickup.

So, at the cop's request, they drive away a few blocks, Tito gives the cop 500 pesos per his demand, and two hours later he has an official accident report, but still never any contact with the guy that rear-ended him. (The cop was totally unwilling to get involved, in any way, until he got the mordida)
The cop claimed it was against Mexican law to enter private property, without a judicial order.

Tito never disclosed his occupation to the cop- he is adamant on that topic, said it would only make major complications and was something he was trained never to do.

The final indignity- at the border headed north he was ordered out of the car and against the wall while secondary tried to pry open the wrecked and inoperable trunk. They finally cut into the trunk, found it empty, and sent him on his way. He again refused to discuss his job in law enforcement, although he said that his passport indicates that he has some occupation in the field.

The good news..... Budget was totally helpful, gracious and relied on the extra insurance to remedy the major damage to the Malibu.

Ateo - 1-6-2013 at 03:34 PM

Glad it turned out OK. What a backwards way to have to deal with a situation -- but it sounds like your boy handled it perfectly.

woody with a view - 1-6-2013 at 03:34 PM

chasing a turd isn't high on my to-do list. just call the insurance company and be on your way.

Marc - 1-6-2013 at 04:47 PM

What else would one expect in Messiko.:barf::barf::barf:

Oggie - 1-6-2013 at 04:57 PM

Sounds like the TJ policeman and the perpetrator may have been in Cahoots.

monoloco - 1-6-2013 at 05:18 PM

A carload of guys were seen robbing a house in my neighborhood, the cops tried to pull them over but they refused to stop, the cops followed them all the way to town where they pulled into their driveway and ran into the house. The cops claimed there was nothing they could do because they couldn't enter the house without a warrant. I think it's pretty much standard operating procedure here, same as fleeing the scene of an accident.

woody with a view - 1-6-2013 at 05:33 PM

no wonder the turds are winning....

I agree with you Woody

thebajarunner - 1-6-2013 at 07:29 PM

Originally posted by woody with a view
chasing a turd isn't high on my to-do list. just call the insurance company and be on your way.

But Tito is a cop
and cops do what cops gotta do
which is chase down the perps and demand justice,
except in TJ justice is dealt out of the wallet, sad to say.

aguachico - 1-7-2013 at 08:59 AM

Glad your boy is ok. $500 pesos is a small fee. Not having to cross back to file a report or go to the municipale is worth it. Without the official report, he may have had more problems.

Interesting that the perp was able to flee, go onto private prop and not face any action. Requiring your son to move away fro the house is also interesting.

What section of TJ did this take place?

Bajajorge - 1-7-2013 at 09:42 AM

Originally posted by thebajarunner
Originally posted by woody with a view
chasing a turd isn't high on my to-do list. just call the insurance company and be on your way.

But Tito is a cop
and cops do what cops gotta do
which is chase down the perps and demand justice,
except in TJ justice is dealt out of the wallet, sad to say.

It's a good thing Tito maintained and didn't let his cop instincts kick into full gear.
In the US he probably would have kicked the front door in pursuit of a fleeing criminal, having witnessed the crook drive into his driveway and run into the house. Hot pursuit, plain view rules etc etc.
But I guess in Mexico you just turn the other cheek and go on your merry way. Ain't their laws just grand? But in Rome, do as the Romans do.

[Edited on 1-7-2013 by Bajajorge]

I am proud of his restraint

thebajarunner - 1-7-2013 at 07:32 PM

Originally posted by aguachico
Glad your boy is ok. $500 pesos is a small fee. Not having to cross back to file a report or go to the municipale is worth it. Without the official report, he may have had more problems.

Interesting that the perp was able to flee, go onto private prop and not face any action. Requiring your son to move away fro the house is also interesting.

What section of TJ did this take place?

Not sure what part of TJ
Every time I got ready to ask that question he was off and bubbling over with more details.
The cop specifically told him to drive a couple of blocks away, so that the mordida could pass without all the spectators.
And yeah, if that happened up here he would definitely kick down the door and drag the perp into the street for some "submission training"

When he has squad car duty and pulls over a Hispanic the guy immediately will start in on "Hey brother, give me a break."
And Tito has a stock answer, "You are not my brother, and you are also not on the same side of the law with me and my brothers. Sorry. In the back of the car."

He is a very straight up and no-nonsense cop and he makes me proud....

aguachico - 1-7-2013 at 08:16 PM

maybe the TJ cop did your son a favor by moving him away from the house of the perp?

Anyway this is good information. I would gladly cough up a few bucks to get my accident report.