
Side of the Road craft store n restaurant

BajaBlanca - 1-7-2013 at 03:42 PM

as we were returning from Buena Vista, we saw some unique looking beds on the side of the road between la paz and constitution and on a whim, stopped to check the stuff out.

We met this tiny little Mexican who was ever so friendly. We also ran into a guy nicknamed"Baby" from our village of La Bocana. Another small world moment as we were almost 600 miles away from a village of only 600 inhabitants.

There is a restaurant - the sign is hidden and I only noticed it perchance- it was FREEZING and pitch black inside the restaurant.

Here is a sample of the photos

Here is a link to all the pictures:

rts551 - 1-7-2013 at 04:03 PM

very nice. and what was Baby doing down there (his father sold us our lot so many years ago and Baby was a cop in Abreojos for a short while again many years ago).

Cool Place Blanca, From our July trip report...

David K - 1-7-2013 at 04:11 PM

About 70 miles from La Paz is a small town of Las Pocitas and I spot some interesting furniture on display, so we stop. It is the shop of Manuel and he permits me to take photos of his arts and crafts display. One item of interest is an artillery shell form Bahia Magdalena. Bajatripper had told me about how the U.S. Navy practiced shelling one of the islands of Magdalena Bay (without Mexico’s approval), many years ago.

Stopped here in Las Positas.

U.S. Navy shelling a Baja island, maybe 100 years ago?

rts551 - 1-7-2013 at 04:17 PM

Blanca you did not say whether you bought something. wonder where the ideas came for their paintings?

Mula - 1-7-2013 at 04:24 PM

This is Manuel and Susanna's place.
I always stop there for GREAT coffee, bathroom and to buy mountain honey, cordon baskets, stools, knives, . . . all sorts of locally made stuff.

Manuel goes all over the llano region to get the things people make locally.

It's a wonderful stop.

And what about all the antique sewing machines!

BajaBlanca - 1-8-2013 at 09:54 AM

Ralph - we only had a cup of coffee, the car was fully packed as we were headed for home and to buy anything else would mean we would have had to leave Rex behind ......

Manuel is easily one of the nicest people around. It was incredible.

I have no idea why baby was there, he told Les he is living in La Paz now. He was so surprised to see us as were we to see him.