
Satellite internet

Joaquin Suave - 11-2-2004 at 11:41 AM

Anybody have experience with setting salellite internet in Baja?

jrbaja - 11-2-2004 at 01:03 PM

Joaquin Suave - 11-2-2004 at 01:45 PM

There is a way to do it "under the radar".
In December I'm going to do my first testing of it at the sisters.

I'm 99% sure it is going to be a weener!

Count me in.

jrbaja - 11-2-2004 at 01:59 PM

Need any help ?

Satellite Internet?

meme - 11-2-2004 at 04:33 PM

No problem here in San Felipe. Several people including myself have it. Two places here to get it set up also!

bufeo - 11-2-2004 at 06:00 PM

Three of my neighbors in PB have access via satellite and one I know of at Papa's. Personally I enjoy being free of it.

synch - 11-3-2004 at 06:45 PM


It's worked fine for me for 4 years

CasaManzana - 11-3-2004 at 07:27 PM

We set up the system in late 2000 and power it with solar. No phone lines anywhere around here. Set up was EZ. At the time they weren't offering the #6000 modem so you had to d/l some software...not anymore. Always works except during hurricane-style rains.
Manzana Jim/Bahia Concepcion

bufeo - 11-3-2004 at 08:05 PM

Really sorry about that nomenclature.
PB = Punta Bufeo.
I apologize for my presumptuousness.

Joaquin Suave - 11-4-2004 at 08:36 AM

Manzana Jim

Is you system DirecWay?

How accurately did you have to set up the Azmuth, angle,& skew?

Satellite Internet

Liz barnes - 11-4-2004 at 10:46 AM

We just set up our direcway (lincsat in Canada) in BOLA with no difficulty. Use a GPS to determine lat and long. Enter the info and you will get correct az, el and skew. Then disconnect the transmit box (reboot) and go to signal strength. Adjust az until you get adequate strength, then adjust others one at a time. When signal is sufficiant, reattach transmit and reboot.

Joaquin Suave - 11-4-2004 at 04:26 PM

Thanks Liz,
I'm a little confused though...
In understand getting your GPS coord's, but enter them into... get your az,el, & skew?

Satelitte Internet

Liz barnes - 11-5-2004 at 09:02 AM

When you click on the dish pointing part of your navigator, you will be asked to either enter a city location or if you wish to do a manual calculation. Choose the manual calculation and enter your coordinates as shown on the GPS