
Vigilante Groups Forming on Mainland

Iflyfish - 1-12-2013 at 02:32 PM


Cisco - 1-12-2013 at 02:40 PM

Originally posted by Iflyfish


Excellent and apparently quite effective.

Thank you for the article.

DavidE - 1-12-2013 at 03:49 PM

In Chiapas in the 80's a bunch of campesinos got tired of getting robbed on payday while on the bus from the finca. Four armed jerks a couple with automatic weapons got charged by forty really angry indians with razor sharp machetes. Five dead indians, four rateros minced to a fine pulp (Alerta had the photos) and no more bus robberies for a long, long, time. I feel the period 2010-2020 is going to bring astonishing changes in the judicial and penal systems.

Marc - 1-13-2013 at 07:49 AM

Summary justice without delay or formality works every time!

monoloco - 1-13-2013 at 08:19 AM

Originally posted by Marc
Summary justice without delay or formality works every time!
Or until they get the wrong person.

Iflyfish - 1-13-2013 at 10:04 AM

Originally posted by DavidE
I feel the period 2010-2020 is going to bring astonishing changes in the judicial and penal systems.

That could make a real difference. One can hope. The people standing up can also help. One can hope.

Mexican history is one of subjugation and brutalization at the hands of authorities going back to the Aztecs. Mexico is a conquered nation made up of people who have learned to trust no one except family. This basic adaptation has allowed individuals and families to survive systems in which they have been virtually powerless. There is a built in expectation that government will be corrupt and that has become normative. There is very little trust in government to address the issues of the people. This runs very deep. By these observations I am not being critical of Mexico, in fact I am offering understanding from a Cultural perspective how difficult change will be and admire how Mexicans have survived the Aztecs, Conquistadors, Catholic Priests, Dictators, the French, the Napoleonic Code, the Americans and one party rule for70+ years and remained one of the most hospitable and moral people on earth. This is a testament to the vitality of it's people.

Narcotrafficing is a multinational corporate enterprise that will not go away. There are very powerful interests that support the status quo.
In my view tectonic shifts will need to occur in both the legal system and in the way we view drug use and abuse in order for major change to occur. Empowerment of the people can indeed a significant force in facilitating these changes and this is why I started this thread.

Viva Mexico!


Iflyfish - 1-13-2013 at 10:10 AM

I failed to mention the potential role that an expanding economy and middle class may play in fomenting change. When people prosper they have a much greater interest in supporting stability in the social domain. Good roads, sanitation, healthy food, access to quality education etc. can all contribute to increased investment in economic and social stability.

Mexico is experiencing a tremendous growth spurt right now and a burgeoning educated middle class. This augers well for the changes you hope will happen in the judicial and legal realm. One can hope.


bajaguy - 1-13-2013 at 02:22 PM

Originally posted by Iflyfish
I failed to mention the potential role that an expanding economy and middle class may play in fomenting change. When people prosper they have a much greater interest in supporting stability in the social domain. Good roads, sanitation, healthy food, access to quality education etc. can all contribute to increased investment in economic and social stability.

Mexico is experiencing a tremendous growth spurt right now and a burgeoning educated middle class. This augers well for the changes you hope will happen in the judicial and legal realm. One can hope.


Investment starts at home, then the neighborhood, then the community.........glasd to see these people taking action. Now it needs to be supported by the municipality/state/feds.