
Angler License Cost Increase

CaboMagic - 1-16-2013 at 09:32 PM

Today angler license cost was increased to USD $21 each - we found out this morning when Captains went to purchase ..

Dont know if this is exclusive to CSL .. Shari anything new there?

aguachico - 1-16-2013 at 09:48 PM

$110, $276, $415 and $553 pesos. Day, week, month and year.

shari - 1-16-2013 at 10:12 PM

there was a price increase a few months are the fees we have so far...but it wouldnt suprise me if the fees go up with the new government now in power.

1 day......148 pesos
1 week 314
1 month 453
1 year 591

[Edited on 1-17-2013 by shari]

CaboMagic - 1-16-2013 at 10:22 PM

Shari - we too had a recent price increase - they went from USD $13 ea to USD $15 and this morning to USD $21 each for Daily .. Our captains were quite surprised = and the office really did not want to be paid in pesos - maybe DavidE's post has something to do with this .. who knows!

The good news is lots of fish are being caught - and for those that can handle a little rough water big tuna .. 20-25 miles out ... the seem to love the frenetic energy of the chop ..

... lots of whales so non anglers are enjoying as well ..

All best wishes!

aguachico - 1-16-2013 at 11:07 PM

That's too bad, just bought mine online for $553 pesos.


As requested, we are notifying you that on JAN 17, 2013 at GOBIERNO DEL EDO B CAL, $43.47 was charged to your...

[Edited on 1-17-2013 by aguachico]

[Edited on 1-17-2013 by aguachico]

Cardon Man - 1-17-2013 at 07:40 AM

Certainly the extra funds generated by the increase will go towards fisheries enforcement and conservation.

Hook - 1-17-2013 at 08:04 AM

Originally posted by Cardon Man
Certainly the extra funds generated by the increase will go towards fisheries enforcement and conservation.

Oh yes. Most certainly!!!

shari - 1-17-2013 at 08:44 AM

that is so strange that there are different prices...I have the official fancy government poster here they gave me that list the official prices only in pesos...I'll ask our friendly Fonmar guy Sixto what's up.

Udo - 1-17-2013 at 09:14 AM

I tried to register on aguachico's provided site, but it gave me a message that it could not register me at this time.

rts551 - 1-17-2013 at 09:54 AM

was already registered so I renwed my permit. 551 pesos for 1 year

durrelllrobert - 1-17-2013 at 10:31 AM

Originally posted by rts551
was already registered so I renwed my permit. 551 pesos for 1 year
$44 USD for gringos vs $123 in CA for non residents. A real bargin

CaboMagic - 1-17-2013 at 01:42 PM

Just the messenger folks.

We used to purchase licenses from Pesca in blocks of 100 -- stopped doing that a really long time ago ..

We know of someone who was thankfully busted for cloning licenses - perhaps that is one of numerous reasons license sales are controlled in CSL/SJD.

Maybe some funds do get allocated to environmental - fisheries enforcement and conservation. No idea.

As have said for a really long time on this board too, we dont make the rules we just follow them as regards our biz.

edited to remove a smiley thing - no idea how that got in there

[Edited on 1-17-2013 by CaboMagic]

aguachico - 1-17-2013 at 03:21 PM

Originally posted by Udo
I tried to register on aguachico's provided site, but it gave me a message that it could not register me at this time.


I have read about other complaints for this site. Fortunately it has always worked for me. Did you change the language from spanish to english? If so, try it in spanish, if not try it in english.

If you are able to register, be sure to click submit payment only once. Be patient as the scripts tend to be a bit loopy.

The main advantage is that you get a printable/reprintable version of your license.

Could be the license fee increase is to account for theft, corruption or wasted printed documents, distribution and all the overhead associated with having license brokers all over Mexico.

Cardon Man - 1-18-2013 at 07:41 AM

Originally posted by CaboMagic

Maybe some funds do get allocated to environmental - fisheries enforcement and conservation. No idea.

I bet.
Funds probably get allocated buy new gear for the commercials that set huge gill nets in the surf on the Pacific side. Amongst other examples of over exploitation in BCS that seem to go unnoticed by authorities.

rts551 - 1-18-2013 at 08:12 AM

and there is probably a value added "tax" as the permit gets passed along....thus the different prices. Hey, everybody needs to make some money along the way

shari - 1-18-2013 at 08:55 AM

Our friendly Fonmar officer who comes to collect the license fees from me told me that the money generated here has bought them a patrol boat for this area and paid for more vigilancia (patrols)....which we indeed have seen. there have been more illegal fishing busts the last couple years and a much greater presence of fisheries officers here for which we are grateful.

woody with a view - 1-18-2013 at 04:49 PM

that is chump change. the price of gasoline at Pemex is now 10.61 pesos/liter.

the daze of getting down south fairly cheaply and then spreading $ around might be gone forever. We nailed some big a s s fish today and it was the most beautiful day of the last 6. put a price on that.....

Hook - 1-19-2013 at 06:53 AM

Is this online site an official branch of the Mexican government? Or, is this an intermediary?

Are you issued a PDF that contains an exact copy of a typical Mexican fishing license?

aguachico - 1-19-2013 at 08:58 AM

Originally posted by Hook
Is this online site an official branch of the Mexican government? Or, is this an intermediary?

Are you issued a PDF that contains an exact copy of a typical Mexican fishing license?

Not sure if it's an official branch or setup just like the brokers that sell directly to the public. The PDF is bar coded. The bar code is useful because Mexican fish and Game carry scanners to validate your license. :cool:

I print several and keep them on the boat, yak and tacklebox.

The PDF file is generated from the so it's as official as I need it.

Pacifico - 1-20-2013 at 09:34 AM

Originally posted by Udo
I tried to register on aguachico's provided site, but it gave me a message that it could not register me at this time.

I remember when I first tried to register on the site that it gave me problems. Then it worked. I forget if it sends you a link to your email and then you have to click on that? I seem to remember something like that was the problem. Once you get it working though, it is great. I have bought several licenses for friends and family under my account as well - you just update your contact info with their name/address and it prints their info on the license. The site is great because you print out as many copies of your license as you want; one for the boat, one to keep in the car, etc.

acadist - 1-20-2013 at 12:32 PM

I have used the site too with no problems;
Good side, easy to print multiple copies over a period of time, no need to worry about losing it between trips.
Bad side, fees go to Ensenada fishery and not further south where we fish (or that what other nomads have posted many times)

shari - 1-25-2013 at 01:51 PM

I was just handed the new fishing license fee sheet

Daily 175 pesos
Week 341 pesos
Month 480 pesos
Year 618 pesos

karenintx - 1-25-2013 at 05:35 PM

Originally posted by shari
I was just handed the new fishing license fee sheet

Daily 175 pesos
Week 341 pesos
Month 480 pesos
Year 618 pesos

Interesting...the hubby bought his annual license two days ago in CSL from a kiosk machine in the mall for 531 pesos. Then yesterday two of his buddies bought a day license @ the marina for $14 or $15 usd...he couldn't remember exactly.

shari - 1-25-2013 at 06:39 PM

the date on the oficio was Jan.16th...i imagine like me, the places will institute the new fees when the fisheries guys get around to delivering the oficios to them. Yesterday I sold cheaper ones too but tomorrow's will be the new modo

karenintx - 1-25-2013 at 06:49 PM

Thanks for the explanation Shari...just glad he got it cheap for this year!

CaboMagic - 1-27-2013 at 06:40 PM

Jan 27th

One of the things we have all come to learn/love/hate is the consistent inconsistency .. or "when the wind changes direction its possible, even likely that the rule will change too .."

As of today here is an update : Depending on WHERE you buy your licenses will determine how much it will cost ..

It used to be 'fairly' simple for reputable charter companies to pre-purchase licenses .. we used to buy licenses in blocks of 100 - handing over USD $1200-$1500 at a time (depending on peso conversion obviously) to PESCA. Twice our office was broken into and guess what was stolen?

Then, a few yrs ago someone got busted for cloning licenses (yes we know who that was but not going to divulge that) and that made things increasingly more challenging/difficult to purchase required angler licenses.

So, if 'you' buy your license/s at a kiosk at the marina you must use a credit/debit card. Not always the safest method but the cheapest. If you are buying more than one, each must be done one-at-a-time .. you cannot purchase more than one each transaction .. so time consuming especially IF there are others wanting/waiting to do the same ..

You can buy your licenses at the diesel dock - but this has become a money-making transaction based on the convenience associated therewith ...

So our captains will make the trek to the PESCA office for each of our VIP Guests the day before to purchase licenses .. and today, a daily license was purchased for 136 pesos.

I apologize for any confusion ... <I think the wind is kicking up ...>

shari - 1-27-2013 at 07:35 PM

sheesh....why would Cabo be cheaper than Asuncion? our old daily license was 148 pesos....doesn't make any sense....typical eh!

rts551 - 1-28-2013 at 04:34 PM

Shari.. how come your license is more than the on-line license. none of this makes sense.

shari - 1-28-2013 at 05:41 PM

they arent MY licenses...they are from Profepa...I am a sub-agent for them and their officer came and gave me the new sheet with new prices which I must abide by.

I asked him why the online prices were different and said they hadnt updated the website...that is is a big deal to do this and that he was going to ask his superiors when they were going to make the changes....what I find curious is why if it is a state thing why prices would be different from town to town? I'm gonna ask him this next.

CaboMagic - 1-28-2013 at 06:44 PM

Shari kinda like alot of things eh? so here is a photo of the license purchased on Jan 27th .. I wont even begin to suggest or speculate the answer to your question!!

Thank goodness for adult beverages ... LG

OK now have to figure out how to insert a photo on a reply ...

shari - 1-28-2013 at 09:13 PM

OK so I found out why the online license is on this sheet I noticed that the federal fee is 110 pesos and that BCS charges a 65 peso state tax on top of that to expedite the licenses....which makes sense...sort of although it seems pretty expensive to me. The Fonmar people have to drive around and deliver the licenses and pick up the cash, print up these fee some tacos etc.

Still...I find it much easier to issue the paper license rather than depend on the online site which I have had problems with before, & I would have to print it out takes much longer and is more complicated.

aguachico - 1-29-2013 at 07:18 AM

Originally posted by aguachico

If you are able to register, be sure to click submit payment only once. Be patient as the scripts tend to be a bit loopy.

The main advantage is that you get a printable/reprintable version of your license.

Could be the license fee increase is to account for theft, corruption or wasted printed documents, distribution and all the overhead associated with having license brokers all over Mexico.

The 'tax' is significant for day and week licenses.

The online function process is much more 'greener' for all the eco-friendly folks in baja.

Instead of fighting it, operators should be pushing for a better website, the ability to pre-charge your bookings with license fees should make thing easier.

shari - 1-29-2013 at 07:53 AM

I dont think anyone is fighting the online licenses. I would be happy if all the fishing clients arrived with their own license...but they dont. Plus I do like the idea of that extra $5 going towards better enforcement in our area instead of the Mexico City bureaucracy.

Rural guide outfitter lobbied for years to be able to supply fishing permits locally and now we can....for a price. So by all means fishers...get your license any way you want...but get it.

Now should I announce that those ever so popular biosphere bracelet permits are now 54 pesos....gone up 4 pesos! and what about those gas prices...sheesh.

aguachico - 1-29-2013 at 10:55 PM

Fishing licenses need to be accessible in central locations, not only in the hands of rural guide outfitters. Pemex's XOXO's are a perfect place, they are centrally located, open 24 hours and have credit card machines.(ie telcel and movistar)

Airport kiosk's can handle the fly in traffic. They should sell the licenses with the FMM also. easy cheesy.

As for the $60 pesos that go to the 'local' enforcement... local enforcement could lobby for a redirect check box on line and at local sales kiosks on where the buyer would like this $60 pesos to be distributed. That would expose the local areas to more revenue.

Biosphere permits and bracelets should fall under the same process, the concept of 'biosphere bracelets' and fishing licenses is another Mexican 'over think'. Simplify the damn thing by combining the two. Your license should permit you access to fish and boat all biospheres. jack up the price, reduce the cost and make a little scratch.

jurelador - 2-12-2013 at 09:55 PM

Aguachico was right on with his recommendation of using this site to get your annual license; easy, straight-forward in my experience, and allows me to print many copies for different uses (personal in Baja, saving $ when jumping on an SD party boat, showing when checked on a private boat at the Nados), even have a copy on the iPhone for "immediate verification". Hope it works for you too.

Pompano - 2-13-2013 at 05:28 PM

Not positive that I can head for Baja yet, but I like positive thinking so here's my input on license costs as of 2/13/2013. I bought an Un Ano (One Year) fishing license at Discover Baja, San Diego for $44.80 USD, which is $569.03 Mexican Pesos.

Note: No license required for surf fishing. :rolleyes:

Easy one-stop shopping at Discover Baja for necessary Baja papers makes me a happy camper. Got it laminated next door at Postal Annex. :yes:

durrelllrobert - 2-13-2013 at 07:52 PM

Originally posted by woody with a view
that is chump change. the price of gasoline at Pemex is now 10.61 pesos/liter.

the daze of getting down south fairly cheaply and then spreading $ around might be gone forever. We nailed some big a s s fish today and it was the most beautiful day of the last 6. put a price on that.....

x 3.785 liter/gal divided by 12.7 p/$US = $3.16/ gal V $4.17 todays average price in San diego