
Baja Angels

Baja Bernie - 1-17-2013 at 09:16 PM

Well! What can I say? I expected to answer my door to a wounded Baja Warrior and his terribly wounded wife, what did Jaime and I find.
Simply, we found a couple of angels with capital “A”.

It is so seldom that we find folks such as these bringing warmth and kindness into our home. Ron (Baja Gringo) and his wonderful lady (Christina) came by to buy the books I had listed on this board and as they left both Jaime and I felt a very profound sense of loss that we could not spend more time with them. Ron is everything you guys and gals have said and then even more. And Christina, proved to be a most beautiful lady.

Absolutely! Real Baja Folks whom we both would so much enjoy getting to know better down the road.

Angels, perhaps a bit much but that is the only way I can portray this loving couple.

Baja Bernie

BajaGringo - 1-18-2013 at 08:30 AM

Thanks so much Bernie. It was really a treat for Cristina and I to finally meet you guys! I do hope that you guys take us up on our offer to come down at some point down the road - lots of things we still have to share and talk about.


shari - 1-18-2013 at 08:51 AM

Ditto that Bernie...Ron & Cristina are two of the loveliest people I have ever met...angels indeed! I'm glad you had the great pleasure of meeting them both.

David K - 1-18-2013 at 09:34 AM

The new home now has a Baja book library, yea!

David K

Baja Bernie - 1-18-2013 at 02:20 PM

I still have that old map we talked about.

David K - 1-18-2013 at 02:55 PM

Originally posted by Baja Bernie
I still have that old map we talked about.

I love old maps! Since I am not driving very much now-a-days, can you mail it or drop by on your way past Oceanside?