
Young Whale Saved Today in Scammons Lagoon

shari - 1-19-2013 at 08:02 PM

During a whale trip, someone noticed a whale that had a buoy hanging out of it's was entangled in the ropes. Personnel from the Vizcaino Biosphere Reserve and ESSA salt works searched the lagoon for the whale and finally found it and managed to cut the ropes and free the whale. A job well done!!!

I have had to do this before as well in the lagoon and my husband has saved a whale this way too by cutting the line to the lobster traps or nets they drag which causes them to die of fatigue. the neat thing is that the whales seem to know you are trying to help and they remain quietly on the surface allowing you cut through the rope which can take a few minutes.

Heather - 1-20-2013 at 11:46 AM

Don't have the time or $$ to make a whale watching trip South, but all of your whale stories have inspired me to book a whale watching trip out of San Diego!

Hope we don't run into any whales like this...that would be to sad for the kids and probably not much could be done about it from a big boat...

fishbuck - 1-20-2013 at 12:55 PM

Very glad to hear it! Thanks for posting this story Shari!

shari - 1-20-2013 at 08:55 PM

hey fishbuck...good to see you back in the saddle....and out of your corner!!!!