
Graham Mackintosh starts next Baja journey

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BajaNews - 1-26-2013 at 04:49 PM

By Ed Zieralski
JAN. 25, 2013

Wanderlust is tugging once again at Graham Mackintosh, and that can mean only one thing for the legendary Baja adventurer – a return to the mysterious and magical Mexican peninsula that captured his heart and soul 30 years ago.

Next week, San Diego’s Mackintosh, the man who walked Baja’s entire 3,000-mile coastline on a whim as a 31-year-old, returns to Baja for another two-year or so journey. The award-winning adventure writer plans to explore the coast, desert and islands and revisit people and scenes that inspired him to write four very successful adventure books – “Into a Desert Place,” “Journey With a Baja Burro,” “Marooned . . . With Very Little Beer” and “Nearer My Dog To Thee.”

“I feel like a fish out of water when I’m not in Baja,” Mackintosh said at a recent breakfast meeting. “I just love that place. It is so beautiful. And it’s so full of adventure and wonderful people. If I’m not there, I’m dreaming of being there. I feel the 30th anniversary of my first walk is a great opportunity to do it all again.”

Mackintosh’s four books and thousands of seminars have earned him the role as Baja’s most acclaimed adventuring icon. His words and humor that relived his memories, his pictures that showed Baja’s “kindly and generous strangers” and his descriptions of unexplored Baja like a “simple meal shared on a remote beach” drove many to explore the undeveloped, underexplored regions of Baja.

His life-long journey of Baja has been as much about his own self-discovery as it has been about him sharing and educating the world about the real, truthful Baja.

“At the end of the day, all of my books are about journeys of exploration, spiritual exploration,” Mackintosh said. “All of my books are chronicles of a spiritual journey.”

It all led one man, former El Cajon policeman Mike Younghusband, to become a Mackintosh disciple and travel the length of Baja, from Tecate to Cabo San Lucas, with a burro named Don Kay. Younghusband now lives in Loreto and continues to explore the enchanted land, sporting a sombrero and adventuring with Don Kay.

But now it’s Mackintosh’s turn . . . again.

He’ll start at Guardian Angel Island, a protected preserve off Bahia de Los Angeles. At 40 miles long and 10 miles across in some places, it’s the second-largest island in the Sea of Cortez. It requires a permit to visit. Mackintosh will hire a panguero to take him and his kayak and supplies out. He said pangueros these days are much more sophisticated and even get e-mail. He knows Baja is a much different place in terms of safety than it was 30 years ago, but he’s prepared and fully aware of the dangers of drug-runners and kidnappers. He’ll have a SPOT satellite messenger device.

“The dangers will be in the back of my mind on that island,” Mackintosh said. “As you get older, you get a little more cautious. I’m aware of it, but the people I’ve met have been delightful so hospitable, generous and kind that it really makes travel to Baja very pleasant for me.”

Mackintosh’s last visit to Guardian Angel Island was full of wild experiences. His kayak trips in the rapid currents of tidal waters put him into large schools of yellowtail, and he often saw breaching whales. He spent days kayaking, beachcombing, bird-watching, exploring and hiking the rugged, uninhabited island. He met up with poachers and had to deal with the usual Sea of Cortez challenges of wind, rattlesnakes, scorpions and even some scary-looking feral cats, island dwellers that have developed fangs like mini-Saber-tooth cats.

It all starts next week.

“I’ll spend the next two years walking and paddling to some of the wilder, more special places I’ve visited before or wished I had,” Mackintosh said. “I’ve got a goal to go back to the places that I really enjoyed over the last 30 years, mostly remote stretches where I’ll be pretty much on my own. I may not be capable of doing this much longer. So, it’s now or never.”

sd - 1-26-2013 at 05:00 PM

Have fun Graham! You live a charmed life.

I am ready for the next book.



desertcpl - 1-26-2013 at 05:36 PM


best of luck, will we be able to follow you, as in a daily Blog?

your first journey was before Sat. computers,, I would think every Nomad would love to follow you on a daily basis

DENNIS - 1-26-2013 at 06:35 PM

Kinda snuck this one in on us. No big planning thread, or anything. I'm surprised it hasn't been mentioned before this.

Ateo - 1-26-2013 at 07:01 PM

Wild, pure, and the authentic.

Go get some Graham.

Bob H - 1-26-2013 at 08:17 PM

I read about this in this morning's UT. Good luck Graham. Looking forrward to tracking your treck on Nomad land! I am sure you will have spot, right?

And a mule?

Can't believe it's been 30 years......

shari - 1-26-2013 at 09:19 PM

good for you mate....look forward to crossing paths...suerte amigo...que diviertes mucho.

David K - 1-26-2013 at 11:30 PM

Looking forward to following Graham and hearing the future adventure stories!

BajaBlanca - 1-27-2013 at 08:33 AM

This is indeed a good surprise ! A daily blog would be excellent .... I am sure we will see pics and hear stories of parts of Baja some of us would never get to see otherwise.

safe travels to You.

David K - 1-27-2013 at 10:22 AM

No daily blog, just a Spot check-in every few days. Graham will be roughing it. Two months on the island and the remainder of the two years travelling by kayak and on foot. Nomads may play an important role as well as he wanders about the peninsula like a nomad!

capt. mike - 1-27-2013 at 10:53 AM

must have a very understanding wife?

MikeYounghusband - 1-27-2013 at 03:19 PM

Good luck my friend and "Happy trails"
Look me up in Loreto, I'll have some cold brew for ya.

David K - 1-27-2013 at 07:45 PM

I hope Graham pops into this thread so we all can 'hear' from him directly. I did talk with him last night on the phone and with his blessing, I will be posting his location so that other Nomads can visit him or just follow his adventure. As with Mike Younghusband, I asked Graham before I share the Spot locations. Let's all hope that we don't get the SOS signal, as we did during Mike's walk... but Graham feels a bit more secure knowing all of us will be aware of it, should an emergency arise.

Graham - 1-27-2013 at 09:21 PM

Thanks everyone. Thanks David for all your offers of assistance. Absolutely, feel free to post my location. I don't plan sending Spot updates every day, just every few days or if I move.

And thanks Mike. Now I'm following in your footsteps - using a Spot device. Will really welcome that cold one in Loreto... if and when I get that far!

Hard for me to believe it was 30 years ago, at the age of 31, that I set out from San Felipe intending to walk around the coast of Baja and survive off the sea and the desert. I wasn't sure how it would all work out. Certainly I didn't expect all the kindness and hospitality I received... and expressing my gratitude for that was a major part of "Into a Desert Place."

Now at age 61, I have even less idea how it will develop. I'll just do what I can. If I can't walk, I'll paddle and if I can't do that, I'll hitch a ride or arrange to be dropped off so I can experience those special pristine Baja places.

No definite commitment to write about it, certainty not a book, but as every day in Baja tends to be a fascinating adventure, and I do like to tell a good story... I guess that's always a possibility.

My first goal to return to being "marooned" on Guardian Angel Island to get body and mind in shape as I explore coast and canyon and see who or what turns up. I guess that will be Chapter One!

And every so often I'll return home to re-equip and check in with the family.

My last campsite on Isla Angel de la Guarda.

Skipjack Joe - 1-27-2013 at 10:13 PM

What a beautiful spot. And so typical of some of some of the best that baja has to offer. Coves such as this one are both grand and intimate at the same time. 'Unspoiled' is the term most commonly used. Whenever I come to such a spot there is a sense akin to finding a treasure. You just feel so fortunate and grateful.

It's so perfect and delightfully bajaish. Your eyes move over the landscape taking delight in every small detail. You take it all in and, as Hemingway would write .... "and it is good".

Barry A. - 1-28-2013 at 09:48 AM

I agree with SkipJack, that is a beautiful picture with all kinds of subtle "only Baja" aspects-------well done, Graham!!!

Hoping for another real adventure for you----------I am sure it will be, and would love to follow it on NOMADS.


GregN - 1-28-2013 at 11:38 AM

Best of luck, Graham. Have fun.

Bajaboy - 1-28-2013 at 11:57 AM

Our paths crossed during your second adventure and hopefully they will cross on this one. Safe travels.


BajaGeoff - 1-28-2013 at 12:35 PM

Awesome adventure Graham! Have fun and be safe amigo....looking forward to the updates and following the trip!

BornFisher - 1-28-2013 at 01:06 PM

Damn Graham, best of luck and great times. Can`t believe it`s been 30 years!
I`ll never forget Fred Hocter saying "Into a Desert Place" is the best book ever written about Baja.

Mexitron - 1-28-2013 at 01:16 PM


Neal Johns - 1-28-2013 at 02:17 PM

When you finish this adventure, if you can still hobble:lol: or drive out to wherever we are in the American Desert, the will be happy to have you as the dinner speaker for the third time!
Neal Johns

sancho - 1-28-2013 at 02:22 PM

I appreciate the Escuela Vieja Baja travel, which in the
past was the chosen/only way to see the Peninsula. Camping,
shore fishing, watching the sun come up over the Cortez
from a tent. In this day a lot of that has been replaced by
the necessities of comfort, condos, Costcos. Gone is
the tradition of standing in a bank line to cash a travellers check. Adventure has taken on a different meaning. Not that
all changes are bad.
Mac, hope the Cabrilla are biting

mexicoliving - 1-28-2013 at 09:45 PM

Graham - John and I are very excited for you. Let us know if we can be of any help to you during your trip. Thank you all you support during our walk down the Baja :).

Rachel Pack :D

Now at age 61............

mcfez - 1-29-2013 at 08:12 AM

Does this mean that we are getting another fabulous book from you? Number five?:tumble::tumble::tumble::tumble::tumble:

Graham........running the wilds at 61......that's great motivator for others that feel that at age has to be limited. Good for you....and I wish you all the luck in the world, and to have a safe journey.

Where should I mail the beer too?

Mula - 1-29-2013 at 08:32 AM

I'm almost 64 and am younger now than I was 10 years ago.

Thank you, Baja!

Graham - 1-29-2013 at 09:47 AM

Yes you can't beat fresh air, lots of exercise and some Baja fresh fish dinners to keep you young!

And McFez thanks for the offer, absolutely send the beer... when David posts my location just tie a gallon of Heineken to a golf umbrella and drop it from a plane just offshore. Worked last time!

And thanks John and Rachel and all you other nice folks for the offers of help... if anyone happens by my camp please bring plenty of water! And maybe a little fresh food and veggies. I'll probably be getting tired of cactus fruits and seaweed by then.

motoged - 1-29-2013 at 10:08 AM

Congratulations on your knees are aching just thinking of the trek....and my heart is envious.

You were an inspiration to me with your first book. As another 61 year old Bajaphile, such an adventure make good sense....just get out there and do it before we can't.

A few months on an island sounds just about right :light: :saint:

And the rest of it is the icing on the cake. :cool:

You have lots of support from the Nomads.....and probably will be offered lots of advice :biggrin:

sancho - 1-29-2013 at 12:02 PM

Originally posted by mcfez
Graham........running the wilds at 61

I was wondering that, but 61 is the new 41, so that
makes me 42, and I think I'm doing well to get to
San Felipe and kayak

[Edited on 1-29-2013 by sancho]

Skipjack Joe - 1-29-2013 at 02:10 PM

Originally posted by sancho
Originally posted by mcfez
Graham........running the wilds at 61

I was wondering that, but 61 is the new 41, so that
makes me 42 ....

[Edited on 1-29-2013 by sancho]

And me 45. I like it.

Ten years from now they'll say 71 is the new 41, and I'll be back at 45. I think we've found the fountain of youth.

Graham - 2-5-2013 at 08:01 AM

Well I'm about to drag the old bones out the door and head south.

Should be in LA Bay in a couple of days and then if all's well soon out on the island with my sit-on-top Cobra kayak. Same arrangement as described in Marooned With Very Little Beer.

Looking forward to some spells of warm, calm weather and lots of gentle exploring.

If for any reason I can't get out to Guardian Angel, I'll "maroon" myself in the quietest place on the coast I can find. Time for stargazing and a little reflection on life to get the rest of the story underway.

Occasional SPOT updates should tell all.

Neal, looking forward to another Desert Explorers dinner.. really enjoyed the other ones. You guys have too much fun.

Till then, if all goes well, I'll be dining with the Vampire Cats on the Big Island.

See pic on my website...

DENNIS - 2-5-2013 at 08:50 AM

Vaya con Dios.

David K - 2-5-2013 at 01:24 PM

When Graham sends a Spot signal, I will post it ASAP!


David K - 2-6-2013 at 11:47 PM

Graham sent the first "I'm OK" and Spot location on his new adventure and it arrived this afternoon...

As you can see, he is on the beach at Bahia de los Angeles.

He will only send Spot signals occaisionally to reserve battery life.

OCEANUS - 2-7-2013 at 08:24 AM

We crossed paths in LA Bay when you were staging your La Guarda trip from Villa Bahia. Having read all of your books, it was special to feel connected to the new journey you were about to embark on.

After reading Marooned... I ventured out with a friend to your camp in Este Ton. Again, yet another connection to a series of cool adventures.

Your stories live on in my classroom as I help my students prepare for their own adventure down into Baja.

Best of luck to you Graham, and feel free to join us down in Las Animas this year!

OCEANUS - 2-8-2013 at 08:34 AM

Yes, after reading your original postings we finally made time to visit this site on our trip last year. I believe I wrote to you about our findings in a previous post, but basically the rock formations just appeared to be pens/walls for livestock. An archaeologist who happened to be with us last year concurred with this assessment.

To me, the palm tree was the most intriguing part of the site. How it got there and who kept it alive is a mystery.

David K - 2-8-2013 at 11:29 AM

There is a flat mesa beyond the walls and a flat desert below... the mystery is why on the side of the mesa, and why straight lines (not any enclosure to keep animals)...???

1966 photos by Choral Pepper... July 1966 Edition of Desert Magazine.

2009 photos... 43 years later!

It was fun matching the rocks between the two photos:

[Edited on 2-11-2013 by David K]

Second Spot from Graham, 2-10-13: On the island!

David K - 2-10-2013 at 05:21 PM

Ateo - 2-10-2013 at 05:37 PM

Glad he made the crossing with no issues, that we know about!

Barry A. - 2-10-2013 at 05:46 PM

David-------on your map of Isla Angel de la Guarda, is that location "este ton"??

David K - 2-10-2013 at 05:52 PM

Originally posted by Barry A.
David-------on your map of Isla Angel de la Guarda, is that location "este ton"??

No, it is quite a ways north of Este Ton as well, as north of his first camp site 'Humbug Bay'... New territory!

[Edited on 2-11-2013 by David K]

Bob H - 2-10-2013 at 05:59 PM

David, this is good stuff man! I love the labeling of the rocks to compare the two photos. It's amazing to me that they have not moved at all. And, the cactus has not grown that much either.

David K - 2-10-2013 at 06:13 PM

Originally posted by Bob H
David, this is good stuff man! I love the labeling of the rocks to compare the two photos. It's amazing to me that they have not moved at all. And, the cactus has not grown that much either.

Thanks, this was back on New Years, 2009... It was the Las Animas reference that had me flash back. A couple of Nomads have visited the mystery walls that Choral and other believed were the aborted mission of Santa María Magdalena. Click on the link in my signature to read the Discover Baja magazine article on finding a lost mission...

Barry A. - 2-10-2013 at 06:15 PM

David (or anybody in the know) -----

I have laminated copies of all of Gary Cunningham's "cruising charts" but unfortunately the charts of Isla Angel de los Guarda only shows details of the north-end bays (Refugio), and the east coast baylets, and este ton on the west coast, but not details of the west coast entirely-----do you know where there are any detailed maps on line for the Island? I could not find any decent maps on line.


On edit-------oooops, I just had your aerial maps come on line-----had not seen them before------very good!!!! Barry

[Edited on 2-11-2013 by Barry A.]

David K - 2-10-2013 at 06:19 PM

I edited my reply to you, above... added two maps (one from Graham's book and one from SPOT, today).

The 2009 Baja California Almanac includes the island, and has 'Estaton' included. The 2003 Almanac has the island, but not much else.

Barry A. - 2-10-2013 at 06:42 PM

I scanned the west coast of the Island at high resolution on google-earth and found many baylets one could use, and even found a pretty good size ship-wreck about 1/3 of the way down the west coast from Refugio. The whole coast looks fascinating!!!


Pompano - 2-10-2013 at 06:50 PM

I've dropped my old cruiser's hook in Refugio many times. Like the name says, it's a great refuge.... from high winds especially!

Graham on the island, new satellite images

David K - 2-12-2013 at 12:52 PM

Here from high to low, with a final 3-D side view:

Guests bringing beer are always welcome!

OCEANUS - 2-13-2013 at 03:43 AM

This south facing beach is a good spot for Graham to camp and escape the strong north winds that are forecasted for the next couple of days (according to sailflow)

Barry A. - 2-13-2013 at 03:30 PM

That is certainly an unusual beach in DavidK's last photo------those deep scollops-------don't think I have seen that before. Wonder what causes that?


Feb. 13, 2013 Spot 3

David K - 2-13-2013 at 04:21 PM

Graham sent another A-OK signal, and the spot is just inland from the beach. Perhaps where he is constructiong a shelter?

BajaGeoff - 2-14-2013 at 01:49 PM

Thanks for the update DK!

Spot Signal 2-16-13: A-OK

David K - 2-16-2013 at 11:24 AM

Same location on Angel Island...

Graham has moved!

David K - 2-19-2013 at 05:05 PM

About 2 km. inland from his seaside previous spot.

Looks like a big sandy area?

Graham has walked south to the top of a huge cliff facing Bahia de los Angeles

David K - 2-21-2013 at 04:07 PM

A-OK on Feb. 21, 2013

MikeYounghusband - 2-21-2013 at 07:18 PM

He's on a hike and showing us where he is hiking, I'll bet.

David K - 2-22-2013 at 11:12 AM

Yup... beach to inland, down to cliff... wandering about.

A-OK on 2-24-13

David K - 2-24-2013 at 11:39 PM

Here is Graham's 7th SPOT location... He is just over a mile inland from his first location on the island... northeast from the coast.

desertcpl - 2-25-2013 at 08:23 AM

Did Graham bring his dogs with him

David K - 2-25-2013 at 09:14 AM

Originally posted by desertcpl
Did Graham bring his dogs with him

I didn't see any mention of taking any dogs in our email exchanges. I don't think so, as he was going to do some kayaking.

MexicoTed - 2-25-2013 at 01:04 PM

DK, any ideas of when Graham will be updating his website photos, etc.? I assume it's impossible from the island.

David K - 2-25-2013 at 03:20 PM

Hi Ted, he just began this new adventure... so, don't expect any web page mods for awhile... but, have you seen all the stuff on his web site lately?... Besides details on his four books, there are more stories, Titanic Movie photos (remember Graham, Bonni and her kids were in the movie), and lots more:

Maybe drop an email to the email link on the site and ask Bonni?

Graham on the move: Spot #8 Feb. 26

David K - 2-26-2013 at 06:26 PM

He is still just over a mile from the coast, and about two miles or so south of his previous spot:

desertcpl - 2-26-2013 at 06:29 PM

maybe those wild cats are stocking him, as he wrote before

thats one reason I asked about him bringing his dogs,

David K - 2-26-2013 at 06:41 PM

Originally posted by desertcpl
maybe those wild cats are stocking him, as he wrote before

thats one reason I asked about him bringing his dogs,

They are scary, indeed!

Spot 9: 2-27-13

David K - 2-27-2013 at 07:32 PM

Graham is in the middle of Angel Island, perhaps crossing over to the other side?

[Edited on 2-28-2013 by BajaNomad]

Spot 10: 2-28-13 (PM)

David K - 3-1-2013 at 08:16 AM

Last night, just before 8 pm, Graham sent out a Spot OK signal from back by the beach where he first landed on Angel Island.

Bob H - 3-2-2013 at 10:04 AM

Thanks for all the updates David!

MikeYounghusband - 3-2-2013 at 02:37 PM

Might go visit in a couple of weeks, anyone want to go with?

David K - 3-2-2013 at 08:11 PM

Originally posted by MikeYounghusband
Might go visit in a couple of weeks, anyone want to go with?

I told Graham that when he is off the island I will try and join him for some of the fun on the peninsula... maybe hike some El Camino Real?:light::?::yes:

MikeYounghusband - 3-3-2013 at 08:31 AM

He wants me to bring him some water and beer. Then some hiking and fun.

David K - 3-3-2013 at 10:43 AM

Originally posted by MikeYounghusband
He wants me to bring him some water and beer. Then some hiking and fun.

Ice cold beer is great in the desert, as I will have two ice chests (as long as we camp near a trail my Tacoma truck can get to)!:lol::light::cool:

Spot 11: 3-3-13

David K - 3-3-2013 at 06:58 PM

Graham sent an A-OK Spot signal from 1/2 kilometer off the coast of Isla Angel de la Guarda. We must presume his in in his kayak!:light::cool:

MikeYounghusband - 3-3-2013 at 07:46 PM

Ya think????
Catching dinner probably..

David K - 3-4-2013 at 10:46 AM

Originally posted by MikeYounghusband
Ya think????
Catching dinner probably..

Like this?

Graham Catches Dinner

Is there any other way to catch a dorado, than with your bare hands?


One of the photo's from M, hosted at (links at bottom of VivaBaja home page).

Mar. 5, 2013 A-OK

David K - 3-5-2013 at 01:10 PM

Graham is off the coast of the island again...

MikeYounghusband - 3-5-2013 at 08:10 PM

Maybe he struck out the first trip..

re-reading Graham's books

wendykayak - 3-6-2013 at 12:20 PM

In honor of his latest walkabout, I'm starting to re-read Graham's previous books. Way to go, Graham!!!

David K - 3-7-2013 at 03:31 PM

Originally posted by wendykayak
In honor of his latest walkabout, I'm starting to re-read Graham's previous books. Way to go, Graham!!!

Is this the same WendyKayak who was on Amigos de Baja in 2000-2001? If so, HI!!! If not, then welcome to the Baja Internet and Baja Nomad!!

March 7, 2013: A-OK, new location... Spot 13

David K - 3-7-2013 at 03:32 PM

Zoom in on the spot...

March 10, A-OK Back north near first camp

David K - 3-10-2013 at 04:24 PM

Spot #14

David K - 3-11-2013 at 06:57 PM

New Spot signal today shows Graham almost halfway across to the east side of the Island. Will post map when I get back on my PC.

Spot 15, March 11, 2013

David K - 3-12-2013 at 08:48 AM

Spot 16, March 15, 2013

David K - 3-15-2013 at 07:34 PM

Back to the coast camp site!

Spot 17, March 17, 2013

David K - 3-17-2013 at 04:15 PM

Graham is once again walked about half-way across towards the east side of Angel Island...

micah202 - 3-17-2013 at 05:51 PM

........hmmm,,,wonder if he's even talked to anyone since he went out,,

.....let alone had a meal cooked for him!!!!!:o:biggrin:

Skipjack Joe - 3-17-2013 at 09:03 PM

Don't know how valuable the tracking is for this particular trip. They really don't tell you much of what is going on. Or maybe I'm just not looking hard enough for clues.

Was the purpose of tracking to allow us to share Graham's trip? Perhaps more frequent signals would help us piece it together.

David K - 3-18-2013 at 08:23 AM

Originally posted by Skipjack Joe
Don't know how valuable the tracking is for this particular trip. They really don't tell you much of what is going on. Or maybe I'm just not looking hard enough for clues.

Was the purpose of tracking to allow us to share Graham's trip? Perhaps more frequent signals would help us piece it together.

In the beginning of this thread I thought I mentioned that Graham was only going to show us his spot every few days or when he moves. This was to save battery life while still sharing his location with us. He would welcome a visit (and a beer, I am sure)!

[Edited on 3-18-2013 by David K]

Bob H - 3-18-2013 at 09:13 AM

David, can you give us an idea of the distance... like between spot 16 and spot 17? He's gone up there twice now.

micah202 - 3-18-2013 at 10:13 AM

....yeh,, the occaisonal 'pings' let people know he's still ticking,,,and locations as David said.
.....seems he's doing the trip for himself mostly,,,and the pings help keep the wife re-assured:rolleyes:

MikeYounghusband - 3-18-2013 at 11:26 AM

Originally posted by David K
Originally posted by Skipjack Joe
Don't know how valuable the tracking is for this particular trip. They really don't tell you much of what is going on. Or maybe I'm just not looking hard enough for clues.

Was the purpose of tracking to allow us to share Graham's trip? Perhaps more frequent signals would help us piece it together.

In the beginning of this thread I thought I mentioned that Graham was only going to show us his spot every few days or when he moves. This was to save battery life while still sharing his location with us. He would welcome a visit (and a beer, I am sure)!

[Edited on 3-18-2013 by David K]

Not much time to visit I'm afraid. I believe he's leaving the island in the next week or two. I waited too long and had to cancel.

David K - 3-18-2013 at 11:48 AM

Originally posted by MikeYounghusband
Originally posted by David K
Originally posted by Skipjack Joe
Don't know how valuable the tracking is for this particular trip. They really don't tell you much of what is going on. Or maybe I'm just not looking hard enough for clues.

Was the purpose of tracking to allow us to share Graham's trip? Perhaps more frequent signals would help us piece it together.

In the beginning of this thread I thought I mentioned that Graham was only going to show us his spot every few days or when he moves. This was to save battery life while still sharing his location with us. He would welcome a visit (and a beer, I am sure)!

[Edited on 3-18-2013 by David K]

Not much time to visit I'm afraid. I believe he's leaving the island in the next week or two. I waited too long and had to cancel.

Graham arrived on Angel Island on 2-10-13, so it has been just over a month... I thought he was planning two months on the island...? The next phase will be to walk or 'explore' the peninsula... perhaps after a brief time out?

EDIT: less than an hour ago in my inbox was a new message and spot for Graham, he indeed wants off the island when it can be arranged.

[Edited on 3-19-2013 by David K]

David K - 3-18-2013 at 11:55 AM

Originally posted by Bob H
David, can you give us an idea of the distance... like between spot 16 and spot 17? He's gone up there twice now.

You bet Bob!...

If you can make it out, I drew a ruler line from his popular beach site (Spot 16) to his location yesterday. Just over 4 miles, as the crow flies. Perhaps more than 5 miles traveling around the mountain, on its south side?

MAR. 18, 2013: Trip over. All's well. I would like to be picked up when weather allows

David K - 3-18-2013 at 06:22 PM

Okay, he is back at his main beach island location and is ready for a pick up!

David K - 3-20-2013 at 06:17 PM

Spot signal came in today from the panga (?) taking Graham back to Bahia de los Angeles!

Graham's Spot 3-20-13

[Edited on 3-21-2013 by David K]

Skipjack Joe - 3-20-2013 at 07:28 PM

Originally posted by David K

Me too! I'd like to get picked up and switch places with Graham.
Dang. There's Gary Graham and Graham Macintosh. It's all so confusing.

Graham - 3-24-2013 at 02:26 PM

Back from the island. What an amazing pristine place. Looking forward to returning and seeing more…but not for a while and maybe not alone, it was getting buggy the last few days.

Brought back so many memories of my Into a Desert Place trip. I lost about ten pounds hiking up and down canyons and wandering along the shoreline seeing what there was.

Never moved camp, mostly because it was so well protected from the relentless wind and also because I found so many barrels and crates and other useful stuff my location was just getting too cozy.

Never spoke to anyone in five and half weeks except an LA Bay American fisherman and his boat companion who knew the Spot location and came out to the island twice and once dropped me off 3 gallons of water and then returned with more water and much appreciated fresh food and other treats a week later.

The extra water was a real joy. I’d been using a hand pump reverse osmosis desalinator to make drinking water from the sea. Because I was using it on land instead of out at sea it would take me nearly two hours to make a gallon!

Took lots of photos and enjoyed all the fantastic color and wildlife... sealions, sea turtles, ospreys. Lots of cat tracks and scat but no vampire cat encounters this time. But always plenty of dead things.

On the rare calm days or when I cared to battle wind and current, the bottom fishing was usually too easy… at least for bass and big mouth “lingcods.” I never wanted to catch more than one of the latter as they always came up from the depths bloated and dying.

At the end of five and half weeks I was ready to head home. I had been transported right back to my struggle to reach LA Bay from San Felipe 30 years before with water more precious than anything and food everywhere in the form of fish, seaweed, cactus fruits and ocotillo flowers, clams and berries.

But quite honestly I wondered how I’d dealt with the sun and the loneliness and uncertainties of that trip…I’ll have to read the book again. I guess constant struggle, exhaustion, and the kindness offered to strangers in Baja had a lot to do with it.

I’ll post photos later. Sorry I missed you Mike.

sd - 3-24-2013 at 04:39 PM

Hi Graham,

Love your continued travel journeys! I re read parts of your book Baja Burro earlier today. Love the stories and photos.

Take Care,


Graham - 3-24-2013 at 04:42 PM

Looking south to LA Bay.

[Edited on 3-26-2013 by BajaNomad]

Graham - 3-24-2013 at 04:45 PM

Thanks Scot,

I'll try to get a few more photos in here but I'm having problems with Photobucket - maybe been out on the island too long.

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