Originally posted by Islandbuilder
Look at the demographics of the Baby Boomers, who are retiring at a rate of something over 100,000 per day. We are in better health at our age than
any other generation in history, we have lived adventurous lives and don't want to stop having adventures just because we're graying. At the same
time, most of us have lost most of our retirement equity in the course of the last few years.
So, offer us an adventure, at a reasonable price, and we'll go for it.
IMHO, that is the market that most of Baja should be courting.
When I retire, which will be years later than I had hoped for, I will have virtually nothing but enough to buy a small casa, and to put some cash back
to suppliment whatever remains of my SS account.
If that exists, and does so among a loose scattered group of fellow travelers, then show me THAT, and I'm ready to send off a deposit.
And, I think that much of that was in the Loreto video, but I'm not sure because of my slow mental refresh rate |