
saving a young Humpback whale

desertcpl - 2-4-2013 at 10:39 AM

this was sent to me just a little bit ago, really great work done to save this whale in the Cortez
I really was having a hard time getting the link to work
so just keep opening it and it will start playing

darn, I will have try another way,,, is DK or Shari on here maybe I can forward the email to them

[Edited on 2-4-2013 by desertcpl]

Saving Whale video

David K - 2-4-2013 at 11:10 AM


Step 1, edit to this:

Step 2, add the tags for video viewing (spaces added to illustrate link):

[flash= 640x360] [/flash]

(with spaces removed):

David K - 2-4-2013 at 11:27 AM

My pleasure... the links sometimes have different components so I just try it in preview to see if it works before posting. That v needs to have slashes on both sides /v/ with the first slash after the and delete the = sign after the other slash.... then wrap it in the flash tags.

Anyway nice video... I have seen it before, perhaps here on Nomad a while back. Thanks for sharing it!