

El Jefe - 2-8-2013 at 09:30 AM

A perfect, sunny, windless morning with no surf on the near east cape. So I paddled about 800 yards off shore on the SUP board for some exercise. Along came a mother humpback and her pup, just lounging in the water. Pup all over mom, skin on skin, the two of them obviously loving one another in such a tactile way that I could feel the love myself. Firemen, we see distances in 50 foot hose lengths. Mom and baby were well within one hose length right there on the surface. At one point as they turned my way I felt the need to back paddle a bit so as not to disturb. After about 15 minutes of me just standing there staring, we parted ways.
Tomorrow I'll remember to stick the GoPro in my pocket.

shari - 2-8-2013 at 09:39 AM

WOW...what a wonderful about wishing you had your camera!
Just a related article about SUP issues...probably not a problem where you are but a concern nonetheless....not sure if you can cut and paste the whole url

[Edited on 2-8-2013 by shari]

[Edited on 2-10-2013 by BajaNomad]

whale1-600x318.jpg - 43kB

Great story

pangamadness - 2-8-2013 at 11:12 AM

El Jefe great story I hope to experience that one day. I have heard their songs while free diving the Distiladeras bank for wahoo but never got close. My wife and I met you in San Ignacio on are 1st whale watch trip. Glad to see you are still doing well living in Baja.

El Jefe - 2-8-2013 at 02:38 PM

Yes, thanks. All is well down here.

Somewhere in a box is video of our whale watch trip. Giant gray whales right up to the boat and our friend Joan with a totally porn movie voice over going "Oh baby, yes, yes, OH BABY, come on now, YES......."

Good times. Everybody should do it.

David K - 2-8-2013 at 02:51 PM

That's great Tom... a million dollar memory, indeed! Say hi to Paula... miss you guys... as does all of North County!

Osprey - 2-8-2013 at 04:42 PM

Fished in front of La Ribera today -- saw that loving pair (or some just like it) at the 7 mile mark about 9:00 or so. We were live bait fishing for yellowtail so we saw them up close and personal. Humpback mom and baby.

windgrrl - 2-8-2013 at 07:41 PM

Spotted the pair from the hill above the Buena Vista Pemex a few days ago. Yesterday there was a very flap-happy, breaching solo humpback in the same area. Whales have been dropping in close to the boats as they cruise up towards Punta Pescadero. Nice to see them and the busy dolphin pod back in the hood.

Cypress - 2-8-2013 at 07:48 PM

Lots of Humpbacks around Maui this time of year, cows with calves and males looking to get lucky. If you go diving/snorkeling you can hear 'em singing. Only the males sing. They're coming in close to shore , breaching etc.:D

Islandbuilder - 2-9-2013 at 05:12 PM

An interesting factoid; In Hawaii, in the birthing and breeding grounds, the males are the singers. In the Alaskan feeding grounds, there are about 7 identified bubble-net leaders, and these are (believed to be) all females. The bubble-net feeding behavior is very complex, and involves on whale directing a changing group of other "players" to surround a school of herring or candle fish with a net of blown bubbles, and then stun the encircled fish with a single, very loud single note. The entire pod then lunges to the surface through the fish, mouths wide open and pecteral fins extended to "herd" the fish into their mouths.
Each of the 7 leaders have different songs and "tones" and can be identified using a hydrophone.
It is an amazing experience to have up to 20 humpbacks simultainiously surging up through a balled up school of herring within a few yards of the boat!!

Cypress - 2-9-2013 at 09:59 PM

Originally posted by Islandbuilder

It is an amazing experience to have up to 20 humpbacks simultainiously surging up through a balled up school of herring within a few yards of the boat!!
